《Hold on to me - Leonardo dicaprio》unexpected


I finished packing the last of my things for tomorrow.

God, I'm actually so nervous!

It seems all so fast. One day I was just hanging out with him the next he asks me to move states with him.

That's actually crazy if I think about it. Not too long ago I was at the hospital with him because he tried taking his own life, then suddenly he tells me he's been secretly going to acting classes and wants to move. I mean I haven't even met his family and he hasn't met mine... yeah, I met his mom a couple times. She's always know me and Leo to know each other but never to be friends. And my mom... well no she hasn't met him properly, just seen him the odd time really.

She's literally okay with me leaving, with a boy she doesn't even know anything about.

I mean I guess that's the thing with parents that don't really give a shit about their children, they let them do whatever they want. Don't get me wrong, I'm great full I don't have a mom that wants me to be home by a certain time or gets grounded for the littlest things ever. In fact I don't think I've ever actually been grounded...no I haven't. Lucky me I guess. I just feel like I want someone to actually care.

Me and my mom don't have the best relationship but I don't need or want anyone to know that. I kinda just keep my feelings to myself when it comes to family problems or other things... I've never had anyone to tell my secrets to. No one ever listens, ever.

I think since Leo and my mom have never met like actually I think I should arrange something. I'll call my mom and see if she'll agree and if she does I'll ask her for a time and let Leo know.


I jump down the last couple of steps and make my way to the living room where I left Leo, sleeping. He tends to do that a lot to be honest. I mean I wish I could sleep as much as him. It would be good to get myself a decent sleeping schedule. Anyways, I'm entering.


He's no longer sleeping. Surprisingly, HAHAHA I'm joking. He seems to be watching a movie or something. Not wanting my presents known i carefully make my way into the living room.

"Fuck!" I really just had to stub my fucking toe. Great!

"Jordan, hey!" Leo smiles, staring at me hoping to the couch to sit besides him.

"Hey! Sorry for um that. What you watching?"

"Blow. I don't know if you've heard of it, it's just about drugs and shit. You know, drug gangs?"

Yes Leo, I have seen it actually. God, does he think I only watch romantic shit or something?

"Yeah I've seen it. I think it's a pretty good movie actually."

"Yeah, it's one of my favourites."

I smile at him "maybe if you become the big actor your wanting to be, you could be in movies as good as that."

"Yeah, it's a possibility but honestly I don't think I'm gunna go quite that far."

I furrow my brows "so your flying to L.A tomorrow and your telling me you don't have faith in yourself?"

"I mean yeah... I do but I don't think I'm going to become that successful."

"Well I think you are!"

He smiles and snakes his arm around my shoulder. I turn my head so I'm directly looking at him.

"I need to tell, ask you something anyway."

"Okay. What do you need to tell, ask me?" He mocks.

"So you know how I'm literally moving away with you tomorrow?"


"Yeah? Your not having second thoughts are you?"

"No, no. Not at all, I was just wondering if you wanted to meet my mom today? It's up to you though, I mean I thought because you don't really know each other."

"Jordan, I'd love to." He interrupts, with a huge smile spread across his face.

"Seriously? I mean she's like-."

"I'm sure she's nice. She must really try her best for you, I mean every time I come round she's always at work."


"Yeah I guess she does try her best for me."

I call my mom, I tell her that I want them to meet. She agreed, thankfully.

"She said 6, is that okay?" I question Leo.

"Yeah that's perfect. What shall I wear?"

"Wear what your already wearing." I chuckle slightly.

"No I can't. Look at me!"

"You look perfect. What do you mean?"

"I need to at least make a good first impression, it is your mom." He grins.

"What do you mean by my mom?"

"I don't know I just can't wear this, alright?"

"Fine. What are you planning to wear exactly?" I crook my head and furrow my brows.

"A suit or something..."

"A suit. PAHAHAHA." I'm laughing so hard that I fall of the couch and hold on to my stomach. A suit, the fuck is all that about?

Leo looks down at me laying on the floor and raises his eyebrows in confusion. "What's so funny?"

"That's your wanting to wear a fucking suit! If my mom saw you in that she'd probably laugh too. So don't, okay?"

"Fine. I only wanna look decent."

"You look better than decent alright? Trust me." I plop myself next to him again after lying stupidly on the floor. He looks up at me with a calming smile that always makes my cheeks go red. I look away and try tucking a strand of my hair behind my ear but it wouldn't. It just doesn't seem to wanna move out of my face! Leo sees me struggling and leans closer towards me, his hand touching my little strand and tucks it behind my ear. Anddd it stays! Now I look stupid as fuck! I laugh to myself.

"Thanks." He doesn't say anything for a moment, just smiles. He moves in closer, only inches away from each other. He places his hand gently on my cheek and moves a little more closer, our noses slightly touching. I freeze still not knowing what to do. He's about to kiss me. Fucking kiss me! Oh well, fuck it! I look up and stare into his ocean blue eyes, I lean in slowly and so does he. Our lips collide and the butterflies in my stomach start going crazy. He kisses very gentle, just a little rought at first but it felt amazing! Nothing like any of the other kisses I've had.

After what feels like ten minutes, but in reality about five seconds, he slowly pulls away. His hand still caressing my cheek as his lips curl into a smile. I feel my cheeks starting to heat up, I step back and cover my face I'm embarrassment. Leo turns his head to the side and he slowly walks over to me. His face expression has changed, he looks more worried. He stands in front of me and moves my hands away from my face. "Sorry Jordan, I."

"Leo don't be sorry, it was... I loved it!" It was fucking amazing!

"Wait, really?"

"Yep!" I mean it was about time, jeez!

Leo laughs softly "In that case, I'll have to do it more often." My cheeks flush again, this time I don't hide them.

Leo looks at me and smirks "where's the bathroom? I need to go real bad." He makes a weird face which makes me laugh.

"straight up to stairs and it's right there. It has a sign on the door saying 'bathroom'."

"Alright, thank you."

I watch as Leo exits the living room, I turn to the tv and look to see the movie 'blow' is coming to the end. I watch the remaining minutes, as I wait for Leo. While I wait for him I figured I'd tell Brooklyn. I mean not the full thing... yet! I'll send her a text.

I look at the message on the phone and I laugh slightly to myself, I'll keep her wondering... I just wanna know why he kissed me? Why now?

I don't get it.


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