《Fragments of Time ( A Disney Twisted Wonderland x OC story) Book I》1.3 - Live and Learn


We managed to make it on time before the final bell rang. I slipped into the class quietly, and brought out one notebook and my pencil pouch. I fidget with my goggles and lab coat nervously. My pants had also changed into skinny jeans, I took off my bracelets, but hid my necklace, in exchange for black gloves, and I tied my hair back into braids, letting my earrings show.

Our professor entered and started briefly on introductions.

"So these are the new faces in my home room. Hmm, there are some rare hair colors in the group. Not bad. Make sure to properly take care of it every day. I am Divus Crewel. You are all free to call me Master Crewel. Take your seats, class is about to begin! First: the basics! I will cram the names and appearances of 100 kinds of medicine and poison into your brains. We'll go over fungi later. Now, memorize these so you don't go around getting poisoned by random things seen on the ground. Dogs can eat whatever lies around. You're training will be strict and I better not see ANY red marks on your tests."

Okay, yep, I seriously dunno whether nor not to take him seriously with what's in his hands. But regardless, I start jotting down notes in my notebook. Most of this stuff was fairly easy. I took plenty of science courses back in school. Biology, Chemistry, etc.

And I got all B's on my tests! This should be easy! I hope....

"Okay...also, what's a 'fungi'?" Deuce asked.

Ace groaned. "I'm no good at memorizing!"

"All that matter for grass is whether or not it tastes good." Grim puts in.

I roll my eyes at their convo and just continue with note taking.


Back in my regular outfit, it was time for the second class.

"I'm professor Trein and I'll be in charge of your history lessons. And my familiar, Lucius. You'll be learning about the history of magic that has brought prosperity to the world."

The cat let out a sound that made me grind my teeth.

"Participation in class will affect your grade, not only your reports. I will not forgive slacking off in class. Now open your textbooks to Page 15. We shall start with the discovery of magic crystals in the Dwarfs' Mines."

Another meow. Oh Jesus, make it stop...

"Magical energy scattered throughout the world during the century after this discovery, we call it the "Beginning of Magic".

Okay, seriously, can someone put the cat out of its misery?!

Ace let out a yawn.

"Wow..." Deuce kept reading through the section of the lesson with fascination.

"Hmm...I want a class to use magic..." Grim whined. I put a finger to my lips to shush him and mouthed,

"We'll be out soon."

IF there was a soon....


Now out on the sport field, it was time for phys Ed. My clothes, like always, changed. Gone was my blouse and tie, my pants and my boots. In place was a simple blue tee, a pink sleeveless jacket, and turquoise running shorts. A purple scrunchie was on my wrist, and I had black and turquoise sneakers. And my hair was in a ponytail. It used to be pigtails, but I decided to switch off between the two.

I decided to do a few stretches just for a small warmup. Looking over at Ace, he looked like he wanted to rip that collar off and throw it in the trash. But he looked like a kicked puppy with that frown. I giggled quietly.


Serves him write for not being with the program.

Soon, we heard a whistle blow and our coach arrived. I got to my feet as I gathered with the others.

"I'm Coach Vargas! I'm in charge of athletics for you young bean sprouts. Becoming a great wizard starts with muscle! Look at all the muscle I've built. By eating raw eggs everyday. You baby wizards have no stamina. Start with 20 laps around the track then 100 pushups!" He blew his whistle and everyone started to run.

"I don't dislike exercise, but I can't deal with this kinda teacher." Ace huffs, jogging.

"I've got confidence in my stamina!"

Deuce smiled.

"Oh really? Race ya to the end!" I challenge and I take off, Deuce at my heels.

"What's so fun about running in circles? I'm not a freakin hamster!!" Grim shouts. I laugh as I keep running.


We were finally let out for a break. I let a sigh of content escape my lips.

"Okay, so next class is..."

"Y'know, for a magic school it's really not that different from regular old school." Ace complains. "A lot more subdued than I expected...not having magic hasn't been a problem at all. What say you, Grim?" No answer. "Hm?"

I groan. Not again....

"Hey! Out the window! That fur ball's making a beeline for the courtyard!" Deuce points out the window.

I tush to it and look outside.

What the fuck?!

True to his word, Grim was scurrying like a chicken across the pavement.

"I'm not sitting in another boring class again! As a genius, already, Yours Truly doesn't need any classes to teach me to use magic in a snap!"

I smack my forehead. Of all the things...

"You son of a bitch...Skipping class on the first day already?! Headmaster will fucking lose it!"

"Making a break for it already...He never learns." Deuce shakes his head.

"Pfft! You're first day as Supervisor and you already have to report you lost track of him! So, you want us to help you catch him?" Ace teased.

"No! I can handle things myself, thank you!" I stuck up my nose.

'That does it.' I thought, running as fast as possible to the courtyard, leaving Ace and Deuce behind in the dust. 'It's time for drastic measures!'

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

I make it to the courtyard, and scan the area for the lil gremlin. Then I see him.

"Gotcha!" I smirk and beeline straight for him.

But being the forgetful person I am, I forgot he could teleport. He was in different places in milliseconds, I halted in my tracks to think things out.

Then, I saw him running in the one direction. Almost reaching a trash can and a rack of bikes.

There was a rock by my foot.

With quick reflexes, I grab the rock and hurl it straight at a nearby bike. It falls, starting a domino effect on the other bikes until the last one hits the tin trash can. It toppled over, rolling fast, and lands in front of Grim, who not paying attention, runs straight into the can and it tilts back up, catching him.

"Yes!" I cheer, running straight for the can and pluck him out by his collar. A smirk plants in my lips in victory.

"No way! No freakin way! I'm not going back to one of those boring classes!" He complained.


"You won't become a great wizard, then! Now shut up and be a good student!" I scolded him. I carry him by his collar back into the building. Ace and Deuce stared at in pure amazement as they silently followed behind me.

"Damnit! You're being so strict today!!"

"It's my job, y'know."


"It's finally lunch time!" Grim cheered as we walked through the doors. "Everything looks so good here!"

"Yea! It's pretty cool they have a buffet!" I smile, letting the aromas invade my senses. I grab two trays as we make our way around. I picked out only a few things and put them on mine. Grim on the other hand-

"Fluffy omurice! Grilled chicken and bacon egg tarts!"

"Argh! You're so loud! You're only this excited during lunch." Ace said.

"Hey! I want some grilled chicken! It's the last one!" One of the chefs piled the plate on the other tray for us. Grim took it from my hand as he kept going. "And an omurice too! Bread with jelly! Just take a bunch of everything!"

"Grim, wait!" He was going too fast for me to catch up and ended up crashing his tray into one of the students.

The gray-haired screamed. "Watch it! Because of you, the egg in my pasta broke!"

The red head in front of him said back, "Hey, hey, hey-breaking the gooey egg is the best part of eating carbonara! How do you plan on paying for this?! He turned to Grim.

"Give us that grilled chicken as payback and well call it even." The first demanded.

"Hell no! This is MY chicken!" Grim protected it.

"Oh? Not showing you're senpais respect as freshmen? We'll teach you!" The second smirked.

"Hey, Guys. Settling personal squabbles with magic is prohibited." Deuce tried to calm them down.

" 'Squabble'? Nah, it's just some seniors teaching their juniors proper behavior!" The first laughed darkly.

"Prepare yourselves!" His cohort backed up.

Okay, time to be the boss.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

"Excuse me, but could you watch my things for a minute? As Supervisor, I must settle any and all disputes on these grounds. Headmaster's orders." I winked and the chef nodded. I placed my bag on the ground, and walked over to where Grim was.

"Okay, gentlemen, lets just calm down and speak this out civilized." I said in my best matured voice and stance.

"Hey, dude, look who we got here. It's that new girl, Charlie. You're the one who became the Headmaster's servant. Didn'tcha?" The first smirked in my direction.

Time to get into action.

" 'Servant'? That's a little too degrading. More like his 'proxy'. Pretty befitting for a girl like me." I said with a lithe voice. This is something I'd use back in Drama class.

" 'Girl'? You ain't foolin anyone with those curves, 'missy'." The second spat, a scowl forming.

"Oh? You mean my waistline?" I said, then smiled. "Well, I didn't achieve this figure for nothing~!" I giggled.

"Charlie, lets just go." Deuce placed a hand on my arm.

"Yea, you better listen to that pussy boy, 'little lady'." The first sneered, scowling as well.

"No, Deuce." I held up a hand as a signal for him to stop. "We're not goin anywhere. This dude insulted us, and were not leavin until he learns to treat us with dignity."

"Hey, what's the problem?" A third voice chimed in. This time it was a blonde.

"Oh you want the problem?" I answered. "I'll explain: your lil friend here wants Grim here to pay back for ruining his food. And he just so rudely brushed off my friend here so I think he needs to learn a lesson." I smiled firmly.

"Yea. I don't think he does, bitch." The blonde spat.

"Okay, Y'know what? This is getting out of control. Let just calm down and talk this through!" Deuce raised his hands to try and settle things.

"Shut up, you!" The blonde snarled.

"Yea, and if I were you I'd get back. This could get ugly." I look over my shoulder and urge him to follow my plea.

"Yea, she's right. That's one less face to punch and bruise easily. Why don't both of you apologize and then go fuck yourselves elsewhere?" The blonde growled.

"Okay I think you're going too far." Deuce's tone sounded worried.

"You're right, Spade. He IS going to far, considering the fact that this is coming from someone whose ass may be jealous of the shit spewing outta his mouth!" I said aloud with a frown. It ring throughout the entire cafeteria, catching everyone's attention. All chatter ceased, and eyes were turned in our direction.

I smile inside. Now its serious.

"I feel sorry for you." I smile mockingly at him.

"You don't know me." He pointed a finger in my direction.

"Oh but I do!" I countered. "All too well."

Time to put on a show. I walk around the space as if I was giving a lecture. I didn't focus on the eyes my way. All there was was my objective, obstacle and my tactics to get through it.

"Yes, you're a stereotypical bully! It's pretty obvious. You're The man: captain of the sport team, dating pretty girls, this school's your kingdom. But people!" I grab their attention. "Like I said before: stereotypical bully. 'Why' you ask? It'd be way too easy to say that this man prays on the weak simply because he's a Dick." I hear a few chortles in the audience and I smile, continuing. "No, no of course not! He is more complex than that. According to psychiatrists, he's a bully for one of these three reasons! One: Underneath all that tough guy Vibrato, is really a little girl banging on her closet door to get out." More snickering. "Two: much like a caveman, his brain is underdeveloped! Therefore, He can't use self-control and lashes out aggressively." Even more reactions. "And three:..." I stalk up to him and say in my best public speaking voice, "...he has a small penis!"

And Everyone hollered. Some even stood up and even clapped at my performance.

I smiled as I saw his face turn completely white from shock. Game, set and match!

"That good enough for ya?" I say to him, as I turned heel and walked off. Or so I planned.

Turns out, the other two bullies, had cut off my only way of escape. And now, I was surrounded.

"I think it's time for you to leave." Red head growled.

"There's three of us, little girl. You can't win." Gray glowered. But I was one step ahead of them.

"No, no! I'm pretty much aware of that. Okay, well before shit hits the fan, there's one thing you should know about me." I said calmly.

"And what's that?" The blonde mocked.

A long pause. And then, "The name's Luchessi, puta."

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