《evangeline. °styles》A


Upon a cold evening, where the night was so silent it seemed as if the northerly breeze had frozen the darkness.

Where the sun had never quite touched the horizon, for its beauty had been disguised behind thick billowing clouds.

The moon was blackened in the night sky, the stars barely visible.

Streetlights flickered under the pressure of the night, even the high voltage was not strong enough to combat the brewing storm.

Doors remained locked and windows; bolted. As if a metal chain could keep out the devilish cold. The whole town seemed almost still, the only disruption of the silence was the heavy gusts of wind.

That and the clicking of heels against the stone road and shaky breaths from plump lips, hurriedly scurrying along the main road and past the gates into a private property.

Black sock boots collided clumsily with the gravel, surely the cold have frozen through bare legs and straight to the bone.

The girl, young and clueless, her short plaid skirt and loose dead kennedy's shirt provided little protection against the elements- despite the black turtleneck she slipped underneath her shirt.

Ankles giving out, with almost every step drew her painfully out of the daze. Swiping haphazardly at the belligerent tears falling like raindrops in


Matted hair was combatted with her slight digits pulling through it, working hard to tame her locks and tucking thick black strands behind her ears.

The girl approached a large oak door, built probably a century prior. Bile rose in her throat, contemplating a final time whether this was really the right place to come. Truly it was the last place left for her.

Girl stands doubtfully on the welcome mat, that doesn't say welcome. Just a stupid mat, the girl shakes her head.

Her shaking hand grasps onto the knocker pitifully using all her strength to cause a loud banging. Two knocks.


She runs her palms over her exposed thighs trying to rub away the gooseflesh embedding itself in the follicles.

Messy hair, tear stained and physically unkempt.

A thudding could be heard from behind the door, it was pulled open to reveal the rashness of the man she once loved.

His cold expression faltered for a second before he replaced it with one twice as hard.

He stared down at the girl standing at only five foot five, with heels on. He watched her choke back sobs, he watched the way she swayed as if she was terribly unwell.

For a brief second, he felt his heart crumbling all over again. He felt the weakness he had once held inside him, now he was nothing but an empty shell.

"What do you want?" His tone dripped with venom while he spoke in only lies, this was not the man she had sought after.

She desperately tried to blink back the white dots clouding her already poor vision. She wrapped her arms around her slight frame in a desperate attempt to push away the biting cold.

"P-please help me."

Her head spun, her feet stumbling over the stupid unwelcoming mat. Falling unconscious before she hit the ground, the man watched her fall with little remorse.

Yet the sight of her weak little body splayed distraughtly on his doorstep made what was left of his existing heart ache.

He watched her for a minute, luckily her head had not hit anything hard enough to hit her.

The man noticed how greatly her clothing had changed, how she had grown. No longer were her innocent sundresses and frilled socks, now she dressed in dark clothes with heels that brought her up just past his chin.

Her hair was darker and wavier, he could tell she hadn't brushed it in awhile. The hair made her paling skin glowing eerily in the dark night. Dark makeup smudge around her lower lash line, enhancing the dark circles that were already present.


She looked as if she could be dying, she looked beautiful of course but terribly sick.

He couldn't help the anger he felt when looking at her, she had torn his heart in two. But he swore he could've killed the person that made her this way.

Shaking away his judgements, he bent down pulling her body into his chest and shutting the door behind them.

He carried her towards the fireplace, laying her in a soft armchair that was the perfect size for him but so large for her it almost swallowed her body entirely.

He brought a thick feather quilt from the second floor guest bedroom and tucked it over the girl.

Tonight, like many nights, he would not sleep. He would wait for the girl to wake and find out why she came.

Then he would send her on her way.

He would not let himself fall into her bewitching charm as he did years before.

He was awestruck by her beauty, but now he was still intrigued.

She was no longer his Angel.

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