《Stay (Muzan x Tanjiro)》Chapter-1



I was coming back home from selling charcoal for my family. We live on a remote mountain. We don't have much but we're very happy. I brought some goodies

for my siblings. I was walking but then I came across this man who warned me about demons and that they come at night. I was a little nervous about his statement but so decided that I should go home. Something just told me to got back. " I'm sorry, But I have to decline I should go back home" I kindly said. The old man nodded and went back into his house. And I continued to walk up the mountain. But as soon as I was fairly close I smelled Blood. I started running as soon as I smelled the blood. I ran and ran until I was before My siblings who were still as a rock. I immediately saw a older man. He had jet black hair and the most beautiful eyes that I've ever seen. His plum red eyes shone out in the moon. I was so entranced by it that I barely noticed what happened. I soon mentally slapped myself and focused on my family. My mother,brothers,and sisters were on the ground bright red blood oozing out of them. I looked back and saw the man holding Nezuko by her neck and slowly crushing it. " Stop, please stop don't hurt her" I shouted. The man glanced at me and I saw his beautiful eyes. He started to snicker. I thought who the heck is this guy? " Oh, Now why should I " he softly said. He started using more force on Nezuko's neck . I started panicking. " I'll do anything just please don't hurt her" I begged. He slowly dropped Nezuko.

" Anything?" He asked " Anything" I replied. He completely left Nezuko and slowly walked over to


me. I started trembling as he came closer. He was so close that our faces were barely any inches apart. He suddenly kissed me. I felt his lips they were as soft as cotton. But then he entered his tongue into my mouth. I started feeling hot and then something came into my mouth. It was thick and tasted wired. It was Blood. He pulled out and I could feel pain overwhelming me as soon as the blood came. I fell on the floor and started whimpering. It feel like a sharp knife to my body. " I've taken a liking to you" the man said. " Now what's your name little one " He said while smirking. " K-Kamado

T-tanjiro" I could barely say that. " Well I'm Kibutsuji Muzan (Aka Michael Jackson) but you can call me Master" He said. And right after he said that my vision escape me.

Authors Note- Sorry if it's bad or short it's my first time writing a fanfic

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