《My Soulmate (Merthur)》meet Boris


kinda short, just fluff

A few weeks later, Arthur had finally been deemed responsible to leave the house on his own. The modern world was a thing of wonder for him still, and every day he discovered something new that blew his mind.

When he came out of work, the sun was starting to sink lower in the sky and painted everything in gold. It was weirdly beautiful. Arthur was about to cross the road to get to the hospital to find Merlin, when he smelt something.

Like a curious puppy, he followed his nose and came to a strange shop called "BORIS THE FLORIST". With a couple of questions, he went inside.

Apparently a florist was something to do with flowers. Inside the shop, it was sort of dark, and full of hanging plants and millions of bright and colourful and sweet-smelling flowers and pretty twinkling lights draped from the ceiling.

"'ello 'ello 'ello." A voice came from the counter. There was a man stood there. He was a stooped old man there, with big circular glasses, rubbing his hands together like a cricket.

"What can I do for you?" He asked cheerfully.

Arthur had an idea.

"I uh, I just wondered, could I buy some roses for my uh boyfriend?" He asked.

The old man (presumably Boris) 's face fell.

Arthur gulped. This was what Merlin had talked about. Homophonia? Homophobia? When people didn't like people for being gay, or something. His heart started to fall, and he started to move towards the door.

"That von't do!" The man cried. He toppled his whole tiny body over the counter and grabbed at Arthur's hand.


Arthur's eyebrows shot up in confusion.


"ROSES!" Boris said forcefully. "Are very overdone."


He crawled back over the counter and skipped around until he was bobbing in front of Arthur.

"You love him, si?"

"I uh, yes." Arthur blushed.

"Then I will make a fresh arrangement. The most meaningful gift." Boris said. He turned back to the counter and started to clear it.

"Talk to me." He called, over his shoulder.


"About him. Talk to me." Boris waved his hands dramatically. "What's he like? When did you meet? How does he make you feeeel? The arrangement needs to be perfectemundo!"

Arthur reddened again, but a few seconds later, started to talk.

He just rambled. He talked first of how they met (obviously leaving out the fact it was 1000 years ago) and then how he felt. Boris listened dutifully, every now and then picking a new flower out excitedly and adding it.

"What colours? What colours does your love bear?"

Arthur's mind instantly flitted to Merlin's golden eyes.

"Gold." He answered. He thought of Camelot, what he wore when they met. "And red."

Boris continued to trim and style and then suddenly, with a flourish, he was finished.

"JE SUIS FINI!!!" He cried, spinning around on his little heels and displaying a bouquet of flowers.

"We have zum golden daffodils for chivalry, and zum red tulips for undying love and some cherry blossoms because they are zo perfecto." He flicked a rose. "And a rose... if we must."

"Thank you so much, it's perfect." Arthur said gratefully, fumbling in his pocket for his cash.

"He better like it." Boris grumbled. "It's zome of my finest work."

"I'm sure he will." Arthur said, happily.

Once he paid, he walked over to the hospital. The receptionist waved him though - this had become a regular occurrence - and raised her eyebrows at the extravagant flowers. He made his way out back and walked to the pediatrics ward.


Merlin was knelt with his back to him, talking to a small girl in a hospital bed.

"You promise to look after her?" The girl whispered. Merlin nodded, holding what looked like a ratty soft toy rabbit.

"I promise. I always do, don't I Lulabelle ?" Merlin said, talking to the rabbit. The girl began to giggle. Merlin laughed too.

"I promise I'll take care of her. And I'll give her straight back to you when you come out of surgery tomorrow. Okay? Now, kiss her goodbye."

The girl leant forward and kissed the rabbit gently on the nose. Merlin grinned and ruffled the girl's hair.

"Right, me and Lulabelle have got to go. We have an evening of definite fun ahead." Merlin winked. The girl giggled again as he stood up.

He turned around and saw Arthur. He saw the flowers.

"What are these?" He asked, starting to smile. Arthur handed them to him.

"I made a stop on the way here. Made a friend." Arthur grinned. Merlin grinned back and hugged him hard.

The little girl was watching them and giggling. The two men broke apart and looked at her.

"You must be Arthur." The girl said, "Dr M has told me about you."

She turned to Merlin and whacked him lightly. "You didn't say he was a gentleman. You didn't mention he brings you flowers."

Merlin laughed. "No? Well now you know."

He checked his watch and saw the time.

"I've got to run Sadie. I'll see you tomorrow with Lulabelle."

She blew him a kiss and he winked and walked out the door with Arthur.

They walked back to Merlin's car together. Merlin paused before opening the door.

"Thanks for the flowers, Arthur. I love them."

Arthur smiled and felt his face getting hot.

"Your welcome." He mumbled, opening the door and getting inside.

Merlin placed Lulabelle on the dashboard.

"What's the deal with her?" Arthur asked. Merlin laughed.

"It's sort of a tradition. Every time Sadie has a surgery, I take care of Lulabelle for the night. I take a photo with her doing something strange and then put it in this photo album she has."

They got home and Arthur began cooking just a simple honey lentil soup with rolls. He walked out the kitchen, looking for a tea towel and saw Merlin standing with a camera.

Lulabelle was placed on the couch with a blanket over her legs. She had a pair of glasses balanced on her nose and an open book on her lap like she was reading. Arthur watched quizzically.

Merlin took the photo and it printed instantly.

"You are so weird." Arthur smirked. Merlin turned to him, smiling widely.

"She'll love this one." He said.

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