《Eddie Kaspbrak - Don't let go (sequel to YSM)》Part 1


Sequel –

27 years ago we all made a promise. Not only to come back if it came back and it wasn't truly defeated by us back then, but we promised to stay friends. To carry on hanging out and stick by each other. I guess that day we lied to each other because from that day we didn't see each other again.

I kept in touch with Eddie for a while, for obvious reasons but even that came to an end, I guess that was mainly my fault.


"Eddie don't you want to get out of here?' I asked

He shrugged 'I don't know, I guess I don't want to stay here forever but my mum-'

'Yeah I know but-'

'Y/n I can't leave my mum. You know that, she would worry too much...'

'But Eddie I can't stay here... there's too many bad memories." I said

'So you're going to leave?' He stood up


'You're leaving just like the rest? Y/n we are supposed to be in this together...'

'And we are! But I don't want to stay in Derry! Why would you want to?'

'I have a family here I'm sorry yours left! But I still have someone here!" he shouted

My heart dropped

"I guess you're right. I just hoped that maybe you would do this for me Eddie. For us. You're not happy here, you can't live with your mum forever Eddie." I said

"I know. But I want to look after her for as long as possible Y/n. I thought you'd understand that."

"Yeah well I guess we just want different things then." I sighed

"Yeah I guess we do..."

"Then fine. Bye Eddie." I said and grabbed my bag before leaving and that ended up being the last time I saw him. I always hoped he would come find me or join me when I left but nothing.


I looked over at my current boyfriend sleeping, another sleepless night. for as long as I can remember I haven't been able to get a decent nights sleep and tonight wasnt much different

I sat up in bed and sighed

"What's up?' he said

"Sorry I just cant sleep." I said

He nodded "Cuddle up if you need to"

He yawned and turned back around to sleep

his soft snores filled the room once again, I let out a little sigh. i was interrupted when his phone kept going off


I frowned and looked over to see someone kept texting him. I grabbed his phone and checked

I frowned and opened his phone, my eyes widening as I read what I did

*Hey babe! just wondering what time your leaving her? booked the hotel for 7 x*

*Me again, guess you're sleeping. Cant wait until I can sleep next to you*

*I miss you so much baby*

*I was thinking we could decorate the new house Friday? if you wanted let me know*

There was more texts to follow but I didn't need to read anymore. He was going to leave me?

I placed his phone back down, and slowly got out of bed without waking him

I grabbed a bag and started to pack everything I could before he woke up

my phone started to buzz the ring tone playing loud


I ran over to it before it hopefully could wake Justin and put it to my ear

"Hello?' I whispered

"Y/n? it's mike. Mike Hanlon" he said, my heart dropped. I felt a sudden urge of mixed emotions

"M-mike?" I asked

"Yeah.. look y/n I need you to come home."


I walked into the Chinese, my palms sweating. I don't even know why I was so nervous, my mind was still foggy over the whole thing. All I know is I felt a weird emotion just thinking about the memories I had here

I walked in and immediately remembered the guys stood there

'Hey!' I smiled

I greeted mike then turned my attention to my old best friend.

'Y/n!" Bill stepped forward, all the memories flooding back. We were like siblings back in the day

I sighed and pulled him into a big hug

'God I missed you Billy! I wish we stayed in touch.' I said

He sighed 'Me too.'

I pulled away and saw the all too familiar shy boy in the corner of the room

He looked at me then back to his shoes. I guess we hadn't spoken since I left town and from what I heard he also left town too recently.

I walked over to him, the nerves hitting me too

'Erm hey Eddie.' I said, in which he gave me a weak smile 'It's good to see you.'

He nodded 'Good to see you too.'

I couldn't help but set my eyes on the silver ring that was on his wedding finger. He was married?


I felt my heart drop a little, all the feelings I had for him as a child came flooding back. But what was I expecting? Him to wait until a moment like this?

Richie hit the gong, taking me out my thoughts

"This means the meeting of the losers club has officially begun!" he said

"Wow look at these guys." Eddie said

Richie pointed to Ben and signalled that he used to be bigger

I raised my eyebrow at him then looked at Eddie

Ben noticed and turned around making Richie stop and smile

'Y/n!' Richie came over and pulled me into a hug 'Oh it's good to see you.'

I smiled 'Hey Trash mouth.'

'So should we sit?' Richie said pulling me out my thoughts

I agreed and we a sat down at the table


"So Eddie you got married?"

"Yeah why is it so funny Dickwad?" He asked

"What to like a woman?' Richie asked

"Fuck you bro." Eddie said

"Fuck you!" Richie shouted laughing

"What about you trash mouth, you married?' Billy asked

"No way is he married!" Beverly cut in

"I have to agree, it would be a challenge to put up with you." I laughed

"No no I actually got married."

"When?' I asked

"you didn't know I got married?' He asked Eddie


"yeah me and your mum are very very happy."

Billy spat his drink out and I rolled my eyes, laughter was all around the table. Just like old times. Like we'd never been away.

"she would put her arm around me and be like..." He then started to do an impression making us all laugh harder to Eddie's expense

"Yeah yeah I get it my mum is a fat person! That's hilarious!"

"No no it happened." Richie said

I laughed and shook my head at them two messing around like they used to

"I've missed this... I forgot how fun it was to be around you guys." I smiled

"Me too." We all smiled, remembering the good times.

"So let's talk about the elephant not in the room!" Richie said "Ben what the fuck man.."

"Okay okay so obviously I lost a few pounds.."

"Yeah well no shit!" Eddie said

"yeah but you're like hot." Richie said "Like every Brazilian soccer player all wrapped into one person."

"Alright guys... is Stanley coming or what?' Ben said

Stanley. We all forgot for a moment that he was missing, why wasn't he here?

I frowned and looked at the empty seat between me and Richie

"No no he's a pussy he's not going to show." Richie said

"How would Stanley save you anyway? Was I not the one who basically performed surgery on you? After Bowers cut you up?' Eddie said

Ben agreed "That's true, but it was mostly Y/n.. you just passed her things Eddie."

"Yeah don't take all my credit!" I teased

"Please tell me you ended up coming a doctor one of you?' Beverly asked

"I did, I followed in my mum's footsteps and now I'm a professionally trained nurse." I smiled "What about you Eds?"

His face dropped at the sound of his old nickname I used to give to him

"Erm no, I erm ended up becoming a risk analyst." He said

"Wow that sounds really interesting so what does that entail?' Richie asked crossing his arms

"Right yeah so I sort insurance and i-" He was cut off by loud snores

I chuckled looking over at Richie who was pretending to sleep

"Fuck you dude, fuck you."

"Was this job invented before fun or?"

I laughed even harder

"That is so not funny!" he said

"It is funny!"

They went back and forth arguing over how exciting his job was before it died down

I looked across from the table to see Beverly and Billy was in deep conversation. But I couldn't help but notice ben was watching them too.. looking a bit sad at whatever they were talking about

I turned to Eddie to see he was already looking at me. I guess it was time for us to talk, no matter how long I've been avoiding this moment

"So how you been? When did you leave Derry?' I asked

He sighed "My mum passed away a few years ago, so I decided to finally get out of town."

I nodded "I'm sorry to hear about your mum, but I'm glad you did something with your life. You seem happy.' I said

He nodded 'I guess I am.'

'So how was the wedding?' Richie asked Eddie

Eddie looked at me and quickly looked away

"Why don't you ask your mother." he said

Richie rolled his eyes "Already tried that one"

"Yeah well it was amazing." he said, my heart dropping. I guess a part of me wanted to hear how horrible this woman was and she was treating him like shit but I guess it wasn't like that. He moved on so why couldn't I?

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