《It's better me then you ( Negans Daughter and Carl Romance ) ( COMPLETED ✔ )》It's Better Me Than You


It feels good to have Addison back. I know we had our differences but that's what makes us like each other. After we get these weapons, take out Negan and his men once and for all I'm going to ask Addison to marry me. I know we're only 15, but I don't know how much time we'll have left together after this, so I want to make the time we have left as good as possible.

Ricks P.O.V- Addison is back and I couldn't be happier. She might have had a bit of a sketchy last, but she's family. And I couldn't Send her away if I tried to.

Daryls P.O.V- My little girl is back. Finally. I thought I would never see her again. right between us, even if it's the last thing I do.

Sashas P.O.V- I've had it. Today we are finally going to end this forever, without losing people. I know that sounds impossible, but our group can do anything.

Jesus's P.O.V- Addison is smart, she knows what she's doing. That's why we all trust her. Besides, she is Daryls daughter.

Maggies P.O.V- I'm terrified. The baby is coming this hour. All I wish is that Glenn was here. He would be such a proud and loving father. I don't know how I'm going to do it without him. But if I have the family I have now, it wont be that hard. Plus. Glenn will be by my side every step of the way. I know he will be.

Negans P.O.V- As I watched Addison untie Rick and then, I suddenly realize something. If Rick and then want a fight, they're gonna get one. And we'll be sure to win. Even if it means we loose some of our men along the way.

I know I haven't had the best record in the past, but I'm ready for a new beggening. Wether Rick and them are to.

We have our weapons. Everyone with a rifle and pocket knife. To be honest, I don't think we're gonna make it through this fight without losing someone. I'm not telling Addison that I'm thinking this, but I'm still gonna think it and hope for the best.

Negans P.O.V- All of us are pointing guns at one another, almost ready ti start this. "You ready Rick?" He scoffs and smiles. "Are you?" I grown and fire the first shot hat goes right in Ricks thigh. After that we all start running around, more of my men dying by the minute.

Addisons P.O.V- Dwight and I are on our own with 8 men coming 9ut way. "Sh*t! I'm out of ammo!" I say trying to look for any bullets that dropped on the cement underneath us. "You go. I'll take them." I shake my head no, tears welling up in my eyes. "NO! I'm not leaving you!" He shoots a guy that comes around te corner. "Addison, just go! I DON'T WANT TO WATCH SOMEONE I LOVE DIE!" "YOU THINK I WANNA WATCH YOU DIE?" Before I could even blink Dwight suddenly pushes me out of he way as a stick of dynamite lands inbetween us.

Carls P.O.V- Smoke. Guns. Fire. Everywhere. I cant find Addison anywhere. We must've gotten split up when they started firing. My dad, Daryl and I are ducking behind a dumpster shooting back and forth with 3 other guys. Jesus and Sasha went inside to try and find Maggie since Dwight heard the doctor, who is now dead, say she should have her baby in about 10 minutes. We were all going to go but then we started firing and now we can't. Negan needs to pay even more. Espacially becaus3 he took Judith to. Well, he was juice enough to have Judith out with Maggie, but he still has to pay. For everything else.


My thigh is burning as it's really sore, but I have to keep going. For Jesus, Sasha, Maggie, Judith, Daryl, Carl, Addison. And the ones we've lost along the way.

My strong, brave ajd smart little girl is out there fighting defend her real families lives. I couldn't be more proud of here. Since things have been rough this last month or 2, I promised her I would make it all up to her once we win this battle.

The dynamite went off and I can't hear out of my right ear, but that isn't a very bug priority right now. All I care about is finding Carla dn the rest of them, since Dwight is no where to be found. I know he got away though, he's smart amd can escape anything. At least I think he can. I suddenly feel a pair of cold, and bloody hands wrap around my mouth before my sight goes black.

Dragging Addison into a private room wasn't easy since I couldn't see, but luckily I managed. While I was waiting for Addison to wake up I walkie-talkied Dwight But there was no answer. All of a sudden slowly sits up with a bit of blood stained on her right ear and a couple scrapes on both of her arms. Along with a scratch I put on the left side of her cheek. She stands up while I grab Lucille. "Hello darling! It's so good to finally have some time alone, ain't It?" She doesn't say anything. "Now, we need to talk." I go stand right in front of her as she looks up at me. "You need to go tell your little family out there they've already lost because I have about 100 more men moving in, in about 5 minutes. So you can either end this and make it easier on you and your group, or have it the hard way. It's your choice."

Through a small glass window I see Carol with a gun giving me the signal that King Ezekiel and then are there, helping Rick and the rest of them fight.

Addison is locked in a room with Negan but I know she'll get out of it. All he has is a baseball bat, she has a knife in her back pocket. All she has to do is make a quick move and she's free.

As Negan stands in front of me I reach my hand in mt back right pocket and adjust the grip on my knife handle. "So. What's it gonna be?" He asks with his creepy smile. "None." I slip the knife out from behind my back and drive it into his stomach, now slicing open his stomach causing his guts to fall out. He falls to the floor in shock while grabbing his guts as I walk over beside him. I grab Lucille and stand up above Negan. "You're not gonna kill me. You're too weak." He says before spitting out some blood he was choking on. I scoff. "Watch me." Before I could think twice I start bashing his scull into he solid, cement floor underneath us. After a couple more hits I look at his bloody, bashed in and crushed scull. "I told you." I take a breath while dropping the bat. "You wouldn't win." After that I realoze what I have just done. I've become him. I just killed him in cold blood. I thought I always believed in second chances, but I don't anymore. As I drop that bat with my bloody hand prints on it I sit down beside his body. "You deserved it." I say under my breath. "No. He didn't." Nick says before shooting a rifle he was pointing at me.


About 1 second after hearing a gunshot I suddenly stab one of Negans men in the head before rushing around to the door with Daryl, Rick and Carl. When we get there I cut off the lock and then we rush inside to find Addison sitting on thr ground. "Oh my god you're Ok!" Daryl says hugging her after he kneeled down. She has tears in her eyes after unbuttoning her dark green jacket. My heart sinks as I see an increasing ring of blood stained on her white tank top. "I'm not okay." She says before Daryl lays her down on the floor and starts to have tears flow down his cheeks. The same goes for everyone else who's in this room.

Addisons P.O.V- "No no no no No! It's just your chest, you'll-you'll be-fine-" dad says before I cut him off. "We both know I'm gonna die. Please, don't waste your time trying to save me." Dad just hugs me for about another minute straight. "I regret giving you up for adoption. I should've been there all these years looking after you and teaching you how to grow-" "It's okay. I forgive you." After dad misses my forehead he whispers something. "You were the best thing I ever did." "You're the best dad." We both start balling before Carl comes down with tears in his eyes, flowing down his cheeks. "It's better me than you." "Don't say that! It's not true! If i coukd take your omace I would!" "I wouldn't let you do that." I sit up in Carl's arms as we both start balling. My breaths start getting shorter and more painful. "Addison, will you marry me?" Carl gets on one knee and pulls out a ring. I start crying even more. There's nothing right now that would make me say no. "Yes! Of course!" He slides the ring on and we hug for another 30 seconds straight. "I love you!" I say between sobs. "I love you to." We kiss one last time before he gets up and goes to stand beside dad. Rick and Carol both kneel down and hug me at the same time. "Look after them both for me, will you?" Rick and Carol smile with tears in both of their eyes. "I promise we will." Rick hugs me, then Carol hugs me. I lay back down on the ground as my breathes get even shorter and more painful. "Read- this at the- right time." I say handing him a letter I wrote him. He nods with more tears stained on his cheeks. As I take my last breath, I suddenly start to feel no pain as I know where I am now.

Addison is gone. The love of my life. Gone. I don't know how I am going to go on without her but I know I have to do it. When I put that ring on her finger it meant more than I love you. It meant that she was ready to spend the rest of her life with me, but like all love stories in a world like this, that never works out.

My daughter was taken right infeont of me. It's the worst thug you could ever imagine. Having to watch her suffer made me want to end my own life just to be with her. But she would want me to keep going on. So that's what I'm going to do.

Addison is really gone. It hurts way more than I thought it would. I can imagine how Daryl and Carl feel. But I made a promise to Addison, so I'm going to do everything I can to keep these 2 safe. Even if it means give up my own life.

Not having Addison around anymore hurts like he*l. And trust me, it's gonna get worse. But since I made her a promise I'm going to have to fight through all the hard times to protect the ones I love. Because that's what families do for each other.

As I enter a room Negan normally goes into fir time alone, I find Carol, Rick, Daryl and Carl all surrounded by Addisons dead body. I kneel down beside her pale, cold body and start crying. The one person I actually care fir and love just got taken away from me. Now I have nothing left to live for. Although, if Addison were here right now I know she would want ke to keep living on. So that's what I'm gonna do, no matter how hard times get along the way.

As I'm sitting in a blue and white blanket watching Judith and Gelnn Jr play I start to tear up. Addison would've loved to be here playing with them. Although just because she isn't here doesn't mean she isn't watching.

Sahsa and I are now dating and I couldn't be happier. Actually I could be, if everyone in our family was still alive. But just because they aren't on Earth does mean they're not with us. I believe that Addison, Glenn, Abraham, Rosita, Tara and Gabriel are watching us from up above right now.

Jesus and I are now dating and I couldn't be happier that I'm with him. He is the one who keeps me going, even when times get rough. And recovering from who Negan took from us was beyond hard. It was horrifying. I am glad to have Jesus by my side.

Carls P.O.V- As I sit onto of the watch tower, holding the crumpled letter in my hands, I finally get the courage to open it:

Dear Carl,

As you're reading this I promise I will be sitting right beside you. Even though you wont be able to see or feel me. I didn't want things to end like this, but sometimes you camt change what happens. Now, I know you dont want to hear it, or read it, but it's better me than you. I know you domt think I'm rogt but I am. If I was still living O would have taken my own life by now. Because you have the strength, intelligence, and heart to keep creating a future. For Glenn and Maggies baby, for my dad, for Sasha, Jesus, your dad. For me. If you ever can't do something, just do what you think is rift because I will be beside you for the rest of the way. I promise.

Love: Addison

P.S, Glenn, Abraham, Rosita, Tara, Gabriel and your mom all want to say hi.

Love: Addison

My heart stops when I see my moms name. Maybe Addison really is in a good place rift now. If she is I hope she can see me because I coouldbt go on with us not seeing ecahother.

As I ait up in yhe watch tower beside Carl, basically invisible I suddenly feel a hand on my back. I turn around to see Lori woth tears in her eyes. "Look at my boy." She says before we got back up into heaven, where we belong.

I was lucky to have met Addison. Even if things domt work out the way you want hem to. But the truth is that's life. Even if it's better to have the love of your life die. But I'm ok. Addison is always with me. And ahe always will be.

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