《The Final Project》Chapter 18


I've always liked Liam, but he has always liked her. I look at Ivy as she sits in the seat in front of me.

She's effortlessly beautiful, never needing to try. Me, on the other hand, all I ever do is try.

This morning I wore makeup, foundation to cover my horrendous blemishes, mascara so my lashes can look like hers, and blush like the natural one she has to her cheeks.

He still didn't notice me.

I watch as Liam tries to talk to Ivy, practically begging her to give him a chance.

Oh, to be her. To have someone adore you. To be so radiant that you attract people everywhere you go.

The worst part: I can't even hate her; on top of everything, she's so damn nice.

"I was just wondering if you wanted to go to the Halloween party with me." My heart drops.

Why couldn't he ask me? I would've said yes. Ivy's not even gonna say ye-

"Of course I'll go."

Actually, maybe I can hate her.


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