《Stress Relief》What's up?


After the whole comment thing on Camila's Instagram, Lauren decides to shut off her phone off for a while. Not that it bothered her, but shes been on her phone a bit too much lately. She ends up watching movies with her brother and sister when she goes downstairs. It was nice. Her mom and dad were coming into the room every now and then to joke around. It felt like what home should be. After a few hours, she realized that both of her siblings were passed out during the movie marathon. She turns off the movie that was currently playing and drapes a blanket over them. She heads to her parents room to wish them a goodnight, and then she's back in her room. She turns her phone back on and it's immediately flooded with notifications from earlier.

What can she say, shes popular.

She goes through everything and then she sees she got a message from Camila a few hours ago.

What's up?

sorry for replying late... I was watching movies with my brother and sister

aww that's cute

you know what else is cute?

*souja boy voice* YOUUUUUUU


i know I am. but really though you are a cayutieeeeeeeeee

the school website posted this from when you spoke at some event thing and must I say DAMNNNNN MAAAAAA😩😍😩😍😩😍😩😍😩😍

do you always have to act like a fuckboi?

we are who we are

I would like you more if you didn't act like one. sometimes you're actually cute

what were we talking about???? definitely not about me being a fuckboi. yup. 100%. I'm the least fuckboi person there is. now what was that about me being cute???????????

For some reason, Lauren has a boost of courage and just goes on impulse mode. She clicks on Camila's contact and then hits the FaceTime button.

Oh god, why did she do that? With each ring, Lauren grows more anxious. It rings for a couple of more seconds, and then she's greeted with Camila's face.

Well, her forehead.

"Well, hey. I wasn't expecting this."

Lauren chuckles a bit before saying "I wasn't either, if I'm being honest."


Lauren's holding the phone a few inches from her face, and smiling at Camila. She can tell she's returning it because of the crinkles in her eyes, even if her phone is angled up.

"Why aren't you showing your face?" Lauren asks with scrunched brows.

"Believe it or not, I look like a fucking mess right now. Shocking, I know."

Lauren laughs before saying, "I don't think you could ever look like a mess."

Lauren's surprised she said that, and by the looks of it, Camila is too. She starts to tilt camera of the phone down so that Lauren can see the rest of her face.

"See? Gorgeous." Lauren says with a boost of courage.

"Is there a reason you're sweet talking me, Jauregui?" Camila asks with a small grin.

"Can't I just state some facts without an ulterior motive?" She says right back.

"Smooth. Wish I had game like you."

"I can teach you some tricks, if you'd like." Lauren states while giving a wink.

Camila chuckles before asking, "Not that I'm not enjoying this, but was there a reason you called?"

"Not really. I was texting you, and then it kind of just happened." A smile starts to appear on Camila's lips once again, and she can't help but smile back. "I do like talking to someone new, though. I feel like I'm always talking to the same people."

"I get it." She says. It looks like she's about to say something before there's a small 'tap tap' at the door. She looks confused for just a second before she raises her voice just a little to say "Come in."

"Camila?" A small, higher pitched voice asked.

"Yes?" She says before she looks like she's opening her arms for someone.

"I had a nightmare and mama and papa are sleeping."

She can see a smaller girl settle into Camila's arms and lay her head down on her chest.

This whole situation is too sweet, Lauren thinks to herself. She knew Camila was a nice person, but this softer side of her was making her heart swell. Right when Camila places a kiss on the younger girls head, she thinks her heart is about to explode.


"Hey, Lauren. I'm gonna have to go now, sor-" she gets cut off by the little voice.

"Who's that?" The smaller Cabello asks.

"Um, this is my friend Lauren." Camila says hesitantly before moving the phone down so the girl laying on her chest could see.

Lauren smiles at the girl and she returns it. It seems smiling is an on-going theme for this call.

"You spoke at my school!" She exclaims.

"Did she now?" Camila asks with a tiny smirk.

Lauren remembers speaking at an elementary school a few days ago. She spoke to the younger kids in the school about the importance of treating teachers nicely while making sure to always do their work. Since it was a lot of kids, though, she can't remember this girls face. Lauren pretends to anyways.

"I remember you. I saw you in the crowd!" Lauren says, and she's immediately glad she did because this girl looks like she just got told the best news of her life.

"Did you hear that, Mila? She remembers me!" The smaller girl squeals out before Camila just puts her head on top of hers affectionately.

"Alright, well I think it's time we let Lauren go-" Camila tries to say before she gets cut off, once again.

"Can Lauren come over?"

Lauren wants to laugh at the pure shock on Camila's face, but decides against it to spare the little girls feelings, just in case she thought it was aimed at her.

"Sofi, its late." She says, and Lauren now knows that that's her name.

"How about tomorrow, then?" Lauren speaks out, and Camila's face looks even more shocked than the first time the other girl spoke.

"Yay!" The younger girl, Sofi as she now know, yells out. "We're going to have so much fun! Can we play here?"

"Sofi, you can't just ask peop-" and Camila gets cut off for the third time that night.

"Nonsense, I'm the one who said we should do it tomorrow. This is my first free weekend in a while, anyways. Might as well spend it doing something fun, right, Camila?" Lauren says and she wants to laugh at Camila's still confused face.

"I mean, I guess," she huffs out. "You guys can have it your way." She says looking down, realizing her little sister fell asleep on her.

"Unbelievable" she mutters with a smile. "I'll see you tomorrow, Lauren?" She says looking up with the same smile, but more noticeably tired.

"Definitely. Goodnight, Camila." And with that Camila hangs up with a small and tired 'goodnight, Lauren'

That actually went better than she expected. She's not sure where that conversation would've went if it wasn't for the intrusion of the small one, but she's glad she showed up.

Lauren's phone hasn't even turned off before she sees a notification at the top of the screen from 'camila cabello'

that was really sweet of you

you don't have to go though. don't feel obligated, my sister just doesn't know boundaries

Lauren winces a little at that. Does Camila not want to see her? Because she made it pretty clear that she was fine with the situation.

im sorry, do you not want to hang out with me?

I didn't mean to overstep any lines we had, but I was actually fine with going

i would love to see you.

Lauren feels her heart flutter, but she ignores it.

I just wanted to make sure you weren't doing this because she kind of put you on the spotlight

nah, she's adorable

you're adorable

Lauren chuckles at that.

I do have to say, though, your sister has more game than you

she got me over to your house before you could

oh shut up

The older Cabello sends Lauren her address and says to come over whenever, as long as she texts her when she's going over.

oh, and I'd love to see you, too.

goodnight, Camila💕

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