《BFB Voting Thingy》Episode 11: The Key to Winning
*Robot Flower and 8-Ball are sitting on top of a mountain*
Robot Flower: Man, what a beautiful day, huh 8-Ball?
8-Ball: Yeah, but I don't see why we're still on top of this mountain. Almost as pointless as having a favorite number.
Robot Flower: I'm gonna go see what my friends are doing, bye 8-Ball! *Robot Flower leaves*
8-Ball: Finally, I can go back to sleep.
*Robot Flower walks up to Roboty* Robot Flower: Hey fellow mechanical mind, what is up!
Roboty: .. .. / -.. --- -. - / ..-. . . . .-.. / ... ... --- / --. --- --- -.. -.. (II DONT FEEEL SSO GOODD)
Robot Flower: Oh, uh. Are you okay!?
Roboty: -. -. --- --..-- / .. / ..-. / ..-. . . .-.. .-.. / -... .-. .-. --- -.- . -.- . -. (NNO, I F FEELL BRROKEKEN)
Robot Flower: Here- I'll get Basketball to help you!
Basketball: Yeah, I heard. What's wrong, Roboty?
Roboty: .... . .-.. .--. / -- . (HELP ME)
Basketball: Do you have an internal error or something?
Roboty: .. / --. --- - - / .... ..- ..- .-. - (I GOTT HUURT)
Basketball: Ah, it must be an internal error. I need to take you to my lab for an examination.
Roboty: -.-- --- ..- ..- / -.-. .- -. -. --- - (YOU CANNOT)
Basketball: Wh- why not?
*Nickel walks up* Nickel: Come on, Roboty, it's time for the elimination!
Roboty: ... / ... / --- .-. .-. -.-- / -... -... .- ... -.- . - - -... .- .-.. .-.. / .-.. (S S ORRY BBASKETTBALL L) *Roboty leaves*
Basketball: Dang it. I was kind of excited to examine him.
Robot Flower: You can examine me!
*Cake at Stake!*
Announcer: Hello, BEEPians. You lost last time, so one of you will be eliminated. The prize today is a ball of fluff.
Balloony: These prizes get less edible every day!
Cloudy: I can't believe this.
Announcer: Shush. We got 13 votes. Woody got zero votes, while Nickel got just one, so they're safe.
Nickel: Woo! Bust a move, my boy!
*Woody busts a move*
Announcer: This is embarrassing.
Cloudy: Just tell us who's next safe.
Announcer: You, Balloony, and Leafy, each with one vote.
Leafy: Yay!
Cloudy: Time to add this to my collection.
Balloony: Oh no, little one!
Rocky: Bleh?
Roboty: ..- -. -. ..-. --- .-. - - ..- -. .- - . (UNNFORTUNNATE)
Announcer: The last one safe is... Rocky. Roboty, you were eliminated with 6, the most ever.
Rocky: Bleh!
Woody: Woboty! D:
Roboty: .. / -.- -. . .-- .-- / .. - - (I KNEWW ITT...)
Announcer: Roboty, if it makes you feel better, I will repair you before we go.
Roboty: .-. . .- .-.. .-.. -.-- / -.-- ..--.. (REALLY Y?)
*Announcer repairs Roboty* Announcer: Alright, there you go.
Roboty: - .... .- -. -.- / -.-- --- ..- --..-- / .- -. -. --- ..- -. -.-. . .-. .-.-.- (Thank you, Announcer.)
Balloony: Well, cya, robot boy.
Announcer: Goodbye, Roboty. *Everyone disappears*
Roboty: . ...- . .-. -.-- --- -. . / .. ... / --. --- -. . ..--.. (Everyone is gone?)
*Roboty switches to TTS Mode* Roboty: Finally, I am at true peace.
*Everyone teleports back to Goiky* Balloony: Wh- Where are we!? And where's Roboty?!
Announcer: We're back home. And Roboty is eliminated.
Stapy: So that would mean the mountain we went to was where the eliminated contestants are?
*Foldy pushes Stapy lightly* Foldy: Hey, uh, Stapy. You might wanna see this.
Stapy: What is it- WOAH!
*Yellow Face was hovering over the air, with nothing that helped him glide in the air.*
Yellow Face: I learned how to fly! :D
Puffball: I taught him.
Foldy: Wha- But...
Eraser: Okay, enough filler. What's the 11th contest?
Announcer: The eleventh contest is to find a coin in a safe. There will be 10 safes with each team's name on it. Use the 6 letter passcode on the the side to unlock the safes. Unlock the safe with the coin, and your team wins. The last team to not have found their coin... loses. Go.
Liy: Wait! The heat is killing me!
Tree: Yeah. When we were in the mountain, the temperature was nice. Now, it's just too hot.
Announcer: Fine. You will all be put in nice, air conditioned rooms.
Snowball: Yeah, thanks.
*Bleh POV* Taco: Okay...challenge time!
Saw: Yeah, uh, you guys can go do the challenge.
Lollipop: Hold on a second... where are YOU going?
Saw: Well, I'm just going to check on Dora.
Gaty: Well, why? We can't understand her.
Lollipop: Just because we don't understand Dora, that doesn't mean we can't talk to her. Go ahead, Saw, do what you think is best.
Saw: Okay! *Saw leaves, and walks up to Dora*
Dora: DADADA ADADA (I am so glad Roboty's gone. That menace was only the first step in my plan... now, who to exterminate next...)
Saw: Hey, Dora. I'm guessing you probably aren't in the best mood right now, considering Roboty got eliminated. I saw you two talk a lot, you two must have been real close!
Dora: dadada... (It disappoints me how little you know about me, Buzzsaw.)
Saw: Oh, uh, here! Why don't we get started on the challenge! *Saw goes near a safe*
Saw: Hey, Teardrop! Can you read me the code?
*Teardrop disappointedly looks at Saw.*
Taco: Did you forget...? She can't talk.
*Iance POV* Match: So, like, what's the plan?
Flower: What if we all split up? I mean, we're bound to find it eventually.
Pencil: Yeah. Do that.
Lightning: C'mon Bubble, let's go. *Lightning grabs Bubble and starts moving to the side of the room*
Bubble: Hey, Lightning. I'm really sorry about how Pencil's been acting. I want to tell you that-
Lightning: Don't worry about it. You don't need to apologize for someone else.
Ruby: Fanny, read the code to me!
Fanny: 254256.
Ruby: Ok, thanks! 2...5...4...2-
Snowball: Can this go any slower!?
Fanny: Be patient, Snowball!
Ruby: 6... Done! *Ruby opens the safe*
Match: Is, like, anything in there?
Fanny: Nope. Just air.
Ruby: Well, we better get going on some more safes!
Pencil: Yeah. Agreed.
*ABNTT POV* Golf Ball: Okay, guys. We need a plan.
Basketball: And what would that be?
Golf Ball: Why don't the people with arms unlock the safes, and the people without them read the combinations out to them?
Blocky: Yeah, sure. I'm not good with numbers, but it'll do for now.
Robot Flower: TV, read me the combination!
TV: You know I can just show the combination on my screen, right?
Robot Flower: Oh... yeah, do that.
*TV shows up the combination 572486 on his screen.* TV: Is that better?
Robot Flower: Yeah, but the safe is empty.
8-Ball: So is ours.
Blocky: We need a faster strategy...
Tennis Ball: Hmmm... I have an idea.
*Free Food POV* Foldy: Hey guys... look what we got! *Foldy holds up the key Death P.A.C.T. got last challenge*
Eraser: Woah... where did you get that?
Marker: We stole it.
Bell: Stealing?! If Fries was still here, he would hate that idea!
Puffball: But, he's not. So get over it.
*Stapy grabs the key* Stapy: Now let's open these things!
*Stapy opens every safe with the key* Stapy: What's inside?
Bell: Nothing.
Marker: Dirt?
*Eraser grabs the coin* Eraser: Is this what we use to win?
Announcer: Correct. Free Food is first safe. Your prize is a package full of ladder pieces.
Yellow Face: I LOVE LADDERS!
*Death P.A.C.T. POV* Black Hole: Okay, uh, yeah, challenge.
Tree: We got a prize last time, if I recall.
Remote: It was a key. Right now, the key is in Pen's possession.
Pen: Oh, yeah, I totally have it! *Pen looks at Bottle, with no key in sight*
Pen: Bottle, where's the key!?
Bottle: What? I don't have it.
Liy: Are you accusing Bottle of losing the key?
Pen: No, no, I was just-
Remote: How could you.
Black Hole: Can we just...forget about the key? I mean, it doesn't make a difference whether we have it or not.
*Pillow walks back* Pillow: Hey guys. I opened a safe. Nothing was inside though.
Tree: Oh, yeah... we have to do the challenge. Alright gang, let's open some safes.
Liy: Yeah, I don't want to lose again. *Death P.A.C.T. leaves*
Pillow: Hey Bottle!
Bottle: Oh, hey Pillow. What is it?
Pillow: I have a... proposal to you. What if we form an alliance?
Bottle: Sure!... Wait, what?
Pillow: I mean, we aren't the most liked contestants... if we form an alliance, our chances of winning will increase!
Bottle: Huh. You're right! Okay, I'm in!
Pillow: Perfect...
*The Losers POV* Needle: This is like, our fifth safe, right?
Cake: Yeah... I guess it's my turn to read the code.
Pin: I'm ready, you can read it now.
Cake: Four...seven...four...
Firey: Keep going!
Cake: six... one... nine.
Pin: Got it! *Pin tries to open the safe, but its stuck*
Clock: What's wrong?
Eggy: Pin's trying to open it, but it's stuck!
Clock: So? Big deal. Our coin obviously wasn't in this one, lets just try the others.
Pin: *sigh* Clock's right. Let's just leave this one.
Cake: Dang it...I really thought that was the one.
Eggy: Patience is a virtue, Cake.
*Team Ice Cube POV* Bracelety: Ok, the code is 928433!
Spongy: Okay! *Spongy opens the safe*
Gelatin: What's inside?
Bracelety: An Ice Cube coin? I love it!!
*Gelatin facepalms* Oh, great. This again.
*Donut looks at the coin* Donut: Wait, we're safe, right?
Announcer: Correct. Team Ice Cube is safe.
*Barf Bag flinches* Barf Bag: Hey! Stop scaring us like that!
Announcer: You're the only one scared. Also, I'll be taking that. *Announcer grabs the coin from Bracelety.*
Bracelety: No! D:
Bomby: Get over it.
*BEEP POV* Cloudy: Ah, if David or Roboty were here, things would be a lot easier.
Balloony: N-no. Not really.
Leafy: What do you mean, Balloony?
Balloony: They kinda just sat around and did nothing. I mean, yeah, every once in a while they'd help us, but every second they weren't helping, those two just sat around. I miss them, but...
Cloudy: How would you feel if I said that about Rocky?
Balloony: Unlike them, Rocky pulls his weight. Right, little one?
Rocky: Mhm!
Woody: Guys, wook!
Rocky: Hm?
Nickel: Oh, wow. A coin! Good job, Woody!
Woody: Wuhhuh!
Announcer: BEEP is safe, at third.
Rocky: *happy vomiting noises*
*ABNTT POV* Tennis Ball: Why don't we use my mini Wall Teleporter™?
8-Ball: So what, we can just get stuck inside the safes, too?
Tennis Ball: But you see 8-Ball, this teleporter has an X-ray button.
TV: So it isn't completely useless?
Tennis Ball: We can look inside the safes with the teleporter, and only ever bother to find the combination of one of them!
Golf Ball: Great idea, TB!
Basketball: Well, what are we waiting for?! Let's do this!
*five safes later*
Robot Flower: We found the one, guys!
Tennis Ball: Uh, Blocky! Tell me the combination!
Blocky: Ok. Seven, zero, zero, zero, zero, eleven.
Tennis Ball: Eleven!? *The safe opens.*
Robot Flower: Ah, this treasure deserves us a victory!
Announcer: Indeed it does, Robot Flower. A Better Name Than That is safe!
Blocky: Nice!
Lollipop: What about us? We just finished.
Announcer: I was getting to you. BLEH is safe.
Gaty: This is great! I wonder where Teardrop is.
*Teardrop walks over to the mini Wall Teleporter™, and makes sure no one is looking*
*Teardrop grabs it, and decides to indefinitely "borrow" it*
Tree: Hey, announcer. We're safe too, right?
Announcer: ...
Remote: Hello?
Announcer: Yeah, you're safe. I just needed a second to sleep.
Remote: Sleep? It's the middle of the day.
Announcer: I have a bad sleep schedule. Anyways, it's down to Iance, and The Losers.
Liy: Ah, it feels so nice to be safe again-... *Liy sees Stapy and Foldy, who have the key Death P.A.C.T. won*
Black Hole: Uh, Liy? Are you ok?
Liy: THOSE TWO ARE THE ONES THAT STOLE OUR KEY! *Liy points at Foldy and Stapy*
Black Hole: So? It's not a big deal...
Pen: What's her problem?
*Free Food POV* Stapy: Who is that?
Foldy: U-ugh... I think it's Liy...
Stapy: Okay, what are you doing here!?
Liy: I'm taking back what's rightfully MINE! *Liy snatches the key out of Foldy and Stapy's hands*
Foldy: Whatever! I don't want to touch your slimy key anyway!
Eraser: Hey guys, what's wrong? You look pooped.
Stapy: Just don't even worry about it.
Yellow Face: Okay! *Yellow Face flies off into the sunset*
*Iance POV* Match: Like, where is it?
Snowball: I don't know! We've searched through, like, every safe!
Lightning: Yeah, I don't know...
Bubble: Maybe it was dropped somewhere?!
Ruby: Yeah, everyone, use your metal detector senses to find it!
Fanny: Metal detector senses?
Ruby: You're battery powered, right? Don't you like, have a sense that detects metal?
Fanny: What kind of movies do you even watch? *Fanny walks away*
Pencil: Agh, stop it! Just start looking already!
Snowball: And I thought I was bossy...
Flower: I found it!
Pencil: Really?
Flower: JK, lol. Now you know how it feels to be-
Pencil: I'm going to rip one of your petals off in a second.
Flower: ...
*The Losers POV* Pin: Agh, we've checked every other safe! Where could it be?!
Needle: It has to be in... the broken safe, then.
Firey: Wow, this is just great! We're softlocked from even completing the challenge.
Eggy: Hmmm...what if we use Coiny?
The Losers: What?
Coiny: Hm... go on.
Eggy: What if we just hold Coiny up in the air, and just... give him to announcer?
Clock: Uh... I have a bad feeling about this.
Cake: Come on Clock, it'll be fine.
*Firey holds up Coiny* Firey: Hey announcer-
Announcer: Hm. Have you got a coin?
Pin: Yep! Totally!
Announcer: Time to use my Coin Scanner™.
*The scanner scans Coiny, and confirms he's a Coin*
Announcer: It is a coin. Good job. The Losers are the last ones safe.
*The Losers all cheer*
Announcer: Now, I'll be taking this Coin. *Announcer takes Coiny and teleports away*
Pin: Wh- Coiny?!
Clock: Coiny's gone. See, I told you this was a bad idea!
Cake: Sorry...
*Iance POV* Pencil: Okay everyone, keep looking!
Match: There's no need. we already lost.
Pencil: ...WHAT?! Where was it?!
Snowball: No idea. But wherever it was, it must've been hidden very nicely.
Lightning: Heh, yeah.
Bubble: Alright, wouldn't this be the part where the voting happens?
Flower: Yeah. Any time now.
Bubble: Uh, hello-
Lightning: Hey Bubble...
Bubble: Hey Lightning, what's up?
Lightning: Can I be honest to you about something?
Bubble: Yeah, sure.
*Lightning sighs, then holds up the coin* Lightning: I had the coin the whole time.
Bubble: Wha...? But why did you hide it?! We could've won!
Lightning: I thought that if we lost, Pencil would've gotten eliminated. You wouldn't get bossed around anymore!
Bubble: But...Pencil is my friend...
*Flower watches in a bush in the background* Flower: Huh. So that's what happened.
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