《The One Eyed Chimera( Tokyo Ghoul x Male Reader)》Chapter 30 Bonds



Things just keep on getting worse and worse for us. Another one of our hideouts got taken out by the CCG. They had to make a big skeptical about it by hanging the corpses for all to see. We may be ghouls, but even that's far.

Anyways I was heading back to :re after finishing my patrol of the city. I suddenly stopped as a scent lingered into my noise. My instincts take over as I jump out of the way from several rinkaku tentacles that were about to strike me.

Me: Come out you bastards.

From the shadows a group of people appeared.

Not only did these people have kagunes, but they wielded quinques as well. That's when I recognized the scent, a mixture of human and ghoul. I glared at them all as they got ready to fight.

Me: So, there are more of you artificial bastards.

OM(oggai member): We are the Oggai, a new more powerful group of quinxes.

Me: Is that so, aren't you all a bit over confident to be going after someone like me?

OM: We'll show you, get him!

All at once they charged at me. I ripped out my rinkaku and easily skewered a few of them. One swung his quinque but I dodged and cut off his head with my koukaku. The rest seemed a bit hesitant to attack me.

Me: You said you could kill me right, THEN COME AT ME!

They all charged, I merely used my ukaku to gun them down. I charged and ripped them apart with my rinkaku.

Me: Fakes, you could never be better than the original.

I heard someone stand up and saw that one of the Oggai was still alive. He brought forth his rinkaku as the tendrils were launched at me. I ducked and then lunged forwards, then I planted my koukaku deep into his chest and pinned him against a wall. He started to laugh.


Me: What's so funny?

OM: You idiot, we are just a few from a mere hundreds of others. Your entire organization will fall, and all of your friends too. We already know where the café is.

The Oggai members falls to the ground dead as my eyes widened. Without a second thought, I dash back to the shop.


Kaneki got thrown out of :re just as the place started going up in flames. Suddenly Y/N came running around the corner and spotted Kaneki.

Y/N: Kaneki we got a problem!

Kaneki: It's too late, Mutsuki already found us.

Y/N: Not her, them!

A dozen Oggai all riding motorcycles flying off a rooftop. Kaneki and Y/N jumped out of the way as they crashed down near them. A few came rushing at the two, but they easily managed to kick them off their bikes. Touka came running out of the burning building as Kaneki grabbed her hand.

Y/N: You two get out of here, I'll slow them down!

Kaneki: Alright, we'll meet up later.

Just then the shop exploded as Mutsuki appeared from the wreckage. When the smoke cleared, Kaneki and Touka were gone. Mutsuki was utterly pissed, her eyes then landed on Y/N.

Mutsuki: All of you...TAKE THAT BASTARD DOWN!

The Oggai started to attack Y/N, he retaliated with his ukaku but they used their bikes as shield. When a few got close enough, Y/N easily ripped them apart. Then Mutsuki attacked, swinging her knives around like a psycho. Y/N easily dodged each of her raged filled attacks.

She then started to attack with her kagune. Four bikaku tails appeared as Y/N dodged each of the quick strikes. He then used his rinkaku to wrap the tails, locking the two in a tug of war. Mutsuki closed the distance between them, trying to slash his face.


Y/N used his koukaku to block her attack. Both of their hate filled eyes locked with each other.


Y/N: Rip coming from you yah damn Quinx. What the hell happened to you anyways, you remind me of that Juuzou kid from two years ago.

Y/N's bikaku came out and pierced through Mutsuki's chest. Using all of his strength, Y/N shoved her away and crashing into a building. He then ran down an alley as a few Oggai gave into pursuit, only to wind up dead.

Night time had now fallen. Y/N stood on the top of a roof as he talked to Nishiki on the phone.

Nishiki: So things are that bad huh?

Y/N: Yeah, those Oggai are searching all over this accursed place looking for them. You still haven't found them?

Nishiki: No, as far as we can tell they went into hiding. Everyone back at the hideout is too, we can't risk them finding about us.

Y/N: Good, I'll keep you updated on anything I find.

Nishiki: Ok, stay safe out there.

He hung up the phone and just stared out into the distance. He then whipped the phone back out and began to dial a number. The phone rang for a bit before someone answered.

???: Hello.

Y/N: Hey Eto, it's me.

Eto: Good to see that you're still kicking. I hear things are bad down there, is it true?

Y/N: Yeah, the CCG isn't holding back now that Furuta took charge.

Eto: Oh him, yeah I saw the news. I bit prideful isn't he?

Y/N: Listen, there's something I have to tell you. Early today I was attacked by a group of quinx known as Oggai. All of their kagunes looked and smelled like Rize. And Furuta, his kagune also resembled Rize.

Eto: I get it, you think the CCG is harvesting her kakuhou.

Y/N: Not the CCG, V.

Eto: I get it now, everything that is happening right now is being caused by V. And you think Rize is at the center of it.

Y/N: Everything was set into motion when Rize attacked Kaneki. Now two years later most of the Washuu clan is wiped out, Aogiri is taken down, and both ghouls and humans all over Tokyo are prepared for the worse. And it all revolves around Furuta, that bastard is a lot more sinister and powerful than he seems. We know that for a fact.

Eto: Furuta is planning something, and he requires Rize for it.

Y/N: Yes, that's why I called you.

Eto: What do you mean?

Y/N: You haven't told me everything. I know that V, Furuta, Rize, and the Washuu are all connected some how. So tell me everything.

Eto: Alright then, here's what I know.

Kaneki and Touka sat together in an empty room. The two had just found out they were having a child. Both couldn't have been more happy. Suddenly the door slammed open, startling the two. Y/N came rushing in.


He bolted over to the one eyed king and began to shake him.


Kaneki: W-wait...Y-Y/N...c-could you...p-please...s-stop?

Nishiki: Oh great.

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