《Stress Relief》Follow back?



Lauren took a deep breath before she picked up her phone off her bed. Her friends know not to text her at this time because she's studying, so that only means it's one other person.

Camila. Cabello.

She won't stop annoying her! After that text she saw before AP calculus, she was feeling more disgusted than she already was with the girl. Camila is being really creepy. Lauren thinks now is the time to put a stop to whatever she thinks she's doing.

*picture sent*

so like when you gonna follow back👀 don't make a girl wait smh

Lauren rolled her eyes at the phone. This girl obviously didn't know when to stop.

camila, I hope you would've gotten the hint by now. I'm. Not. Interested.

not interested in what? friendship?

don't play dumb. I know why Dinah gave you my number.

don't act like I ain't cute mami. you know you want this ;)

no, not really. don't flatter yourself.

:( my heartttt

Lauren bites her lip. Maybe that was too harsh? Sure, she's annoying as hell, but bringing in her looks might've been uncalled for?

I'm sorry, that was pretty rude of me. but really, I'm not interested in anything sex related with you. no hard feelings, okay? you're pretty and all, but my schedule is packed. and i don't like you. having a reputation of fucking and leaving isn't much of a turn on.

so that means you don't want me fucking you senseless every night? you don't want to fuck during school, when you know people could catch us? doesn't that turn you on, Lauren? you don't want me touching you in places that I shouldn't?

*read 5:22 pm]

aight, I see how it is

still waiting for that follow back tho😊

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