《BFB Voting Thingy》Episode 15: Valuable Airtime
*Cake and Eggy are sitting on a bench, with Leafy nearby*
Cake: What a shame it is that Loser got eliminated.
Eggy: Oh, yeah, I agree. It must have been hard for you to deal with that... but, uh... that was, like, 12 episodes ago.
Cake: Oh, what a shame, don't you agree Eggy?
*Eggy moves farther away from Cake, in discomfort* Eggy: Uh... yeah? I just told you that.
Cake: It sucked... *Cake falls asleep*
*Leafy walks up to Eggy, with a paper in her hand* Leafy: Hey, Eggy! Wanna play a game of tic-tac-toe with me?
Eggy: Uh... not really. Just, y'know, elimination and all is putting me in a bad mood today.
Leafy: But, Eggy! We've been doing this game for 24 days, daily now!
Eggy: Look, if you wanted to talk to me so bad, you should've asked me to be on your team. *Eggy walks away*
Leafy: I- did...
*Cake at Stake!*
Announcer: Wow! You guys are here early.
Cake: Yeah, I mean, I just woke up...
Pin: Uh... can we just get on with it?
Coiny: Yeah, I'm kind of anxious.
Announcer: FFFFFFFine. I have a bowl of 6 pizza rolls. If you are safe, you get one. If you are eliminated, you get... nothing.
Firey: How many votes did we get?
Announcer: How many? We got 11 votes.
Clock: That's... less than last time.
Announcer: Just deal with it. Coiny is the first safe, with 0 votes.
Coiny: Yep, I knew this coin creature would be safe.
Announcer: Next safe is Firey and Needle, with 1 vote each.
Needle: Phew, I got scared there for a second.
Announcer: Now it's down to our final 4. Eggy, Pin, Cake, and Clock. Three of you are safe with 2 votes, while one of you is eliminated with 3.
Cake: Well, who is it?
Clock: I can't wait any longer! Tell us!
Announcer: Eggy, Pin and Clock are safe with 2 votes. Cake is eliminated with 3.
Eggy: Oh, phew. I thought I was toasted this time.
Cake: Aw, me?
Pin: Yay, I'm safe! Sorry about getting eliminated, Cake.
Cake: No, it's fine. I always just... slept in challenges, so I kind of deserve this...
Needle: But, you've helped us, a lot!
Cake: I did?
Pin: Yeah! Remember the challenge we had to make a cake? You gave us the win so easily on that one!
Firey: Yeah!
Cake: ...Well, thank you all for the great memories we had. See you all soon!! *Cake disappears*
Eggy: I'll miss him.
Clock: Him??
*Everyone else is sitting around in a field, waiting for the fifteenth challenge*
Woody: Wuh's gonna be the 15th challenge?
Nickel: Huh. Good question.
Fanny: I hate asking questions!
Woody; Go back to yowuh team, Fanny. *Woody pushes Fanny away*
Fanny: I hate this!
Match: Like, Fanny needs to calm down.
Lightning: I agree. Honestly, we need to get a new leader.
Match: Couldn't it, like, be me?
Lightning: You already have a faction. If you're team leader, you'll just favor the alliance.
Match: Then who? Snowball? Fanny? You?
LIghtning: We're NOT choosing Snowball. Also, not me, because I'm humble. (totally)
Match: Then... like... who else is there?
Flower: What about me?
*Match and Lightning both look at eachother in confusion* Match: Like, you?
Bubble: Yeah! Flower seems like a great captain. She's becoming nicer now!
Fanny: I ALSO agree. She doesn't kill people anymore!
Lightning: Fine.
Black Hole: Hey, Death P.A.C.T, look what Liy got us!
Liy: Hey, guys. I'm sorry for how I acted in the past, so I decided to try to make up for it with some cupcakes!
Pen: Aw, Liy, you don't need to apologize for that! You just tried to help us win!
Tree: Yeah, no worries. We were just a little salty when we lost. Thanks!
Liy: No proble-
*Bottle walks up, takes 5 cupcakes, eats them, and leaves happily*
Liy: Oh.
Remote: I couldn't eat them anyways, not a big loss.
Pen: Hey, announcer. What's the fifteenth challenge?
Announcer: Well, Pen... today is a very special day. We're at our final 50!
TV: *cheering sounds*
Pen: Yeah, but-
Announcer: So that means this challenge, we are going to have to go higher!
Marker: What does that mean?
*Announcer teleports everyone to eight hot air balloons* Announcer: This is what I mean.
Tennis Ball: Woah... where are we?
Basketball: Are... we in the sky?
Announcer: Yes. The 15th challenge is to stay on your team hot air balloon. The first team to have all of their members fall down to the ground... loses.
Cloudy: Wait, what about us flyers?
Puffball: Yeah, we... can't really fall.
Announcer: You guys will automatically not count, but you can still help your team.
Black Hole: Sweet.
Announcer: Now, go.
*Free Food POV* Stapy: Well, this is just great! With Bell and Puffball not counting, we basically only have 4 members in. We're a giant target!
Eraser: Hey, cheer up. Think of it this way. We can use Bell and Puffball to knock people out, and we don't even fall!
Bell: Yeah!
Puffball: I'm gonna go to one of the other teams, who is going with me?
Marker: I'm going with Puffball!
Foldy: Me, Bell, Eraser and Stapy are gonna stay here, right guys?
Bell: Yep!
Eraser: Yeah! We'll be on defense!
Marker: Alright! Bye guys! *Marker and Puffball leave*
Foldy: Alright guys, now that they're gone, we have to look for possible intruders!
Stapy: Right! *Free Food looks for intruders*
*Meanwhile, on BLEH's hot air balloon* Saw: Woah... it is windy out here!
Gaty: What do you expect? We're thousands of feet up in the air. There's bound to be a gust.
Saw: But, like, it's super windy! Like, drop you off your feet windy!
Gaty: I don't see your point here. If you can't handle it, just lay down. I'll pilot.
Lollipop: Uhh... you guys can't really pilot. *whispers* Dora's already doing it.
Saw: Oh. Okay?
Dora: DADAAD (I can hear you, y'know...)
Gaty: How does piloting a hot air balloon work, anyway?
*Taco points to Blocky* Taco: Guys! Blocky is going to sabotage us!!
Saw: W-What? *Saw looks at Blocky, who has a needle in his hand*
Blocky: Get ready to lose, BLEH! *Blocky holds a needle, and aims it for Teardrop*
Taco: Guys, what do we do?!
Dora: DADADA (I have a plan.)
*ABNTT POV* Golf Ball: Blocky, what are you doing?! That's our prize! It's sacred!
Blocky: Shut up, GB. I know what I'm doing?
Robot Flower: Who are you aiming for?
8-Ball: It looks like BLEH.
Robot Flower: But why would you point it at BLEH? Are they, like, easier?
Blocky: Yeah... they have 6 members, we have 7.
TV: That's 14% of all remaining contestants.
Tennis Ball: Are you sure this is a good idea, Blocky?
Blocky: It... has to be! *Blocky throws the needle at top speed*
Basketball: WOW! That's fast!
*BLEH POV* Gaty: Woah, woah! Dora, what are you doing?!
Lollipop: Are you insane, Dora?! What is running towards it at top speed gonna do!?
Taco: Guys, the needle is heading straight towards Teardrop!!
*Dora pushes Teardrop out of the way with her left hand, and grabs the needle with the other*
Lollipop: Oh wow, you pushed Teardrop out of the way of a needle that won't even hurt her. Why don't you show us another great stunt, Dora?
Dora: DADADA (Watch this.) *Dora throws Lollipop off*
Lollipop: Oh, great. Skydiving. *Lollipop falls down*
Saw: Dora! Why did you do that?!
Dora: ADADADA (Trust me, it'll be worth it.)
Gaty: I guess we don't need this anymore... *Gaty throws the needle back*
*ABNTT POV* Blocky: My needle! *Blocky grabs the needle* Phew.
Golf Ball: Why do you even need that needle!? It's not gonna cause you to magically win, and it MOST CERTAINLY won't push anyone off.
Blocky: But do you know what will!? *Blocky kicks Golf Ball off of ABNTT's hot air balloon*
Tennis Ball: Aw, seriously Blocky?!
Blocky: Do you want to be next!?
Tennis Ball: No :(
Basketball: You still have the needle though, right?
Blocky: Yep!
TV: So, nothing of value was lost.
Robot Flower: But which team do we target next?!
*8-Ball looks at Beep* 8-Ball: I think I know a team.
*Meanwhile, on Team Ice Cube's hot air balloon...*
Gelatin: Hey, look at me! I'm so high!
Donut: Hey! Gelatin, that is not appropriate to say!
Gelatin: Why? We're in the air, so no one can hear us...right!? Did they monetize the sky or something?!
Donut: Just forget it! Do what you want, I don't care.
Barf Bag: Hey, hey. Don't fight, guys! That's the last thing we need right now!
Bomby: Yeah!
Bracelety: Hey... guys?
Barf Bag: Gh- Bracelety, what is it?
Bracelety: Why is our balloon sinking instead of rising?
Bomby: Is it another avalanche?!
Donut: No, no, Bomby. There has to be a reasonable cause of this...
Gelatin: Have you guys considered... Spongy?
Spongy: Gelatin, are you saying I'm fat?!
Gelatin: Yeah, pretty much
Spongy: So are you guys going to push me off, like you always do? Just throw away Spongy, like he's nothing but a dead weight!
Donut: When did we ever say that?
Bomby: But, Donut. We can't just let him stay. We'll lose again, and one of us will go! Again!
Bracelety: Yeah...
Spongy: *sigh* Get rid of me, I guess. I'm just mad I can't help you guys win...
Barf Bag: Wait... you can help us, Spongy!
Bracelety: Huh?
Spongy: Wha?
Barf Bag: Why don't we... put you on another team's balloon? So you can sabotage them!
Spongy: Okay, fine... But which team do I go on?
Bracelety: Not Death P.A.C.T, or ABNTT. Just because... they are friendly to us!
Donut: Yeah... sure.
Gelatin: Why not iance? Match hates Spongy, she'll surely get set off at the sight of him!
Bomby: Good idea! Ready, Spongy?
Spongy: You know I am!
*Bomby grabs Spongy, and throws him over to iance*
*Iance POV* Spongy: Uh... hello?
Flower: An intruder?!
Snowball: Oh... hey Spongy!
Match: Like, OMG, Spongy! Wanna play spongy cake!?
Ruby: Can I, like, join?!
*Team Ice Cube POV* Gelatin: This was a much better idea on paper.
Donut: If it distracts them, fine.
*Iance POV- and spongy* Flower: Are they seriously just... letting Spongy join?
Fanny: He doesn't look hostile.
Bubble: Spongy is a great friend to be around, just so you know.
Lightning: I say this is bogus. We should just push him off.
Snowball: I don't think you could if you TRIED. Spongy is like, a million pounds. I mean, h-he's not even a problem for me to hold!
Fanny: Uh-huh. Right.
Match: You're cool, Spongy. I don't know why Pencil never saw that in you.
Ruby: Oh, please. That bozo bot Golf Ball is a million times worse than no Spongy can ever be.
Spongy: Thanks, guys! I knew you guys would make great friends.
Bubble: Yeah! Maybe you can join our team?
Ruby: I don't think that's allowed.
Match: What if we add Spongy as an alternate in the alliance instead?
Bubble: Oh hey, that could work!
Spongy: I don't think I really want t-
Match: Like, welcome to the alliance, Spongy!
*Fanny stops* Fanny: Wait a second... WHY CAN I SEE THE GROUND FROM HERE?!
Flower: Huh?! Are we...descending?!
Snowball: I think so! This isn't good...
Lightning: I told you to start hitting the gym, Snowball. All that extra weight isn't doing you any good.
Snowball: Excuse me, I'm very sensitive about my weight, and I would like it if you weren't to say those... rude remarks. :(
Flower: Guys! Not now! We need some weight off of here!
Match: Eh, hot air balloons are boring.
Ruby: I think we're gonna bounce on this one.
Match: Come on, Spongy.
Spongy: Huh!? Wait!
*Match, Ruby, and Spongy jump off* Ruby: Cya, guys!
Bubble: Bye...
Fanny: Okay, now that all that weight is gone, we're going back up, right?
Lightning: Yeah, but we aren't going very fast.
Snowball: Hey. At least the teams can't see us from down here.
Flower: True.
*BEEP POV* Leafy: Woody, don't be scared! We're safe, in a hot air balloon.
Woody: Wuh... okay!
Leafy: Good! See, Nickel, I'm helping him get over his fears.
Nickel: Yeah, okay. Sure.
Balloony: Hey, guys? What is tha-
*Balloony pops, causing everyone on BEEP to stop* Cloudy: Balloony?!
Woody: Balloony... WAAAAAAHHH!!!!
Leafy: Okay, guys. Calm down, it'll be okay!
Rocky: Bleh!
Leafy: Yeah, be like Rocky, positive!
Nickel: Eh, it's not like death doesn't occur every other minute.
Cloudy: Yeah, you're right.
*Woody grabs the needle that popped Balloony* Woody: A needle?
Nickel: Who would throw a needle to pop someone?
Leafy: I think I know someone...
*Leafy sternly looks at Blocky, who is paying no attention* Leafy: It was him.
Nickel: Okay, yeah, but how do we get back at him?
Woody: Grrr, take this! *Woody grabs Nickel*
Nickel: Okay, Woody. I know what you are about to do. Can't we think about tHISSSSSSS-!?
*Woody throws Nickel to A Better Name Than That's balloon, hitting Tennis Ball*
Tennis Ball: AGH! *Tennis Ball falls off, but Nickel barely hangs on*
Basketball: Hey! Why'd you throw Tennis Ball off?!
Nickel: That wasn't me, I swear!
Basketball: Liar! *Basketball grabs on to Nickel's hand to push him off*
Nickel: FOOL! *Nickel grabs onto Basketball, causing both of them to fall down*
Basketball: Oh noooooooooooo....
8-Ball: Geez, it seemed like she wanted to fall down.
Robot Flower: Agreed?
Blocky: Hey, guys! Throw me, cuz I'm gonna get on some team's balloon!
Robot Flower: Fine. *Robot Flower grabs Blocky, and throws him as hard as she can*
8-Ball: Is he gone?
Robot Flower: Yep.
TV: Yay!
8-Ball: Finally, peace.
TV: Indeed.
*Death P.A.C.T. POV* Pen: Black Hole, do you see someone?
Black Hole: I don't know... it's kind of hard to see when you're a giant hole with no eyes or mouth!
Remote: Or nose.
Black Hole: Whatever.
Liy: Wait... I think I see someone!
*Marker and Puffball walk up to Death P.A.C.T's balloon*
Tree: Who are those?
Pen: Yeah, who are you?
Marker: I'm your worst nightmare! A washable writing tool!
Pen: NO....
Tree: Seriously? Okay, why are you here?
Puffball: To knock all of you off, duh.
Remote: That won't happen.
Bottle: Yeah, that won't happen!
Marker: Just, watch! *Marker grabs Pen*
Pen: Wh- Hey, let go of me, you washable menace!
Marker: Oh... okay!
Liy: Pen, no!!
*Marker throws Pen off the balloon*
Pen: Purple is my least favorite colooooooooooooorrrrr...!
Liy: This will not go unpunished!!! *Liy grabs onto Marker, on Puffball*
Tree: Liy, what are you doing?!
Bottle: Yeah, Liy, what are you doing!?
Liy: I will avenge you, Pen! *Liy pushes Marker*
Marker: I'm falling! Ugh, if I'm going down, you're coming with me!!
*Marker grabs Liy, and falls down with her*
Remote: Liy!
Puffball: Marker!
Tree: Look, you pushed our members off, can you leave now?!
Puffball: FINE! But first *Puffball grabs Remote and throws her down*
Remote: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
*Puffball leaves*
Tree: Are you kidding me!?
Bottle: Hey, I'm still here!
Tree: Yeah, sure... Black Hole, make sure this doesn't happen again.
Black Hole: Yep! I totally will.
*The Losers POV* Pin: Oh, great. Look.
Firey: What is it?
Eggy: Is that... Blocky?!
Blocky: Yep! And it's time to be pushed off!
Clock: Woah, woah. We can arrange this! You don't have to do this!
Blocky: Too bad! *Blocky grabs Clock, and pushes him off* Clock: NOOOOOOOOOOooooooooo....
Eggy: This WILL stop now!
Blocky: Uhhh... how about no. *Blocky grabs Eggy*
Eggy: Blocky, don't you dare even attempt to throw me down!
Blocky: Or else? *Blocky drops Eggy*
Eggy: Wait! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOooo- *Eggy falls to impending doom*
Needle: He's on a rampage!
Pin: What do we do!
Coiny: I got this. *Coiny walks up to Blocky* Can you stop hurting my teammates?
Blocky: *Sigh* Fine. But just because you're my friend. But one thing.
Coiny: What?
*Blocky grabs Needle* Blocky: I'll just be taking this!
Needle: HUH?! *Blocky runs off with Needle*
Firey: This is a disaster.
Coiny: I agree.
*Free Food POV- Bell, Eraser, Foldy, Stapy* Eraser: Do you think Puffball will come back soon?
Stapy: We can only hope so...
Foldy: Hey, I think she's arrived!
*Puffball comes back* Puffball: Hey, guys.
Stapy: Wait, where's Marker?
Puffball: He got into a fight with Liy. It didn't turn out well for them.
Stapy: Ugh. Liy.
Foldy: Forget about HER. Did you knock any teams out?
Puffball: Eh. Couldn't really.
Eraser: Aw, that sucks.
Bell: Hey, guys! Look! HE's coming! *Bell points to Blocky, holding Needle*
Blocky: Hello. You guys ready to lose?!
Eraser: Come on, Blocky. We're friends!
*Blocky rips Foldy* Blocky: Sorry, man. Friends don't win you a competition, do they?
Stapy: Grrr! You killed my best friend, Foldy! *Stapy tries to punch Blocky, but his hand is grabbed by Blocky's hand*
Blocky: Sorry, fella. You're gonna need to try harder than that. *Blocky kicks Stapy off the balloon*
Eraser: PLEASE, Blocky! I won't mess with your team, I promise! Just don't kick me off!
Bell: Yeah! He's never wronged you!
Puffball: Spare him, please...
Blocky: ...fine. While I'm at it, I guess I don't need Needy anymore!
Needle: Don't call me- *Blocky throws Needle off of Free Food's balloon*
Blocky: If you want advice, I suggest you ditch this balloon, and go somewhere else. You're safer there. *Blocky leaves.*
Puffball: He's right. *Puffball and Eraser go to Death P.A.C.T's balloon*
Tree: What are YOU doing here?
Bottle: Yeah, what are YOU doing here, hehe!
Eraser: Look, I know my team might have pushed a few members of your team off... including Pen... but can I PLEASE stay with you guys?!
Tree: I'm not convinced.
Eraser: I COULD DIE if you don't!
Bottle: Yeah, he could die if you don't!
Tree: ...Okay, sure. Just don't mess with anything.
*Team Ice Cube POV* Barf Bag: Man, I kinda miss Sponge.
Donut: Me too, but we have to keep going!
Gelatin: Yeah!
*Bomby jumps* Bomby: Yeah!
Bracelety: Uh... Bomby...?
Bomby: Yeah?
Gelatin: Y-your fuse...
The Black Knight of the Demon King
I was once like everyone else. I had a family, went to school, played sports, and had a decent amount of friends, but then one day that all changed. What was the thing that had happened to me you might ask? Well, in short, I was abducted, but if we're being technical, what actually happened was me being summoned to this world called Atalan. However, I wasn't summoned as a hero or this great sage or a wizard or any of that stuff. No, I, Donovan Rutherford, had been transported to this world to be the one and only Black Knight of the Demon King and to defeat the Hero and his companions.(The Cover Photo is from DnD, aka Dungeons and Dragons, which isn't something I own. Well, I own one of the boardgames, but you all know what I mean. Anyways, like my other story I consider it more of a 2D world, but that's just me.)
8 184Daughters of the Void
Emily is a high school student. Too tall and developed for her age. Her will has been broken, so now, she is fearful and insecure. But that, doesn't explain why those around her bully and despise her. Perhaps... it is related to the dark and deep secret that she has inexplicably forgotten? What made her forget it? The strange being, with whom Emily once made a pact, intends to find out what has happened. To do so, will take her to a world terribly different from this one. Why does it take her to another world? Why did Emily forget what makes her different? Why the hell, all of a sudden, can Emily see three floating panels in the middle of the darkness? What is this? A video game with a lush green-eyed redhead as the main character? Daughters of the Void is a story told from multiple points of view, which occur in parallel. As if they were several series in one, where each protagonist advances at their own pace. At first, the story of each character will advance slowly, so I ask you to be patient. Soon, you will discover a story of extreme survival in a medieval fantasy world. A story, a bit dark, that can also be a bit comical at certain moments. But above all, it can be harsh and cruel to its protagonists. I’ve introduced LitRPG elements in a very soft and almost non-existent way at the beginning of the story. As the story progresses, they will become more and more abundant, depending on the protagonist. Emily is the main and first protagonist of "Daughters of the Void". After her; Dianna, Tanya and others. Above all, I’m looking for your immersion, so I will make you aware of most of the thoughts of the protagonists. I also want the reader to feel some uncertainty, putting yourselves in the shoes of some girls who can't find what they lack. I look for realism, but also to surprise myself. Around chapter 25 there is an awakening of the protagonists. Moment in which they will begin to behave as they really want to be. Unrivaled adventurers. Heroines of legend. The secondary protagonists were created to cover some deficiencies that I noticed that the series had when it was only Emily, so their chapters will be more sporadic. Tags and warnings give me creative freedom. This is the first story I've written, although they are not my first drawings. Be kind with your reviews. I know everything can be improved. Also, English is not my native language, neither is my brother's. He’s the one who translates the story. Constructive feedback is always welcome. We learn day by day. Everything helps us to improve the quality of this humble project. Let us know what you think.
8 214From the Ashes
Kadin Banto is a member of the Aspire guild, the best guild in the kingdom of Kahlona. His current contract starts out as a simple missing child case but quickly escalates in to a in depth plot to bring back the demon lords of old, and a Necromancers desire to cover all the lands in flame.This story follows Kadin as he moves forwards to fulfil his contract and eliminate the Necromancer. A battle against time to stop the Necromancer from reaching the plains of ash and opening a portal to bring back the demon lords and the horde is a secondary objective - the Aspire guild will always complete the contract and Kadin will not be the exception.This is the first chapter of my book, I am interested in feedback and thoughts I have complete the first 10 chapters and am still working to complete this - if it is liked and enjoyed I will post the chapters as I finish them.The world itself is a High Fantasy world with all sort of magical creatures, including Elfs, Orcs, Vampires, Demons, giant spiders, enchanted weapons, magical runes, and wizardry - almost every one in this world can use magic - but only a few specialise in it.
8 207One Night; tk
"we were better off as friends"orwhere Taehyung, who is Jungkook's sister's boyfriend ends up in a bed with Jungkook drunk.started- 02/09/2020ended- 17/ 05/ 2021
8 113Unfinished
TATTERED SHOEBOX was one of the first multi-chapter books I wrote.We revisit this tale and learn more about Kento and Leah and what they need to do to finish what was started.
8 165charlie - corbyn besson
"there's one thing that might ruin this.""what?" "i want you to be her mom, but i also want you to be my girl."to my favorite corbyn besson fan, i hope you enjoy.*COMPLETED 1/26/20*
8 183