《BFB Voting Thingy》Episode 8: Broken Bridges
Balloony: Cloudy, wanna play toss the dirt with me?
Cloudy: I'd love to! *Grabs a shovel from his gollection*
Balloony: Isn't this fun, Cloudy?
Cloudy: Yeah! I can add this dirt to my dirt collection!
*The scene switches to Dora watching from behind*
Dora: dadada... (I swear, I'm going to make every one of you suffer for merely allowing someone as David to exist...)
Roboty: .. / -.-. .- -. / .... . .- .-. / -.-- --- ..- (I CAN HEAR YOU)
Dora: adadada (What does it matter if you get involved? It's not like you can stop my wrath, you sorry sack of zinc.
Roboty: -.. --- -. - / --. . - / -- . / .. -. ...- --- .-.. ...- . -.. / .-- .. - .... / - .... .. ... .-.-.- (DONT GET ME INVOLVED WITH THIS.)
Saw: There you are Dora, let's go! *Steals Dora*
Marker: How come we can't play toss the dirt, guys?
Bell: Don't you remember, we lost? We don't really have time for your silly games right now.
Foldy: Maybe tomorrow, Marker.
Puffball: We're here!
Announcer: Glad you all could make it. We got five votes.
Eraser: Five? Wow, you must really suck for the numbers to drop like THAT.
Announcer: I was going to give you some cake, but instead you have a piece of chewed bubblegum, due to how rude you've been today.
Eraser: I'm rude!? Wait hold on, I'm safe too?
Announcer: Yes, you got zero votes. Along with Puffball, Stapy, and Marker.
Puffball: Yay.
Stapy: Woah- wait. Foldy isn't safe!?
Announcer: Yes, she is. With one vote. Stop overreacting.
Foldy: Yay!
Yellow Face: What about ME? Aren't I SAFE!?
Announcer: Yeah. Here's your gum.
Yellow Face: Augh.
Announcer: Now it's down to Bell, and Fries. One of you will be eliminated.
Bell: Just say who it is already!!!
Fries: Yeah! I can't take this waiting!
Announcer: Way to ruin the suspense. Fries, you're eliminated with 2 votes. Bell is safe with 1.
Bell: Oh, yay! Sorry Fries.
Fries: Eh, I haven't been a good leader, anyways. I give my condolences to you guys, and hope you can stay strong without me.
Gelatin: Wait!!!
Announcer: What do you want?
Gelatin: Fries, can I have one of your fries?
Fries: Okay, fine. Here you go.
Gelatin: Thanks, Fries!
Fries: Just don't- *dissapears*
Gelatin: *looks around... consumes the fry*
Bell: Gelatin! How could you?
Gelatin: I'm sorry, I was too hungry to serve leftovers.
Bell: What? I meant-
Eraser: So, what's the next contest?
Announcer: Already?
Eraser: I'm bored.
Blocky: Yeah, just tell us already, edge-box!
Announcer: Edge box? Anyways, the 8th challenge is to cross those bridges over there. The last team to get ALL of their members to the finish loses!
Eggy: You didn't need to clarify that!
Pin: I think he did.
Announcer: Go.
*Death P.A.C.T. POV* Black Hole: Ok, team, what's up?
Liy: We've looked all over; we can't find Pillow anywhere!
Pie: Yeah, everywhere we looked had no Pillow in sight!
Black Hole: Alright, you two should try to find Pillow again, and search where you haven't before. Pen, you should- Hey, are you even listening to me!?
Pen: Sorry Black Hole, if you snooze, you lose!
Black Hole: AS I WAS SAYING.... Remote, go with Pie and Liy to find Pillow. Tree and Bottle, do the course.
Tree: But what about you?
Black Hole: I'll stay on watch.
Bottle: Come on Tree, let's go!
Tree: Be careful Bottle, we don't know how sturdy this bridge is...
Pen: I finished!
Announcer: Wow, good job. Your prize is a pizza cutter!
Pen: A pizza cutter...
Announcer: It's a surprise tool that will help you later.
Pen: Okay...
*Team Ice Cube POV* Donut: Woah, Bomby, aren't you going too fast?
Bomby: I'm fine! The bridge is totally stable!
*bridge crack* Bomby: AH! *starts running faster*
Barf Bag: Phew... good to know he's safe.
Announcer: Bomby, you are second. Now get the rest of your team.
Naily: We're gonna nail this one!
*BEEP POV* Leafy: Cloudy, take me for a ride over that bridge!
Cloudy: On it! *Cloudy flies Leafy over the bridge*
Announcer: Good job. Now get the rest of your team.
Leafy: Oh, yeah. Cloudy, I'm sure you can handle this just fine! Now go get the rest of our teammates!
*ABNTT POV* 8-Ball: Robot Flower, go get GB and TB to the finish line. Make it snappy, but be careful, as those bridges are unstable.
Robot Flower: Okay, here goes! *RF grabs GB and TB and zips them to the finish*
Announcer: When is anyone going to actually bring their full team?
Tennis Ball: Sorry, Hosty. We were in a rush.
Robot Flower: Okay, I'm back. Who do I take next?
8-Ball: Woah Robot Flower, calm down. You don't need to take anyone! Look at TV, and Blocky. They are on their break!
Basketball: We're not doing this again, are we?
TV: shhh i'm on my break
*Free Food POV* Eraser: OMG, Guys. That's like, a British guy, right? *pointing at tree*
Foldy: Yeah, you're right!
Marker: British people deserve punishment!
*Stapy grabs an unsuspecting Gaty*
Gaty: What are you doing!? Unhand me now!
Stapy: I'm doing this for the greater good. *Stapy throws Gaty at Tree, knocking them both off*
Tree: Agh, I'm not even British... I'm Australian.
*Tree and Gaty fall down, with minor scratches*
Bottle: Oh, he's gone? Oh well!
Remote: But I'm here! And there's the finish!
Announcer: Bottle and Remote have joined Pen in the list of safe Death P.A.C.Ters!
Pen: Nice!
Cloudy: Hey, Announcer, I got Balloony and Rocky!
Balloony: Uh, hello!
Rocky: BLEH!
Announcer: Hello.
Barf Bag: And I made it too!
Bracelety: Yeah!
Bomby: Hey Barf Bag!!
*Free Food POV* Eraser: What do we do, now that the British dude is gone?
Marker: We're like supposed to get across those bridges, right?
Eraser: Oh yeah... Here's a boost *Eraser throws Marker over*
Marker: Huh?
Announcer: Welcome to the finish, Marker.
Marker: Was it really that short of a walk?
*The Losers POV* Coiny: OMG! We should do what they did!
Pin: But with who?
Coiny: Since Firey's afraid of heights, he's the obvious pick!
Fiery: Well, uh Coiny, I-
Firey: Coiny WAIAAAAAAAAAAAA- *gets thrown to the finish*
Announcer: Where do all these people come from?
*Iance POV* Fanny: Oh no! A hole in the foundation! I hate this!
Snowball: Fanny, relax. *Grabs Woody* I know a solution.
Woody: Wuh-huh?
Fanny: Woody! Help us get through that hole in the bridge!
Woody: Okay... *Woody grabs Snowball and Fanny, and throws them to the finish*
Fanny: Thanks.
Woody: WOH NOH! IM WOOZING BALANCE! *Woody falls*
Snowball: Heh. Idiot.
Cloudy: Alright, I just finished up with Nickel!
Nickel: Thanks!
Cloudy: Now where's Woody?
Nickel: Hm.
Eraser: Hey Marker, took me a sec, but I made it.
Marker: Yay!
Announcer: Current standards:
iance: 2/8 members crossed
BEEP: 5/7 members crossed
TIC: 3/7 members crossed
DP: 3/8 members crossed
TL: 1/7 members crossed
ABNTT: 3/7 members crossed
FF: 2/7 members crossed
BLEH: 0/7 members crossed
Announcer: Back to the show!
*Tree and Gaty POV* Tree: Where are we?
Gaty: I don't know, but I sure as heck have never been here before...
Tree: Woah, is that-
Woody: Wuh?
Tree: Oh. It's just Woody.
Gaty: Should we try to find help to get us out of here?
Tree: Sure, I guess.. HEY DEATH PACT!
Liy: TREE?!
Tree: WHAT'S UP?
Pie: Oh, hey Tree, still no Pillow yet!
Liy: OK! *Liy extends her arm out, grabbing on to Tree*
Tree: Alright guys, hold on!
*Everyone is pulled back up*
Liy: So yeah, we couldn't find Pillow.
Tree: Who says we call it a day and give up?
Liy: Yeah...
Pie: You may all just go and do the challenge, but I'm going to TRY to find my friend!
Liy: Look Pie, I know you're mad, but we've been searching for days!
Pie: Fine, just go win or something...
Announcer: Liy and Tree are safe. Which makes Death P.A.C.T. have 5/8 of their members at the finish line.
Gaty: Oh, hey Announcer, is my team safe?
Announcer: No, but if you can get the rest of your team here, you will be!
Gaty: Ugh...
*The Losers POV* Pin: Firey, we made it as quick as we can!
Needle: Yeah!
Firey: Where's Coiny?
Needle: So... it turns out Clock is extra scared of bridges, and Coiny has to guide him through it for him to even finish.
Firey: Geez. He needs a time out.
*Team Ice Cube POV* Donut: Just go slow and steady, Gelatin.
Gelatin: This is boring...where's Naily?
Donut: She just...got a little scared and decided to go a little behind!
Gelatin: Great excuse.
Donut: We're here, anyways.
Barf Bag: Hey guys!
Announcer: That means Team Ice Cube only has 2 remaining members not crossed!
Bomby: 2!?
*ABNTT POV* Basketball: Robot Flower, wake up.
Robot Flower: Huh?
Basketball: Go get 8-Ball and Blocky to the finish.
Robot Flower: Oh, ok!
Blocky: What are you- WOA-!?
*Robot Flower crashes into the finish*
Blocky: Ow.
8-Ball: That means we just need TV, and that slow Basketball to finish.
*Iance POV* Match: Alright YF, we're almost done with the makeover!
Yellow Face: YAAAY!
Lightning: Shouldn't we be-
Bubble: Sh... this is art.
Lightning: But what about the-
Flower: Just wait a second.
Lighting: Fine! I'll do this challenge myself!
*Lightning flies to the finish*
Lightning: Fanny, Snowball, you will not believe what the rest of our team is doing.
Fanny: I hate this!
Pencil: Snowball, we've just finished something! Give us some space!
Snowball: No! *Grabs Pencil and Match* You two are coming with me!
Match: I don't like, like, like this!
Yellow Face: I guess I should come too...
Ruby: Hey Announcer!
Announcer: Hello, Iance.
Lightning: Aren't we safe?
Announcer: You're missing someone!
All of Iance: You don't mean...
Lightning: Flower. I'll deal with this.
*Bleh POV*
Gaty: Hey announcer! I'm back! And I brought Teardrop this time!
Announcer: Still not enough, sadly. Better luck next time!
*Teardrop shrugs*
Gaty: Let's get the rest of our team...
*Team Ice Cube POV* Barf Bag: Hey guys, I think I see Naily!
Naily: Hey guys!
Bomby: Ohmigosh Naily!
Gelatin: Aw, yeah! I told you, no bridge can scare you!
Donut: Wait... who else are we missing...?
Naily: What's her problem?
Bracelety: No idea!
*ABNTT POV* Basketball: Okay TV, time to wake up!
Basketball: ...
TV: Shush.
Basketball: This isn't a joke TV, wake up.
TV: I can't hear you. Try saying that last one louder?
Basketball: Ugh!!
*Free Food POV* Foldy: Stapy, we're here!
Stapy: Finally!
Announcer: Hello, You two are safe! There are only two foodies not safe yet.
Puffball: I'm also here!
Announcer: Oh. One foodie not safe.
Puffball: Sorry for being late!
*Death P.A.C.T. POV* Pie: Hello? Pillow? You here?
Pillow: Oh, hey Pie.
Pie: Have you been here the entire time?
Pillow: You can say so!
Pie: Pillow, why do you leave us so often, anyways?
Pillow: Eh. I just think it's fun.
Pie: I mean, if you barely compete, you do even want that prize the announcer talks about?
Pillow: Not really. I just want to have fun.
Pie: Really?
Pillow: Yeah... we can go back now.
Announcer: And Death P.A.C.T. is safe!
Liy: So where was Pillow?
Pie: Good ol' evil canyon!
Liy: Oh.
Gaty: Okay... I actually got all of my team now!
Lollipop: Sup.
Announcer: Bleh is safe!
Balloony: We got Woody and Roboty!
Roboty: -.-- . .- .... (yeah)
Announcer: Beep is safe!
Coiny: We got things under control now!
Clock: Yeah, I got over my fear!
Announcer: The Losers are safe!
Bell: Hey guys, sorry I was late, hehe.
Marker: It's fine!
Announcer: Free Food is safe!
Lightning: Here's your little "flower".
Announcer: Iance is safe! Now it's down to ABNTT and Team Ice Cube!
*Team Ice Cube POV* Barf Bag: Spongy, come on! We're sorry we forgot you! Just do the challenge!
Spongy: No! I tried joining these team thinking I'd be valued and have good friends, but I just get people who forget me!
Barf Bag: Thats not true! We're great friends!
Spongy: I don't feel like it!
Barf Bag: You... don't?
Spongy: And if you keep this up, I might never be your friend again.
Barf Bag: Spongy...
*ABNTT POV* Basketball: UGH! I'm tired of you just yelling at me like I'm nothing! What happened to our friendship!? All because I voted for you?!
TV: Yes!
Basketball: I apologize for what I've done, okay!? But this gives you no right to act like such... a jerk! Do you have any emotion at all?!
TV: No
Basketball: I'm done with you *Grabs TV and starts running*
Blocky: Oh wow, good job!
Announcer: A Better Name than that is safe!
Announcer Which means that Team Ice Cube is up for elimination!
Barf Bag: Aw man, we lost...
Spongy: We... lost? No, no, Barf Bag, don't be sorry, I caused this.
Donut: We could have all done better.
Naily: I guess that was the nail on the coffin.
*awkward silence*
Bell: Ugh... why did I do so bad!? It's like no one can rely on me!
Taco: What about me? I rely on you... sometimes!
Bell: You do not count... at all.
Taco: Geez, ok.
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