《Obito Hatake(Son of Kakashi x Mirai)》Chapter 4 The Mysterious Transfer Student
Lets just say that today was not Obito's and Mirai's day. Shortly after what happened at the school the others found out it was Obito and Mira's fault. So the day after they had to visit the hokage's office. There they came across Shikamaru who hit them both on their heads, making them groan in pain.
Obito: What was that for?
Shikamaru: As chunin, you're suppose to set examples for the younger generation. Instead you end up destroying the school. This is not how I trained you two.
Obito+Mirai: Sorry
Naruto: The school is being fixed, however we still need to know who's idea was it.
Mirai slowly raised her hand.
Mirai: It was me.
Shikamaru had a surprised look on her face.
Shikamaru: I'm surprised for once it wasn't Obito.
Obito: I know right.
Naruto: In that case Mirai, for punishment you'll have to do D-ranked missions for the rest of the week.
Mirai looked down in shame.
Mirai: Oh come on.
Naruto: Visit the mission office to find your assignments.
With that Mirai left and than Naruto turned to Obito.
Obito: Ok, what do I got?
Naruto: You'll be escorting a transport student from the Hidden Sound Village to the academy.
Obito: Really, why does this kid need to be escorted?
Naruto: This kid is the son of Orichimaru.
Obito's eyes widened.
Obito: Why are you letting the son of Konoha's greatest enemy into the village!
Naruto: Dont worry, no in days we keep a close eye on him plus we decided it would be best for his son to be here.
Obito let out a sigh.
Obito: Okay, let's see how this plays out.
Obito stood outside the hokage office waiting for this kid to arrive.
???: Hello
Obito jumped in surprised and turned around and saw this kid.
Obito: Dear god, who are you!
Mitsuki: My name is Mitsuki, I was told someone would be here to escort me to the academy.
Obito: That would be me, Obito Hatake. Let's go, classes start soon.
The two began walking towards the academy. They traveled in silence. While they were walking Mitsuki glanced all around the place.
Mitsuki: This village is...lively.
Obito: Yours's isn't?
Mitsuki: No...not really.
Obito: When I was a kid Konoha wasn't nearly this big, then as I got older it started to expand more and you're gone.
Mitsuki disappeared into thin air, leaving a puzzled Obito. In the distance there was a commotion going on, so Obito decided to check it out. It arrived in an alley with Mitsuki, Boruto, Shikadai, and Iwabe. Mitsuki stood over a defeated teenager.
Obito: You're gone for a few seconds and already beaten someone up.
Shikadai: This cause was cause trouble by breathing fire.
Obito: Oh, that makes more sense, I think.
Boruto: Who's this guy?
Obito: He's you're new classmate.
The three of them had shocked looks.
Obito: Whelp, looks like you guys can take it from here, so I'm out.
With that Obito disappeared.
Iwabe: That dude is seriously lazy.
Obito walked down the road while reading his inappropriate novel. When he walked by the academy there was some sort of commotion going on. The students were fighting a carpenter.
Obito: I would intervene, but I dont want to get into trouble.
And with that Obito continued walking down the road.
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