《The One Eyed Chimera( Tokyo Ghoul x Male Reader)》Chapter 29 Clown Carnage



People watched as the CCG building was set ablaze. Not to far from this there were three figures in mask, watching this unfold.

???: Looks like it's time for us clowns to make an appearance.

In the 9th ward a festival was going on. People flocked to the event as the area was filled with stands that offered food and games. Then a large group of people dressed as clowns started filling the area, all of them carrying red balloons. The clowns started to handing off the balloons to the confused people. That's when the balloons started to explode.

People started to run away as more and more of these balloons kept going off. Some people were even grabbed by the clowns as they exploded. Several cars arrived as doves appeared, ready to fight. However this wasn't the only place where a fight broke out. In several other wards the clowns were attacking as doves rushed in to kill them all.

Back in the 9th ward the doves were doing their best to end the chaos but were struggling. Several more clowns with exploding balloons entered the battle, however something punctured one of the balloons. This caused a chain reaction, killing off the clowns.

Standing on a rooftop with a blue and red ukaku flaring around was a familiar figure.

Y/N: Damn clowns, nothing but a nuisance.

Y/N sensed someone behind him, he peeked over his shoulder and saw several clowns behind him. The clowns charged as Y/N merely stood there. Then his rinkaku burst out and skewered the clowns.

Y/N: At least you guys die easy.

A few hours ago I got a message from Eto saying that the clowns were planning a large assault across Tokyo. I told Kaneki and he sent me and a few others out to help. I knew the clowns were crazy but not crazy enough to wage an all out battle with the CCG.


I made my way towards the 2nd ward, this was where things were the most chaotic currently. Luckily thanks to my years of experience of traveling across the wards allowed me to get their quickly. When I arrived I got on top of a building to see what was going on. Fires were raging all across the ward.

???: Is that you Y/N, it's been so lone.

I turned around a saw a familiar red head.

Me: Oh it's you Itori.

Standing there was Itori, who was wearing a black dress and fur coat.

Itori: I can't believe it's been two years since we last saw each other. How's your sister doing?

I turned away from her and looked back at the city.

Me: She's doing fine.

Itori approached me and then stood next me, looking at the flaming city.

Itori: I remember when you were just some lonely wanderer, always trying to avoid a fight. Then you ended up becoming the second in command of a feared organization and an SSS rated ghoul. However from what I hear you joined up with Kaneki and his little organization.

Me: You were always the person anyone could go to for information. So tell me, what are the clowns up to?

Itori: Doing what we love, having fun and causing chaos.

Me: Will you being joining in?

Itori: Nah I prefer to watch things unfold, that's why I'm here. Although I wish I could be at CCG headquarters, Uta is leading an attack there.

Me: Uta may be strong but not strong enough to enter that place.

Itori: He knows, that's why he's merely leaving a special surprise for them.

Me: No bombs?

Itori: No, humans will be killed there but not by ghouls.


Just then I heard a large explosion go off and saw a building crumble. I immediately took off, leaving Itori behind.


Seiko struggled against the framed out Urie. While her versatile kagune was able to keep him at bay, the out of control Urie proved to be relentless. Seiko did her best to not kill Urie, however the same couldn't be said for him. Urie once again broke free from her grasp and rammed her into a pile of rubble.

Seiko: Dammit Urie, WILL YOU JUST CALM DOWN!

Urie growled and charged at her, however something knock him away. Y/N came diving in and slammed into Urie, knocking him back.

Y/N: This is why humans shouldn't have the power of ghouls, we don't need any more monsters.

Seiko got a good look at Y/N and recognized him as the Demon. She quickly got back up, ready to fight him.

Seiko: You, what are you doing here?

Y/N: Relax, I'm only here to subdue your friend.

Seiko: You're not going too...

Urie came rushing at them, Y/N and Seiko quickly jumped out of his way. Urie then charged at Y/N and swung, Y/N brought out his koukaku and blocked him.


Y/N: You're not the first person to say that.

Y/N's rinkaku appeared and wrapped around Urie, it then proceeded to lift him in the air and throw him into a pile of rubble. When Urie got up, Y/N was in front of him. The three tendrils then pierced Urie in his abdomen, making him spit out blood.

Y/N: I won't kill you, but I won't hold back either.

Y/N jumped back and then leaped forward with his koukaku ready to strike. However a giant fist came between him and Urie. Y/N then looked over at Seiko, who was responsible for this interruption.

Y/N: What are you doing?

Seiko: I won't let you hurt him anymore!

Urie appeared again and knocked Y/N and then went for Seiko. But Y/N quickly knocked Seiko out of the way and was stabbed in his stomach. Seiko was shocked about what had just happened.

Y/N: If you get a way that could end this peacefully, then you better do it!

Urie went to attack Seiko again, as he swung she stepped to the side dodging the attack. She then proceeded to wrap her arms around his neck, making him stop.

Seiko: Don't worry Urie, I got you. I'm right here and won't let go. Please come back. I love you Urie.

Almost immediately Urie returned back to normal and fell unconscious.

Y/N: Damn, I didn't expect it to end that quickly.

Seiko didn't turn to face Y/N.

Seiko: Why did you help me, what made you want to help out ghoul investigators?

Y/N: A friend of mine believes that humans and ghouls can coexist if we simply talk it out. Seems to be working so far.

The sound of people approaching could be heard. Y/N got ready to leave but he said one last thing.

Y/N: Something big is coming, and when it comes the only way Tokyo can stand is if we work together.

And then he disappeared off into the night.

Y/N had just finished watching a secret broadcasting from the CCG. The man known as Furuta had just been appointed head of the organization. Not only that but he had a group of clowns executed in front of everyone, shocking even the investigators. Next he proclaimed that they were going to exterminate every ghoul in Tokyo.

Y/N: So Furuta, this is where it all begins.

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