《Stress Relief》Bathroom hickies


Camila's not sure how it happens.

Ever since the day Lauren came over to hang out, she hasn't left her mind. It's been two weeks and things are actually going pretty well between them. She's not sure how, considering Lauren literally thought Camila was the worst scum on this planet just a few weeks ago.

After that day, nothing was weird. They both admitted that they didn't regret it. Nothing explicit has happened since then, but there's still the playful flirting. There's still Camila being obnoxious and Lauren pretending to be annoyed. There's still something that pulls Camila towards this girl without her knowing what.

They don't talk at school. They never did, actually. But when Camila's able to, she sends a wink towards Lauren in the halls. Sometimes it's a smirk or a lift of an eyebrow, but there's always something for Lauren. The girl usually responds with a shy smile, looking down, or a blush.

It makes Camila's day every damn time.

Camila's not really sure whats going on, but she definitely likes it. There's something about Lauren that's just so captivating that Camila can't stay away.

That's why when it's 1 am and thoughts about Lauren wont leave, she texts her.

hey girl hey

It's a long shot, Camila supposes. Lauren's probably already sleeping, exhausted from all the work she's constantly doing.

💓camila wtf go to bed

Camila rolls her eyes while sporting a small smile at the same time. She enjoys seeing that little heart emoji when Lauren texts her. She changed it because last week Lauren was joking around that she was just another hoe to Camila, so obviously Camila showed her loyalty by upgrading Lauren to emoji status. Getting pretty serious if you ask them.

(Lauren highkey appreciated it. She won't tell Camila that, but Camila pretty much knows already.)

no. u go to bed asshole

💓I'm studying

when are you not?

💓why are you up and talking to me

can't sleep and ur cute

💓thanks, I know

luv me some confident girls

💓you're annoying

ouch. my feelings, jaguar. love me pls

💓I like you sometimes

all the time*

where's my varsity jacket btw huh? it's been two weeks and I could've sworn I saw you wearing it yesterday ;)


💓it's comfy.

so is my bed ;)

💓good. use it to sleep.

nah. just like my jacket, I'd rather see you in it

💓I've literally sucked your dick shut up

ah yes what a good memory

still waiting to return that favor

💓you're gonna be waiting for a while, bud

it would be worth it

Lauren never texts Camila back, considering she passed out on her textbook seconds before the text was delivered. She woke up to a pool of drool on page 245 and sunlight coming through the window. She's running a little late, but nothing she can't handle. She gets ready as quick as possible and steps outside, but immediately goes back inside. It's cold as fuck. She runs back to her room and throws on a certain blue jacket, that she just happens to really like.

By the time she gets to school, it's two minutes before the bell rings and she walks as fast as possible to class. When she steps inside to whichever class it is, the bell rings. She lets out a breath of relief and plops down next to Dinah.

While the teacher is briefing over what happened last class, Dinah is giving Lauren a once-over. Lauren's face twists into confusion, until it hits her. She's wearing Camila's jacket. Two days in a row. The first time, Lauren told Dinah it was an accident. This time, she really doesn't know what to tell the Polynesian girl who's giving her a knowing look. Lauren just pays attention to her teacher until she feels her phone vibrate, forgetting to have turned it off before class started like she always does in order to pay attention better.

class is dum


you're dumb

💓I'm literally ranked #1 in our grade

ur ranked #1 in my heart

💓pay attention in class

With that, Lauren puts her phone away. 20 minutes in the lecture, she realizes she really needs to pee. She raises her hand and the teacher seems a little shocked to be honest, Lauren Jauregui, missing 5 minutes of class? Scandalous.

She rushes to the bathroom, to either being able to pee quicker or to get back to the lesson quicker, she doesn't know. She's already drying her washed hands when she feels someone tap her shoulder. She looks up and is greeted with a smirking girl in the mirror.



"Seems like you really like that jacket."

Lauren turns around and has rosy cheeks from embarrassment. Having Camila walk in without her noticing, and seeing 'CABELLO' in big block letters on her back isn't really how she wanted to be seen, especially by Camila.

Camila's really getting a kick out of this, considering the smirk plastered on her face seems to be growing from the embarrassment Lauren is radiating off. Lauren just pulls the sleeves of the jacket to where she can grip it with her nimble fingers. She's biting her lip to hide her smile and is looking down, not wanting to look in Camila's eyes. Camila just tilts her head up with her index finger, and then brown meets green.

"Hey." the brown eyed girl says, putting her arms to the sides of the sink counter, essentially 'trapping' Lauren.

"Hey..." Lauren's eyes quickly look down at Camila's lips, but go right back up. The glint in Camila's eyes already show she noticed, though.

Neither of them realize, but they're both subconsciously leaning towards each other, until their lips finally meet. It's been over 2 weeks since they kissed, and in Camila's case, that's too long of a wait. Camila starts to deepen the kiss and has Lauren pressed up against the counter, when Lauren's arms go up to rest in Camila's shoulders, equally deepening the kiss as well. Camila tries to slip her tongue in after a few minutes of kissing, and her wish is actually granted. She never figured Lauren would let her do that, but she also thought Lauren wouldn't do a lot of other things too.

Lauren's mind is kind of going ballistic right now, considering this is pretty much a surprise. A very nice one, but a surprise nonetheless. They both decide to stop kissing for just a second to breathe, but that's too much time apart. So Camila starts to go to work at Lauren's neck.

She's nipping and sucking at a lower part of Lauren's neck and gently laying kisses. Lauren kind of wants her to stop, because she really doesn't want to have Dinah bombard her with questions later, but the feeling is too great to end. At some point during her necks center of attention time, Camila's arms find their way around Lauren's body, and that's when it all comes back to reality for Lauren.

"Camila." Lauren lets out in a small form of protest.

Camila detaches her mouth from Lauren's neck, still having her arms around her, and looks at her.

"You okay?" The snapback-clad girl asks.

"Yeah, but I should really get back to class. Trust me, though, I would much rather be doing this."

This makes Camila's slight pout go away, and replaces it with a cute, subtle closed mouth smile.

"How about this weekend then? Just you and me."

"I would really like that." Lauren replies with a smile gracing her lips, happy that Camila wants to spend more time together.

"Great." Camila gives her a peck before she backs up, letting Lauren have some space. "Text me." She winks and tries to open the door without breaking eye contact with Lauren, but it's a pull door not a push, so she ends up hitting her head when trying to back up and open it.

"Ouch, fuck." Camila says rubbing her head. "You didn't see that, see ya later."

She leaves and Lauren's pretty sure she hears some mumbling that sounds a lot like 'stupid fucking door' out in the hall before the door shuts completely.

Lauren turns around to check herself in the mirror before she heads to class, maybe liking the forming mark on her neck a little too much. She lets her fingers graze over it when examining it, before leaving the bathroom.

When Lauren gets back to class she learns that she ended up spending 14 minutes gone. Normally, knowing that she missed that much class would bother her to no end, but having the knowledge of what she did, well, she can't find it in her to care.

Plus, seeing Dinah's face and bulged eyes when she walked back in with a hickey was pretty hilarious if you ask her.

This weekend can't come soon enough.

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