《Whispers ~ Dream SMP War x Reader》Part 4


Tommy pov

They seemed so peaceful up on that tower, Dream and y/n. Tommy was jealous of it. He longed for a moment of quiet, one where he could think. Or even when he could hang out with y/n, simply be friends instead of war enemies.

Since the war had begun, his mind was fumbling over itself with thoughts of independence, Wilbur's words swimming.

In fact, Wilbur had been delivering a lengthy speech about the war when Tommy had snuck out, saying he needed to grab some items from his now blown up house, the Embassy. Truly, there were barely any items left to salvage, but Wilbur hadn't stopped him.

Tubbo had cast him a jealous look as he left him, half-asleep to the tone of a lecture, and Tommy just promised him that they would sneak out and catch bees sometime soon.

Both his best friend and older brother knew he wasn't truly heading to the Embassy, but let him go anyway.

Now, from his spot, he squinted through the darkness to peer up at the tower. It was hard to tell, but y/n looked to be bearing little to no injuries.

In fact, she seemed to be glowing in the moonlight.

It was clear that the tower falling was not a part of their plan.

After the explosions had finished, Wilbur had told Tommy to take Tubbo and Eret back to L'manburg, for their safety. Fundy had arrived with a gushing wound on his arm, soon followed by a panting Wilbur.

He kept it to himself, but it was pretty badass that she could take on two people while injured. If he mentioned that to anybody (other than Tubbo, of course), he would undoubtedly be scolded for praising the enemy.

Concluding that she was feeling alright, Tommy backed into the woods to protect himself from the first snowflakes. As he turned to leave, he saw them stand up and crawl back down the ladder to escape the chill. A storm was coming, he could feel it.


A door opened nearby. Tommy's pulse quickened and he cursed himself for leaving his sword back at the van, blindly following Wilbur's words of no weapons within the walls.

He quickly melted into the shadows of the forest and sprinted back home, swearing under his breath every time he tripped on a root or leaves rustled underfoot. It would be impossible to run through the woods if he hadn't walked this path thousands of times.

Soon enough, a warm yellow glow seeped in stretching lines between the trees and the gates of L'manberg came into view. The caravan was lit up, showing the people inside. He smiled, those people were his friends, his family.

"Hey Tommy," A voice called behind him.

Tommy jumped and spun on his heel, preparing himself to see one of the Dream Team. He was dead, and he didn't even tell Tubbo he had been the one to steal his sandwich. At least the sandwich was good.

But he didn't have to worry, it was only Eret, his form practically invisible in the night. The moon was blacked out by the storm, making his white eyes brighter, despite his sunglasses.

"What the hell, Eret! You scared the shit out of me!" Tommy swore. Eret shrugged and smiled, carrying a sack over his shoulder. "What's that for?"

"Oh, just went out and gathered some food before the storm hits. Who knows how long until it comes," He rumbled out, sounding exhausted. "What were you doing out here?"


"I just had to check on the Embassy and grab some stuff," Tommy said hesitantly. Some part of Eret sounded off, and Tommy wasn't sure what. "I'll meet you inside in a minute."

Eret nodded and casually headed towards the side building, dropping the bag in there before disappearing into the van.

Something was sketchy about him. He was quiet recently, slipping out of the walls when they were working or planning. Wilbur hadn't questioned it, which made Tommy do the same, but now he was alone.

So, Tommy listened to that little voice and crept towards the black and yellow building. The long needle in the ice-dusted lake nearby cast a long shadow over the small bridge.

Just inside, where he had seen Eret dump it, the sack was squished behind some chests. It was half-hidden, burlap poking out with lumps.

Tommy tugged on it and cringed when it emitted a loud noise, much louder in the dead silent night. The bag was heavier than what it looked like, much larger than just some potatoes and apples.

He switched methods and instead left the bag where it was, untying the knot at the top to see inside.

Just as he got it almost open, seeing the inner depths bathed in red, the iron door clacked open outside the building. Tommy froze, listening.

"Tommy?" Wilbur asked, his steps nearing the building. "Eret said you were out here. Where are you?"

He quickly tied the string on the sack and shoved it down farther, rushing to the other side of the room. Wind poured in as the cracked door opened wider, revealing his older brother, tall against the doorframe.

Wilbur peered at him and looked around the room. "What're you doing out here? It's freezing and it's begun to snow. Why don't you come inside? We have a new plan to discuss."

"I was just putting away the stuff from the Embassy," Tommy said, making his way towards the doors. "I managed to save a bit."

A half-hearted smile appeared on Wilbur's face, his curls darker in the night. "Glad to hear. Now c'mon, the snow is coming down harder. Let's go." He walked off, heading back for the van.

Tommy shivered, feeling the snow begin to fall harder. He quickly ran into the caravan to escape the coming storm, not giving a second thought to Eret's items or how Eret had appeared out of nowhere.

Perhaps it truly was just a sack full of apples.


y/n pov

"So, you truly think Eret will betray his friends?" I questioned, turning over the plan in my mind.

All five of us were sitting beside the fire, gathered together to escape the chill that hung in the house. Snow drifted down in thick bundles outside, creating a white sheen beyond the windows.

I reached for my magic, adding more flames to the fire with a hand gesture. A tint of blue danced with red and orange, matching the color of my hoodie. Heat wreathed the air, spreading through the room.

My magic came easier now, eager for my call, thanks to the night of rest. In fact, my head felt as if nothing had happened.

"Yup, he decided he was on the wrong side." Sapnap flashed a sick grin towards me. "He agreed to help us not only gather their plans but to backstab them soon."

"All in the name of a crown," Dream hummed beside me, his face dancing with the firelight.


"Brilliant." George laughed. Everyone seemed to be in good spirits after learning of Eret's betrayal.

I laughed along with them, letting warmth spread through me. I leaned into Dream's side, not realizing what I had done until I felt his arm wrap around my shoulders.

Upon his connection, something shifted in the back of my mind. The happy warmth was flushed out by a cold and threatening, dark instead of light. It felt wrong, even my magic could tell. The conversation continued, but I didn't hear.

"Hey, you okay?" Dream looked down and whispered to me, sensing my unease.

"Uh, yeah, I'll be back. I'm gonna go check on Ghost," I lied, slipping out of Dream's arm to stand.

Dream looked at me with a face full of concern, but let me go.

I wandered into my room, closing the door and falling back against it. The room was dark and dusty from the lack of use in the past few weeks but still felt like home. Yet, the sense of nostalgia didn't keep the thoughts away.

What are you? I questioned the darkness, sending the words out into my mind.

Icy, metallic words called out to me in my head, Something that has sat and waited for a very long time. Something that has powers beyond belief. A god, if you will.

I sucked in a breath, fear filling my lungs. I tried to cling onto the muted light from the tall windows in my room, but somehow, it looked as if the shadows were climbing, reaching for me.

The words continued on, You are very powerful, y/n. More powerful than you realize. I will have my hold over you, but not until the right moment. You will know when you will feel me. We will rule these lands together, or else I will crush you.

And with those words I pushed as much light I could feel into my head, shoving out the darkness. Light exploded in my head, from doors that I didn't know existed, deep wells of fire erupting.

A minute before the darkness crept away, I swore I saw a flash of red form in the shadowy corner of my room, but it was gone before I could be sure.

I sat back against the door with a shaky breath, putting a hand to my heart. I could feel it beating quickly, even under my layers of clothes, as if it were fighting for my life.

I haven't felt that darkness in a long time, I didn't even recognize it at first. It had only been around in my days before I stumbled upon the Dream Lands, but it had only been a pester, not a full being.

And now it was slinking into my dreams, seeping into reality with threats.

A knock sounded on my door, vibrating against my head. "Y/n, dinner is ready," George said, footsteps disappearing back down the stairs.

For now, this moment would be shoved away, along with the nightmares. No one had to know of this experience. Not even Dream.


"Punz this is amazing!" I said in between bites of the pumpkin pie Punz had brought home. It tasted of fall, the soft tastes melting together in my mouth. Laughs erupted from everyone around the table.

"Well, actually I didn't bake it. There's a new bakery near the docks," Punz hummed and laughed.

"Well whoever made this, they are a saint," I said contently, happily chewing. This was heaven. I finished the first piece, placing another on my plate.

"Alright, y/n, don't make yourself sick." Dream wheezed as he reached for my plate. I pulled the plate out of his reach, dancing around him.

"Never," I said, taking a step away. "This pie has my heart now."

"Oh, really?" He said, whoops arising from the table, as he stood. He sized himself up, his shadow looming over me. Dream wasn't that much taller than me, but enough so.

He reached for the plate in my hands, only the crust left at this point.

Before I thought, I shoved the rest in my mouth and ran out of the kitchen, towards the supply closet. I had seen the competitive glint in Dream's eye, so I acted on it, sprinting away from the heavy footsteps that followed.

As I slammed the door, one lone figure slipped in with me while the other two of Sapnap, Dream, and Punz were locked out. My wind slipped around the doorknob, keeping the others locked outside.

The lone figure jumped at me, who I assumed to be George in the dark room, and I dodged sideways, letting his momentum carry him away from me. A loud oof arose from him as he collided with a table.

"Get her, Georgie!" Sapnap called, his voice muffled against my wind.

George's shape stood up from the ground, bending his knees to leap again. When he did, he missed me, for the second time, and bumped into a stack of chests. The pile clattered to the ground, creating a blockade in front of the door.

While George was blind in this deep darkness, I had the advantage. My magic allowed me to see no matter the light and hear a whisper said across a field.

"Alright, alright, truce?" George said in between breaths, now leaning against the wall. He reached blindly in the wrong direction for me.

I smiled and reached towards him, taking his hand. "Truce. Now let's get out of here to face those maniacs."

But the supposed 'maniacs' had quieted outside the door. Even after I released my wind, plunging the room into silence, there was no trace of them beyond.

"Punz? Sap?" I questioned, shoving the chests out of the way. "Dream?"

No response. I strained my ears, reaching for any shuffle or tell. But I couldn't even hear them throughout the house, only the sound of crackling from the fire in the fireplace.

Suddenly, quick footsteps emitted after a door was flung open.

"Fire! There's a fire!" Dream yelled just outside our door, frantic pushing on the entry following. It wouldn't open with the chests still in the way, Dream's efforts working uselessly.

Panic flared in my system, and faintly, I registered the new scent of smoke in the air.

George and I shoved the rest of the chests out of the way, yet, Dream still was unable to open the door, even when it was clear.

I pulled hard on the door, helping Dream. The doorknob screeched as I tried it, holding strong under my hand.

The door still wouldn't budge as smoke began to fill the room.


Hey guys! here's another chapter. make sure to stay hydrated!

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