《evangeline. °styles》C


Evangeline sipped quietly on the mug of tea, Harry had brewed for her.

Softly biding her time, knowing he would start asking questions soon, she wasn't particularly disappointed in her overly flirtatious gestures of the night before, yet she was definitely embarrassed at her lack of self-control.

The man chose to try his best to ignore her advances, seeing as the girl -since having woken up- chose to disregard the topic and sat quietly on his counter top.

"When are you going to take off those ridiculous shoes?" The man rolled his eyes.


"Why not?"

"Because I don't want to," she turned her head to him. "When did you get so nosy?"

"When you turned up on my doorstep, half-dead." He deadpanned making her instantly shut up and slowly slide her heels off.

She instantly relaxed, after getting rid of the tension in her feet, but the deep cut running from the side of her foot and a little past her ankle was enough to make even Harry choke back a gasp.

Evangeline noticed, despite his attempt to cover his audible shock.

"Now do you see why I didn't want to take them off?" He ignored her question, walking closer to her and lifting her small foot in his hand.

He looked over the wound, noticing how poorly kept it was. Wondering how she was managing to walk around with the scar and why she hadn't told him about it.

"Come with me." He speaks solemnly, taking her into the nearest bathroom and waiting for her to settle herself upon the counter-top and lift her leg up for him to tend to.

She pulls her knee to her chest, while Harry pulls supplies from the mirror cabinet and turns back to her.


He tried to not let his gaze linger on her black panties, and focus only on the cut.

She hisses in pain as he swipes disinfectant over her ankle and wraps a thick strip of gauze over her foot.

"Try not to walk too much on it, the wound needs to heal."

"Okay." She whispers as he turns to leave, the girl thinks the least she owes him is an explanation.

"I got in a fight."

"You what?" The man asks in disbelief turning back to her, shaking his head; surely not.

"Well I guess it wasn't a fight, this guy tried to corner my friend and I in an alley."

"Then?" He asks, worried.

"He grabbed me, so my friend pushed him and I can't remember but we were all on the ground, I kicked him with my heel. Then he pulled a knife and cut my ankle while we were trying to get away."

Harry shook his head, utterly shocked.

"I'm sorry Evangeline."

"Not your fault," she shrugs. "Bad things happen."

Harry shuddered, knowing some bad things must've happened to the girl who seemed to be acting far too blasé about the fact she had been cut with a knife.

He felt an overwhelming sense of pity for her, wanting to take care of her and show her that things like this were not normal.

"You're safe here, for as long as you need." He spoke, surprising himself and abandoning his original plan of sending her on her way.

"I don't want to intrude, it's already been too much to ask -coming here, I mean."

"Evangeline, stay. You need a break from whatever has happened."

"Thank you Harry. You've always had the biggest heart."

He shrugged it off, shaking his head in relief that now she would finally have someone to take care of her.


She remained still for a little while, then was struck by an overwhelming sense of need.


He turned walking over to her sensing urgency in her voice.

"I'm in big trouble." She spoke seriously, not knowing how exactly to approach the situation.

"What kind of trouble?" He queried slowly.

"The kind of trouble that makes you leave home and never lets you come back."

"Evangeline, you will need to tell me everything soon, but now is not the time." Harry spoke sincerely. "You need to rest tonight, but I promise you are safe here and for now I don't want you to think of your troubles."

Evangeline shyly nodded, "Can you take me to bed, please." Holding out her arms to be lifted.

Harry tutted quietly but nonetheless picked her up, allowing her legs to wrap themselves around his chest, her head laying against his neck.

He gripped her thighs, making sure not to graze her behind. Carrying her up the two flights of stairs before they reached a spare room, she let out a soft yawn against the skin of his neck.

He shuddered slightly at the contact but thought nothing of it, laying her gingerly on her back within the sheets.

"Tomorrow, you need to wash your hair." He pointed out, looking at how matted it looked.

He made nothing of it, as he knew she has probably been through hell. However making her aware of it didn't necessarily seem like a bad thing to him.

"I know, Harry, give me a break."

Despite the darkness, he could tell she was rolling her eyes at him. He turned and walked to the door,

"Harry, will you stay with me tonight?" I won't try anything, I just don't want to be alone." Evangeline whispered. "Please."

Harry nodded, "okay."

He pulled his large body beneath the sheets alongside hers. The two faced each other, staring into the darkness where the other should be laying.

"Goodnight Harry."

"Goodnight, Angel."

And Evangeline could've sworn he melted all the ice off her heart with that small gesture.

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