《evangeline. °styles》w


"god, i'm nervous."

"shut up angie! you've known us since the beginning of time. just relax and come downstairs. my parents will be here soon."

"okay, okay" evangeline calmed her breathing.

and then panicked again.

"wait who was supposed to cook dinner, they expect a home-cooked meal!"

"chill angie, the maids did it."

evangeline sighed, forgetting that her bestfriend lived a life of ridiculous luxury.

a loud ding sounded from downstairs; they were here.

evangeline's palms begin to sweat ridiculously, for there was no need to be nervous.

yet she just couldn't help it.

as the two rushed downstairs in a tapping of familiar footsteps.

harry had already opened the door, and was welcoming home his parents; his actions however were tense and uncomfortable.

not how someone should be with family.

"harold, for goodness sake, cut your hair or i'll be damned!" the lady styles feigned agony.

she hadn't seen her son in a month and still she didn't even properly greet him.

she always spoke in such an awfully pretentious tone, but it wasn't fake. this really was her.

it was easy to see, that her clothes were all couture and of high-end brands. her earrings were extravagant, and the wedding ring that was pure gold with a giant diamond in the centre. beautiful.

"really mother, i'm fine." he responded in annoyance, to his mother's obnoxious comment.

the woman begrudgingly brought him into a futile hug, but quickly let go.

that woman truly was something; all posh and exaggerative.

harry and lucinda's father on the other hand, was strict and quiet. he spoke only when needed and usually it was to tell someone off.

the man gave his son a pat on the back and ruffled his hair.

harry sighed in annoyance, but tried his best to smile.

'poor harry,' evangeline thought, after all, it was clear to see his parents did not treat him with the love he deserved.

the couple made their way over to their younger daughter.

"sweetie, have you been good?"

"yes, mother."

lucinda's father kissed her on the forehead.

"i've missed you, child"

"missed you too daddy."

evangeline cringed silently at the nickname, thinking instantly of harry. she looked up at him and it seemed he was on exactly the same train of thought as he dropped his right eye in a sneaky wink.

evangeline, looked away, blushing.

she turned back to watch the mother embraced her female child.

'why didn't harry get as much love as lucinda?'

the elder styles caught sight of pretty, overshadowed evangeline. standing in the corner, shying away from the family reunion.

"is that you evangeline, sweetheart." called the woman.

"yes ma'am, it's lovely to see you."

"i haven't seen you in such a time, lovey you have blossomed into such a stunning young lady. any man would be lucky to be in the company of such a beauty."


evangeline blushed, as her lover across the room, shook his head and grinned. for once his mother was right.

"thank you ma'am"

"oh good lord, child, get over here and give me a hug and remember, it's just elaine to you."

elaine smelt like lavender and some other ridiculously strong scent. her arms were warm, but slightly thin.

"how's your mother?" the woman pulled back, with worry in her eyes.

in the style's household, evangeline's mother was seen as a real worry.

which she was.

"i'm not too sure. my papa came back." evangeline's eyes were suddenly very attracted to the intricate floorboards, seeing as her chest welled up with embarrassment.

her father was never an easy topic to tiptoe around. seeing as he abandoned her, she had always felt as if it was her own fault.

"oh dear lord, are you okay? what happened?" elaine's words rushed out in shock, she was ever so worried for the poor girl.

"i think so, harry and cindy have really been helping me. i mean after -"

mr. styles interrupted the conversation, but only to utter a few words.

"let's eat."

he was a man of few words, but they had impact and strength. it seemed he had no feelings no care for anyone except himself.

this was true, but no one questioned it.

so when elaine frowned and responded,

"eat now, talk later."

no one thought it odd, in fact they just followed what she said.

the family, and evangeline, took their seats around the eccentric, impressive dining table. it was lit with an elegant chandelier, it seemed to just be a mere statement of how rich they were.

one of the maids, her name was lucy -she was a really sweet girl but she didn't talk much- removed the silver trays and revealed the delicacies that lay before the family.

evangeline's mouth started watering as her jaw dropped, she quickly shut it and tried to stop her stomach growling.

the table was ladened with a warm roast, pork with flesh so golden and crunchy.

crispy chicken wings, were piled high on a silver platter that was cautiously decorated with lettuce leaves. the wings were garnished with fennel and parsley.

an assortment of different salads littered the table. there were roast vegetables, a caesar salad, a normal garden salad & others the girl couldn't identify.

evangeline could've sworn she didn't even know these vegetables existed, they looked so exotic and delicious.

a basket of sliced french rolls sat basted in only the most expensive olive oil, courtesy of,

"shall we say grace, seeing as it's evangeline's first meal with us in a long, long time." elaine stated and continued.

"let's go around the table, and each say one thing we're grateful for. i'll start,"

"thank you lord for gathering us all today in peace and harmony, i am thankful for our family bond and to be back home finally."


"i am thankful for the success of our family company." mr styles continued.

harry looked up and realised it was his turn next.

"i am grateful for the love i have found and the beauty that lives not only on the surface but beneath it."

"i am grateful for the things i never appreciated, and for my second but most amazing family- the style's. and for the special bonds i have formed

with everyone" evangeline spoke quietly but honestly.

finally it was lucinda's to speak, and surely no one was prepared for what she was about to say.

the love my brother and my bestfriend, have found. both of them are truly beautiful people, it seems they are so perfect the only match fit for either of them would have to be eachother."

as the words left lucinda's lips, evangeline spluttered a little, feeling herself begin to sweat as the tension grew thick and harry coughed into his closed palm.

they both wondered what the hell she was thinking, trying to hint that they should be together.

lucinda sat in mock innocence, she loved to tease. to her, the whole thing was a massive joke and opportunity to make fun of the two.

everyone at the table was silent for awhile, confused or shocked.

nevertheless they began piling the food high on their plates, seeing as they were all truly famished.

"harry, you didn't tell us you were courting annette?!" elaine exclaimed joyfully chowing down on a juicy piece of pork.

mentally, evangeline rolled her eyes at the mention of that leggy blonde who was sleeping with harry.

'i'm glad that cow is gone' she mumbled under her breath, so quietly, no one heard.

elaine had completely misread what lucinda was hinting at, however her husband's suspicions were raised.

he was a bright man, and it didn't take a genius to spot the chemistry between the pair.

his wife on the other hand was excited at the thought her son was dating the girl she had set him up with.

he cleared his throat, "no, mother i'm seeing someone else."

"is she wealthy, a legacy?"

"no, mother, she's not but she is really an angel on earth."

his mother snorted indignantly

"no harry. i will not have my son with some ordinary civilian. we will not, pass on our fortune to someone who will taint the bloodline."

"but mother, if you only met-"

"NO BUTS! and that's final, you will no longer be with her nor will you have anything to do with her."

evangeline felt herself feel sick to the stomach. by this point her hands were covered in a thick layer of sweat and she was quivering.

she had messed up bad, and she was already in too deep to get out with out hurting herself so badly.

there was no easy way around this situation.

suddenly she felt, as if she couldn't eat anything.

the poor young girl felt disgusting, what a fool for believing her and harry had a future.

"evangeline, love, you're looking a little pale." elaine pointed the obvious.

"i'm sorry, i am not feeling too well, i think i'm going to use the bathroom."

evangeline stood, and at the same time so did harry.

the table shook at the movement, the fat slice of steak lucinda had been eyeing slipped and her fork slammed down on her plate causing a loud clammer.

both of her parents were alarmed and were wondering what on earth was going on.

everyone gave harry a questioning look,

"i'll make sure she's alright."

he spoke, covering his tracks, and excusing himself the table to follow evangeline to the closest bathroom.

the moment the door clicked shut behind the two lovers, tears trickled down her paled cheeks.

"i feel humiliated harry, we can't do this"

he nodded, understandingly.

his mother was brutal.

his hands cupped her soft cheeks, wiping away her tears with his thumbs.

"angel, i promise i will figure all of this out. i love you and i won't let anything tear us apart."

"promise?" she whispered, calming herself.

"promise." he confirmed

"now let's go back out there and not act so suspicious"

the girl nodded up at the man and cleared up her face.

meanwhile, the remaining styles sat at the table, the elder two; very suspicious.

the man spoke, "care to tell us what's going on, lucinda."

"nothing, i think you just upset angie with your comments about money."

lucinda quickly covered up the truth.

elaine nodded in understanding, her husband however was not convinced.

"i mean, what's going on between evangeline and my son!" his voice raised.

"calm down, daddy. they've always been close. sometimes i get sad because angie also sees harry as her bestfriend."

"lucinda darling, you were her bestfriend first, don't worry you'll always be her first pick."

elaine comforted, completely oblivious to what her husband was insinuating.

hearing the creak of gentle footsteps, they all turned towards harry and evangeline walking back as if nothing had happened.

however, mr styles notices the tears pooling in evangeline's eyes.

he knew, they hadn't been careful enough. all he had to do was find proof.

yet as dinner resumed, he knew exactly how.

he would not have his son taking part in an illegal relationship with the girl.

he would not stand for this.

his image could be ruined.

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