《Stress Relief》Returning a favor


Despite her math homework building up, Lauren couldn't find it in her to care.

Camila and Lauren briefly went over details for this weekend after that day in the bathroom. Both of them, to say the least, are super excited.

Lauren's a pretty closed off person. She has friends, tons of them actually, but she's never had such a pull towards only one. She barley makes plans with people, and if she does, she usually ends up canceling. She's a great time to be with, that is, if you actually get to have some time. The only person who sometimes got to consistently be around her was Dinah, but Dinah has been spending a lot of time with her new friend Ally and, as usual, Normani. She's not sure who they are, but they're both gorgeous and lovely and Lauren might be a little intimidated.

Lauren's kind of okay with it, though, because she has someone else to go to now. Honestly, Camila should feel a little honored.

But it's 11 am right now and Lauren's been at Camila's door right now for 15 minutes and no ones answered. She's knocked, rang the doorbell, threatened Camila over text message, and has left 5 missed calls.

Right when Lauren's about to call for the 6th time, the door flies open.

"I am SO sorry." A very groggy looking Camila exclaims, rubbing her eyes.

Any anger Lauren had, had vanished when she was greeted by the messy haired and frantic girl at the door.

"I was taking a small nap, but it ended up being an hour. I'm really sorry, come in." Camila bows her head shamefully and opens the door wider. Lauren just sends her an amused face and steps inside.

"Wait, where are your parents ?" Lauren asks quizzically, realizing they never answered the door either.

A small blush appears on Camila's face. "Um, they took Sofi to disney today." She says as she closes the front door.

Lauren's pleasantly surprised at that.

"Camila Cabello, are you telling me we have this house all to ourselves?" Lauren asks, sauntering over to Camila by the door.

Lauren can tell Camila's a bit taken aback by whatever's happening right now. Lauren puts her arms around Camila's shoulders and gives her a smirk.

"Y-yes. Ehem. Yes." Camila answers a second time, trying to be more confident. Camila thinks she knows where this is going, and begins to lean in a little.

Lauren unwraps herself from Camila and takes a step back. "That's nice." She says, walking away from Camila, not even having to look at the girl's now disappointed and confused face.

Camila follows Lauren up to her room, grabbing and popping a mint into her mouth on the way there. When they get there, Lauren plops onto Camila's bed.

"So, Cabello, what're we doing today?"

"I didn't really plan anything." Camila says dumbly.

"What, did you think we were just gonna make out today, like I'm some hoe of yours?" Lauren replies back unpredictably.

It looks like Camila's offended and is about to deny everything Lauren just said, until she opens her mouth. "Would you be opposed?" Camila asks, lowering her voice an octave. She takes a few steps until she's by the bed, in front of Lauren.


(Lauren's pretty sure Camila lowkey agreed that she's a hoe of hers, and she'd be lying if that didn't turn her on a little. Even though it's a bit anti-feminist of her, she'll let it slide.)

Camila takes another step closer, and lowers herself so she can kiss Lauren. It's a slow kiss, nothing too heated. Lauren sinks into it as Camila grabs her face and tugs on her lips. It lasts a few more moments before Lauren ends it.

"You're not allowed to kiss my lips."

Camila raises an eyebrow at that. "And why is that, princess?" Camila asks, nipping at her neck now, getting on the other side of the bed to get easier access to Lauren.

"Because I said so." Lauren said stubbornly.

"Oh really?" Camila asks jokingly.

"Mhm." Lauren gives back.

"What about these lips?" Camila asks, sliding her hand down to Lauren's crotch area, squeezing lightly.

Lauren lets out a small gasp at the contact. "What're you doing?"

Camila starts to lower herself onto Lauren's body, and plays with the hem of her shorts.

Camila just smirks. "Returning a favor."

With that, Lauren's shorts are tugged off to reveal olive lace panties. Camila finds this to make the situation all much more desirable.

She looks up at Lauren, to see if there's any protest for what's about to happen.

There isn't any. Just want-filled eyes.

Camila sees this as a victory, and decides to take this slow at first. She wants to make sure Lauren's first oral orgasm done by her is done well.

The tan girl begins to kiss the lower part of Lauren's stomach, only riding up her shirt a little bit. She's not sure how Lauren feels yet about being completely naked, so she won't push. The kisses start trailing down past the panties to her inner thighs.

Then, remembering how Lauren reacted to the first hicky she gave, well, she can't help but give another. Camila starts slowing down her kisses in that area and makes them more tender, and apply more pressure. The sucking of this area causes the girl to moan as Camila continues on, leaving the pale girl with a noticeable bruise.

It's not like anyone will ever see that hicky. Just their own little secret.

Camila finally stops the slow kissing of Lauren's inner thighs, and lays a final peck on top of her clothes center. She takes her index finger to the hem of Lauren's panties and looks up with hooded lids. "May I?"

Lauren purses her lips and nods. Camila sees something desperate within her eyes. She knows she won't tell, but something about Lauren is...extra needy today. Her eyes give it away.

At the given consent, Camila pulls down and exposes what she's wanted to see for so long.

It was really worth waiting for, Camila thinks.

Lauren's getting a little uncomfortable, because Camila's staring and she's not really moving.

"Um... Camila, is something wrong?" Lauren asks with an insecure voice.

Camila looks up. "Not at all. You're beautiful." With that, Camila lowers her head and takes a long, gentle lick across Lauren's wet lips. Lauren's head falls back as she lets out a moan at the unexpected movement.


Camila's already high confidence raises at that, and decides to do it another few times. "Lauren," She grips the under of Lauren's thighs as she starts to speak. "How would you feel if I made you cum with only my mouth today?" Arrogance and sexiness seems to drop off each word.

Lauren's response is a mix of a moan and groan, but Camila will take what she can get.

She returns down, and for the next 10 minutes, Camila makes sure she uses her mouth to the best of her ability. Lauren's pants are becoming quicker and she's beginning to tighten her lock on the sheets beside her. With one more brush of Camila's tongue near her clit, Camila speaks.

"You can cum, baby. I know you want to." The vibration of Camila's voice against Lauren's clit is what officially sends her off. Lauren's hips lift and a moan is let out, finally reaching her point of climax.

When Lauren finally gets her breathing back to a normal pace, she looks over at Camila who made her way next to her. She's looking at Lauren with a mix of adoration and something else she can't quite put her finger on. Whatever it is, Lauren likes it.

They lay there, doing small talk. Camila twirls Lauren's hair and Lauren's eyes sparkle with fascination as she speaks about how her extra curricular's let her meet new people that are just so interesting. It goes for about half an hour, just Lauren and Camila getting to know each other even more, when Camila's phone goes off on her nightstand.

😻hey camila ;)

Lauren scoffs as she hands over Camila's phone to her.

"I forget I'm not the only girl you mess around with. I'm going home." An annoyed Lauren says as she pulls Camila's hands off of her and gets off the bed.

"Hey, hey! Just wait." Camila said as she jumped out the bed as well. "I literally have not touched another girl besides you this entire month. Tiffany and I had a fling, like, almost three months ago. I don't care about her."

Lauren's chest swells with pride at that, but she won't let Camila know. "It doesn't matter, Camila. It's not like we're dating." Lauren rolls her eyes and grabs her shorts from the floor and puts them on.

"We could be."

Camila's infatuation with Lauren has been growing substantially since they started speaking. Camila doesn't do relationships, but Lauren makes her think otherwise. Actually speaking what she's thinking did Camila good for once.

"What?" Lauren asks, shocked with Camila's quick and confident reply.

Camila walks over and gently places her hands at Lauren's waist. "You're hot, I'm hot, we don't hate each other. A date wouldn't be the worse thing in the world."

"So does that mean I've conquered the great Camila Cabello?" Lauren asks playfully.

"It's gonna take a lot more than that, Laur." Camila replies, laughing at the banter they've created.

"I get what I want." Lauren retorts

Camila smiles at her, leaning down so their lips barley brush against each other.

"So do I."

They kiss for another 5 minutes, somehow finding their way back to the bed, then finally stop. Lauren gives one final peck before getting off the bed and standing up, only in her shirt and panties.

Honestly, it's a sight Camila hasn't seen often, but will never get sick of. It has to be, like, the eighth wonder of the world.

"Cameeela..." Lauren says in a small, baby like voice.

Camila quirks an eyebrow at this, not understanding why Lauren looks a little sheepish right now. Lauren's hands are held together while she stands in front of her. Camila props her head on her elbow to get a better look.

"Yes?" Camila asks amused.

Lauren bites her lip before continuing, and takes her eyes off the floor. "I was wondering if I could have something else of yours to wear...andmaybekeep" her voice trails off as she mumbles the last part and her eyes stray away from Camila, but Camila's already up and turning on her closet light, sporting an amused, but pleased smirk.

"Well, lucky for you Laur, you just may happen to be my favorite person."

Lauren gets a bit giddy after that, doing a little happy dance when Camila isn't looking, but composes herself right after. She walks over behind Camila and wraps her arms around her waist, leaning against her upper back. Camila's rummaging around her folded clothes, then quickly grabs something.

"Aha! I've found the perfect thing."

Camila triumphantly turns around, still in Lauren's arms, and shows her what she's holding. Lauren immediately throws her head in laughter as soon as she sees what's in her hands.

A white t-shirt with banana print all over it.

"Thank you, I'll put it on now." Lauren says, still letting out breathy laughs.

Lauren's got a mischievous glint in her eye before she peels off her shirt, right in front of Camila. Camila's eyes trail down her chest area where there's a matching olive lace bra that Lauren purposely wore for today.

Before the staring continues, Lauren tugs the soft cotton shirt on, much to Camila's disappointment.

"How do I look?" She asks, as if it was for a photo shoot.

"You look bananas, babe."

Lauren rolls her eyes. "I can't believe I might possibly go on a date with someone who makes lame puns. I thought I had more respect than that."

"Respect? You didn't really have respect when I was fucking your mou-"

"Camila!" Lauren swats her arm as they start laughing together.

Yeah, Lauren really doesn't mind the math homework she has piling up right now.

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