《The Final Project》Chapter 11


I speed down the rainy road, heartbeat racing in nervousness.

All I've thought about today is Ivy being with Liam, dancing with Liam, kissing Liam.

The thought of them makes my blood boil, and as much as I've tried to avoid it, I can't anymore.

I enter the party, and see it filled with people dancing about in a drug-induced rage.

People play beer pong to one side, the other side conversing with one another.

But, the only person I'm looking for is in the centre of it all.

Fuck, she looks beautiful.

Her body moves effortlessly, her hips swaying, and her eyes closed and savouring the moment.

She jumps around in joy, and her head tosses up in the air. I stand there, completely hypnotized by Ivy Blake.

And then I see Liam.

And then a slow song comes on.

Ivy and I lock eyes, a cynical smile curling up her lips as she grabs Liam's hand.

Oh. She's going there.

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