《Eddie Kaspbrak - Don't let go (sequel to YSM)》Part 5


part 5 –

I walked down the road to my old house, looking at the building seeing it was the exact same since I was last here 27 years ago.

I sighed, looking at my old bedroom window. The curtains still the same and by the looks of it so was the wallpaper

I jumped back when I saw a little girls face appear, smiling at me

She gestured me to come closer and I frowned

The front door creaking open, showing the inside of the house. It was the exact same

I looked back to the little girl, but she was gone

"What the- "

"Come in." The girl was stood in the door way with her hand out

"Erm... I'm sorry I was just in the neighbourhood and I saw my old house."

"Come in." she smiled

"I-I urm, is your parents in?" I asked

She ignored me and just walked inside, leaving the door open for me to enter

I sighed and followed her in

I looked around the hallway, seeing everything was the exact same as it was 27 years ago

"Didn't your parents want to decorate?" I asked, but no answer

I walked into the kitchen where she disappeared to and she was in the fridge

"This is the exact same as it was when I was here." I smiled

She turned around and I froze, my heart thumping in my chest. It wasn't just a random little girl it was me. Me when I was younger, when I used to live here

"W-what the fuck." I said, I took a step back. My back hit the hard wall behind me, how is that possible?

"Honey, why don't you come sit down? Im going to put your favourite programme on."

I slowly turned around to see the woman ive missed so much over these last 30 years. She walked past and into the hallway, staring at me.


She smiled "Come on."

She held her hand out for me to take, which for some reason I did

I followed her into the living room and sat down on the sofa next to hers

My eyes glossy with tears, I just wanted to hug her, but a part of me knew this wasn't real. But I also didn't want this to end. This was the good times in my life. With my mum alive and my dad happy.

"So honey, are you seeing Bill tonight?" she asked "I have your old raincoat, it won't fit you anymore but his little brother Georgie can have it."

"Georgie..." I almost forgot about that little boy that could light up any room he entered

I smiled at the memories I had with him, him and Billy.

"Can I go to my room?" I asked


She nodded "Sure. Keep it tidy though."

I walked out the room and headed to my old room, all the memories flooding back. The endless times Bill snuck into my room to watch movies until late hours, or the times Eddie would come in and save me from my drunk dad

I walked over to my draws and opened it to see what I was looking for

My memory box of all the things I saved from the loser club days

I opened it and smiled, there were photos of us all cramped in a photo booth, there was little notes from Eddie when we were together

Then there was one thing that stood out. It was the necklace Eddie got me on our first date


"You have ice cream all over your face." I laughed

The boy grinned at me "Sorry."

"Here." I grabbed a tissue and wiped it off. "Cant take you anywhere."

"Lets go!" He said and pulled me over to one of the fairground games "Win me a toy!"

I giggled "I'm pretty sure you're supposed to win me one."

"Come on down and shoot some hoops!" A man shouted, in front of a basketball game

"Fine, come on." I said and we made our way to the basketball ne

"3 balls please." I said and passed him money

He looked at me surprised, surprised that a girl was actually going to try at this game

"Urm sure." He said and passed me the balls

"Watch this Eddie!" I said and threw the first ball, it going in the hoop straight away.

"Woah, okay 2 more and you get a prize." The man said

"Get me the alien!" Eddie said

I laughed, shaking my head before shooting my next ball, earning another victory.

"Woo! That's my girlfriend." He grinned at me

"Last one lady."

I shot the last one, getting it in again and put my hands in the air in victory

"Hell yeah!"

The man smiled "Okay pick a prize from the front."

My face dropped, looking at the prizes I could Choose from

"But the alien.." Eddie said

"Sorry buddy, those are if you shoot 20 in."

I sighed, all the prizes at the front were keyrings or little small plushies

"I'll have the little elephant please."

He passed me the small elephant and I gave it to Eddie

"I'm sorry..." I sighed

He smiled "I love it, you won it me. It's pretty funny too how we were so excited you won to get the alien and we walk away with an elephant the size of a thumb nail."

We both laughed and carried on with the date night

The night was drawing in and we knew if we didn't head back soon our parents would kill us We sat down on a bench with a donut each, before heading back


A man walked past with balloons, a little kid running over

"Red balloon!" He said to his mother, who paid for one for him

The kid had a massive grin on his face and started to skip past again

The sound of the a balloon popping caught mine and eddies attention. Eddie made a high pitched scream, making me laugh

"It's not funny what if.. what if it's back?" he asked

"Eddie, its fine. We defeated him remember? There's no way he would be back. We are at a fair of course there's balloons." I said

He sighed and nodded "sorry."

"it's okay Eds." I smiled and kissed his cheek

"Excuse me, you dropped this." a woman passed Eddie a box

"Shit. Urm thanks." he said

"What is it?" I frowned

'N-nothing." He smiled, but I could see through it


He sighed "This was supposed to be a surprise..." he looked at his feet

"What is it?" I asked again

He passed me the box, which I took and slowly opened the lid. It was a beautiful necklace with a star pendant on it.

"I know its not much, I saved all my dinner money for months and-"

I cut him off and kissed him

"I love it Eds, really I do. Its so cute! Will you put it on?" I asked

He grinned, his face full of relief and agreed. He took the necklace from me and put it round my neck

I grabbed hold of the pendant and smiled

"I love you."

"I love you too." He grinned and grabbed my hand "Happy first date."

I laughed "Happy first date Eds."

*end of flashback*

"Happy first date." I whispered, looking at the necklace. I probably would still be wearing it if the clasp didn't break months later. I played with it in my fingers for a second, the memories burning in my head of the good times me and Eddie had. I was such an idiot for leaving, I know that but at the same time I had to. But it was yet still the biggest regret of my life.


I put the box in my bag and turned around, Georgie stood there

"G-Georgie?" I quickly stood up

"It was your fault." He said "You took my brother away from me. He didn't want to play with me anymore."

"Georgie that's not true!"

"Yes it is! I'm dead because of you. Because of what you did!" he said, the little boys face started to change to a dull grey

I quickly grabbed my bag ran for the door but it slammed shut

I grabbed the handle trying to open it but it wouldn't work

"Fuck... help!!" I shouted but there was no use

I turned around again to see Georgie had gone, it was now my dad.

"You did this. You ruined this family the minute you were born! You took the moments I had with your mother. The last moments because she wanted to spend time with you!" He said and slapped me

I screamed putting my hand to my cheek

"You were never apart of us." Beverly's voice said

I turned to see all the guys stood there looking at me, in their younger form


"You weren't apart of us. You were an outsider." Ben said

"You don't belong with us. With any of us." Eddie said


"You are worthless y/n." Bill said, I put my hands over my ears and cried

"This isn't real.. this isn't real." I mumbled then stopped when I saw Stanley stood there.


"I'm dead because of you. We will all be dead because of you!" Stanley shouted

The floor started to shake, I held my arms out to regain balance before falling down

I screamed and winced as I fell to the floor

I quickly got up to see Eddie stood there, but adult Eddie.

"You left me. I loved you and you left me." he said

"No! I wanted you to come with me!"

"You left me. I could've died." He said

"No! You had your life here!"

"I loved you." He said

Pennywise came up from behind him. Seeing his face again after all those years made me feel sick, the horrible feeling coming back that I had of the night of the fight

"Leave me alone! I'm not scared of you!" I took a little step back, my back colliding with the wall

"Well lover boy is." He grinned and shoved one of his claws straight through his chest

EDDIE!" I shouted

"It's your fault." Eddie said, blood coming out his mouth

"Eddie no no! I love you!" I said, trying to take a step forward

The floor started to shake again, this time the floor coming away making a big hole.

I tried to take a step back but there was a force pulling me closer to the hole that was only getting bigger and bigger. I screamed as I fell inside, until I hit the floor again. my face hitting the cold surface of the floor

I opened my eyes and looked up to see I was back in the hallway. I got up on my feet without a second thought and quickly ran to the front door, slamming the door shut.

I backed away and looked back at the house to see it didn't look like it did before. It changed again.

trying my hardest to catch my breath back I instantly felt better when I saw a familiar face riding over.

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