《evangeline. °styles》B


Hours by her bedside, felt like minutes to him, his mind forgetting time to seemingly revive the girl who had come to his doorstep in the poorest conditions.

The man tended to the girl's cut knees, he noticed a small oval-shaped bruised on her left upper thigh.

It didn't have the same colouration of a fresh bruise against her skin, it looked old and scarred.

The fire raged destructively, warming the house instantly, almost too much.

He ignored the crackling of wood, and the thundering rain upon the stone roof. His focus was directed to the short puffs of air from the girl, she seemed in dire need of constant medical attention; which he could thankfully provide.

Sweat ladened her forehead, and the way her body convulsed made him worry that she would ever wake.

He traveled to the kitchen, returning with a cool cloth and a mug of warm water which he had cautiously mixed some pain killers into.

The cool cloth lying over her head seemed to have a positive effect, as her breathing slowed and her eyes shot open.

The girl pushed the blanket off her frame and tilted her head into her palms coughing harshly for a couple seconds, the fit seised rapidly.

The man watched her inquisitively, trying to figure out exactly what had happened to her.

He held the mug out to her expectantly, she turned her head away from him

- stubbornly.

"Drink it." The man spoke strictly.

"I can't, I'll throw it up." She spoke her soft voice crackly and nervous.

"You won't, you need to drink something."

"I can't."

"Stop being stubborn, drink Evangeline."

Hearing her name slip past the man's lips made her insides flutter as if a flock of little butterflies had been excited within the pit of her stomach.


Her bottom lip quivered, she took the mug from his hands; their fingers barely grazing was enough to make her knees quake.

Evangeline downed the water in one gulp realising how much she needed it, almost immediately feeling better afterwards.

Her body ached indeterminately, she stood shakily and began to shuffle forwards.

"Where are you going?"

"To the kitchen."

"You don't know where it is."

She stopped walking and turned around, looking back at him.

"Harry, could you please show me to the kitchen."

He stood briskly, taking the porcelain from her small hands and taking it to the sink, washing it quickly.

She stood uncomfortably in the large space, her feet pressed together and hands clasped politely, twiddling her thumbs.

Harry turned off the tap and turned back to her, leaning back against the counter top. They stood at least two metres apart.

"At some time, you're going to have to tell me everything, you know." He spoke sternly.

"What do you mean everything?" She mumbled, though she knew what he was insinuating

"What's happened over the last two years, what's happened to you." He shook his head, "I mean what's all this."

Harry gestured to the girl's body, quirking an eyebrow in not quite a friendly manner.

Now genuinely confused, Evangeline tilted her head curiously.

"What's what?"

"Your clothes."

"What's wrong with my clothes." She pouted a little in question.

"For starters, you look so dull and bleak, your shoes are terribly unpractical never mind the skirt in this sort of weather!" He eyed the skirt in disappointment.

"Well, I didnt exactly have time to prepare for this weather and what do you have against the skirt?" she mumbled indignantly.

"It's so fucking short, I swear you're just making yourself look easy." He rolled his eyes. "Who were you trying to show off for?"


"I already told you I didn't have time to change okay?"

Evangeline took a step forward confidently her skirt hiking up a little, scandalously high upon her thighs.

"You haven't given me a proper welcome, have you?" She drawled seductively, her demeanour completely changing in the matter of seconds.

Trying desperately to distract him from asking questions about what happened back there.

She kept walking towards him, slowly swaying her hips. She watched as his eyes ravished her body like a predator, almost as if his hunger hadn't been satisfied in years.

His eyes trailed down her body, his tongue dampening his lips in anticipation.

No matter how hard his mind bid him resist, there was something about this particular girl that drove him insane.

She still stood several inches shorter than him, even in heels. She pressed her body against his, he could tell she had filled out a little more.

She was still slim with her small waist but her hips had grown wider and her chest had increased in size, he resisted his temptation to bend her over and take her as he pleased.

"Kiss me." She whispered desperately craving his touch, the touch she had preserved herself for.

He chuckled darkly, turning them around, pinning her body against the counter with his hips.

His hands rested tensely against the counter top, as he stared into her innocent eyes.

"You don't get to say those sorts of things, Evangeline." He spoke coldly, it was obvious to her that she had hurt him badly.

"Why not?" she pressed cautiously.

"After what you did to me, I haven't seen you in two fucking years!" Harry growled.

"I missed you though," she whispered trailing her finger down his chest suggestively.

He grew frustrated with her, but also a little aroused.

"Bad girl." he tutted, letting her finger trace his chest.

"Daddy" she began to call him, but he stopped her.

His lips grazing her ear softly, she shuddered.

"You don't get to make me want you."

"You can't escape desire, Harry." she gasped a little feeling his lips ghost over her neck.

He pulled away suddenly, taking a step back and shaking his head.

"Go lie down and rest."

She was slightly taken aback, walking away from him and the kitchen.

Purposely swaying her hips, and teasing him as he watched her little skirt swish, he almost groaned at how it ended just below her rear.

"And for god's sake, take off those ridiculous shoes."


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