《I Am The One Eyed Owl (RWBY X Abused OC)》Chapter 31 Is It Over



Blake just stared at Adam's body wile Yang tried to comfort her.

Yang: Seems like all of Salem's goons used to be good people, then something bad happened to them.

Blake: Ya it does.

A bullhead landed next to them. Out came Maria, Oscar, and Neo.

Maria: Good to see you kids are still alive.

Yang: No thanks to you.

Maria: We had the kid and Tock to look after.

Yang glanced over to Neo and an unconscious Tock.

Maria: Come on, let's round everybody up.

The four then gathered everyone back up into one group. Then bandaged each other up and applied ointment to any burns.

Ruby: No that Adam is gone, what now?

???: You don't have to do anything.

Everyone turned to face Neptune. They all raised their weapons but Yang and Blake blocked him.

Blake: Neptune is the one who defeated Adam.

Weiss: Why?

Blake then gestured over to Sun.

Blake: He said he would defeat Adam if we saved Sun, speaking of which...

Maria: Got it.

Maria then went over to help Sun.

Ruby: So why did you want to save Sun?

Neptune: He took a blow that would've killed me. It made me remember who I once was. I wish I could be human again.

Oscar: If they remove the organ from your body, then you'll-

Neptune: That wont work, the changes are permeant. Removing my special organ would only make life harder for me.

Ren: Any ways, what do we do about the White Fang?

Neptune: Nothing, Adam was there strongest fighter; not to mention their leader. With him gone, they're nothing.

Quill POV

I was fighting a group of White Fang. Easily taking them out. Then one faunas comes running in.


And just like that the White Fang scatter and bullheads come down and pick them up. I look up into the sky and see their bullheads leaving the city. I smiled.


Me: We did it.

I turn back into a bird and head back to the construction zone. Upon arrival I see the entire building was destroyed which made me freak out. Luckily I see everyone still alive and decide to head down there.


Ruby runs up to me and hugs my arm, I pat her head.

Me: What happened here?

I then see someone else here, Neptune. Without thinking I charge forwards with my sword but Yang and Blake stand in my way.

Yang: Wait he's the one who defeated Adam!

I dropped my sword.

Me: He is?


I had no idea what she was talking about.

Me: What?

Neptune: I'll explain once everyone comes back, there's something you all need to here.


Shortly afterwards Roman, Aaron, and Jade showed up. Neptune began to tell the story.

Neptune: The battle isn't over.

Everyone went wide eyed

Jade: What do you mean, we won against the White Fang.

Neptune: They weren't the real invasion, they were merely pawns. Used to weaken the Atlas defense. The real attack is coming shortly.

Pyrrha: What will happen then?

Neptune: I don't remember the full details. But Salem's got new grimm. Said to be her most deadliest creations yet.

Roman: And what are we suppose to do?

Neptune: Two things; first find Yin. He's our best hope of defeating Salem. Two, team up with the Atlas forces. We'll need their help to defeat Salem.

Maria: How do you suppose we do that?

Neptune: Once they see what were up against, they'll work with us.

Ren: I have another question, how was Adam able to transform?

Neptune: You see our special organs are made from a special substance. Salem found out that if that amount is increased it will trigger a transformation like Yin's owl form. Remember what happened to Hazel at Haven, that was one of the transformations. However sometimes the transformation is incomplete, me and Tyrian posed this.


Aaron: Wait Tyrian could transform?

Neptune: Yep" he then looked over at Tock" Your friend is quite the skilled fighter to take down Tyrian.

Quill: Do you know where Yin is?

Neptune: No idea, my best guess is he's still at the prison. Cinder was sent to kill him.

Everyone tensed up.

Ruby: Do you think he's dead?

Neptune: Not likely, I've fought Yin before. He doesn't go down easy. For now, we need to go inform Weiss's sister.

Just then the ground started to shake.

Ruby: What's happening?

Neptune: DAMMIT, we're too late! It's already starting!


Throughout the city people were cheering at the defeat of the White Fang. All of a sudden the ground started to shake. Then explosions started to occur, ripping the ground apart. From the cracks black flesh like material rose and started covering the buildings. Parts of the black material opened up to reveal glowing red eyes.

That's not all. From above came flocks of Nevermore and Griffons. The worst part was happening at the academy. A giant black worm coiled itself around the school. When it got to the top everyone could see this monstrosity.

This creature was Salem's ultimate creation. Her dragon.

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