《Fragments of Time ( A Disney Twisted Wonderland x OC story) Book I》Prologue - The Awakening


She faced the mirror. And with one fell swoop, she let her hand touch the glass.

All there was was a bright light that swallowed the whole room. Brighter than any light seen. Then slowly, it dimmed to nothing.

The light was soon gone, and with it, so was Charlotte.


Prologue - Welcome to the Villains' World


Darkness. That's all I could see. I'm stiff. I can't move. What exactly happened after I left through the mirror? Where am I? And where the hell is my bag?!

Am I...in a box?! No, don't be ridiculous.

But then why do I hear something like a door being forced open outside?

"What's that noise?" I whisper.

"Crap! People are coming! I've gotta get a uniform while I can..."

Okay, that did NOT sound like anyone I knew.

"Nnnnnnngh! The lid's too heavy! Time for my secret move, then! Hnaaaaaaaaaah! Got it!"

And then I saw blue fire. Inside where I was.

I screamed. "What the- fire?!" The door swung open.

"Okay, then! Now to get- AAAAAAAAAAGH! Why are you up?!"

Immediately, my eyes landed on a small...thing with grey fur with a white patch on its chest. It had ears with grey fur and blue fire on them. Bright blue eyes, little pink paws and a pitchfork tail. And wrapped around its neck was a black and white striped ribbon tied in a bow with the ends scorched.

"There's a talking raccoon!" Was the only thing that came out of my mouth.

Out of the corner of my eye, I immediately notice it's the same room I was in before in my dreams. Yep, déjà vu at its best. And that the perfect moment. "Great!" I scowled. Mentally.

"Just who are you calling a raccoon?! I am the great Grim!" The creature growled, but then smirked. "Well, no matter. Oi, human: hurry up and gimme those clothes! Otherwise...I'll roast ya!" At that, blue flames suddenly surrounded the area I was at.

I recoiled back in the coffin.

"Someone help me!" I thought. Outside, it was different, "Dreaming about getting roasted by a raccoon? That's something you don't see everyday." I smile, weirded out.

"I said I'm not a freakin' raccoon!" The thing, Grim, scolded.

I didn't think twice as I lifted my leg and on instinct, using my hapkido training, I kicked that thing away from me. He screamed as he went airborne at the sudden contact. But now was my chance.


I hightailed on outta there!

But...I didn't know where I was going!!!

I just kept running.

Wait, what am I wearing? I looked down.

My blouse and jeans were replaced by black robes with gold accents on the fluttering sleeves, the hood, and the edges. As well as the shirt I was wearing. I also had dark pants, and thankfully had my boots. Royal purple lined the inside of the hood , sleeves, as well as a sash around my waist. A gold buckle with an oval insignia secured it in place.

My hair was in a low side ponytail. And my white bandana was tied around the elastic. But it wasn't only white. It was black for the most part.

I pass by a window and I could faintly make out my face. And I'm wearing eyeliner?!

"Okay, this is getting crazy!" I thought, as I kept running. I passed by so many rooms, and things, I couldn't tell what was what! I'm so lost!!!

Ah no! A library! I can hide in there till someone finds me! I duck in there.

"If this really is a dream, someone better wake me up!" I say. Blue flames emerge from the ground, and right in front of me is that rascal Grim. I shriek and recoil back before I could get close to him.

"Did you really think you could get away from my nose? Dumb human! You'll also pay for kicking Yours Truly like that in such a manner!" The gremlin smirked as he drew near.

"You deserve it!" I spit, as I had my fists up, ready to throw down, despite my nerves. Ignoring me, he continued,

"Now, if you don't wish to get charred, best hand over-"

He never finished as a dark cord of rope, I think, whipped out of thin air and wrapped around his body, restricting him from moving.

"Wah? Ow! What's with this cord?" He said, pretty much spooked.

"This is no mere cord. It is a lash of love!" A grand voice spoke. I turned at the voice.

The man a little always from me was dressed extravagantly. Much like something you'd see out of a fairytale. But what struck me off was the black bird mask he wore, and glowing eyes....

"Ah, found you at last." I was broken from my thoughts as he approached me. "Are you one of the new students?" He never gave me a chance to answer. "You shouldn't do things like that! Leaving the Gate on your own." He crosses his arms as he scowled. "Not only that, you've yet to tame your familiar, which has broken a number of school rules." Okay, who the hell was he to scold me like that for things I may or may not have done?!


"That thing isn't mine!" I retorted.

"Let me go! I'm not their freakin' familiar!" I heard from behind me as agreement. This dude wasn't taking it thought.

"Sure, sure. The rebellious ones always say things like that." He moved past me towards the demon, scooping him up. "Just quiet down for a moment." He took a cloth from his pocket and tied it around Grim's mouth. The thing, behind the rag, muffled protests.

"My goodness." The man sighed. "It's unprecedented for a new student to leave the Gate on their own. How impatient can one be?" He shook his head as he turned forward and walked to me. "The entrance ceremony is already well underway. Let's head back to the Hall of Mirrors." He guided me forward with a gentle hand.

Confused, I stood where I was. "Wait, hold on: new student? Gate? Hall of Mirrors?!"

He seemed to sense my confusion. "It's the room you woke up in with all of the doors. All students who wish to attend this academy must pass through one of those doors to arrive here." He explained, although inside I was still confused AF. "Normally, students wake up only after the door is opened with a special key but..."

So those things are actually doors?! Zero sense but I'll just have to roll with it.

"Sir, pardon me, but the thing you're holding in your arms-" I motion at Grim. "-he was the cause of me getting out earlier than you'd expect. He summoned fire that must've blown the lid off."

"So, in the end, the culprit appears to be this familiar." He deduced. He looked at me. "If you're going to bring it with you, you have to take responsibility and properly take care of it." Again with the scolding! And he's not my pet!

"Oh my! Now isn't the time to be long winded. The entrance ceremony will soon come to a close. Let's get a move on." He starts moving again, this time taking me with him.

"Wh-hang on a second!" I halt. "Who are you? And where am I?!" His mouth dropped open.

"What's this? You're still confused?" He asked. No shit, Sherlock! "It appears the teleportation magic has left you disoriented....Well, it's fine. It happens often enough. I shall give you an explanation as we make our way back. For I'm that gracious!" He smiled as he continued walking with me. Okay, something's really wrong with this dude....


We managed to make it to the courtyard when the man began to explain. After the whole "dormitory" things and certain attributes.

"This is Night Raven College. Any magicians blessed with a unique aptitude for magic gather from all over the world; here at the most prestigious magical academy in Twisted Wonderland. And I am the principal, appointed to watch over this academy by the board Chairman, Dire Crowley." He bowed his head.

"Oh!" I pondered. "Magic Night College?" I asked. Never heard of it.

"Magicians who are deemed worthy by the Dark Mirror can attend this school." Crowley explained. "The chosen ones use the Gate and are summoned here from around the world. An Ebony Carriage carrying a gate should've gone to meet you as well."

'Now I get it!' I thought back to when I saw those images. 'The horse drawn carriage with the coffin inside was leading people to a college, not a castle! And those coffins are used as a doorway to transport us to this place! Now I see....'

"I...think I remember going through a dark forest..." I answer with uncertainty.

"The Ebony Carriage goes to welcome new students chosen by the dark mirror." He continues. "They're special carriages that carry the doors to the academy. The market decided long ago that carriages are used to welcome people on special days."

A market? Where?

"So...you're saying...that carriage just brought me here on its own?" I ponder.

I must've forgotten Grim was there, since he started to scream more. But his cries were still muffled by the rag around his mouth.

"Come, let us head to the ceremony." Crowley ushered me forward.

I shrug as I keep walking. Guess there'll be a time for questions later.

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