《Fragments of Time ( A Disney Twisted Wonderland x OC story) Book I》C


My eyes fluttered open, despite the need to keep them shut. All I saw was a room.

A room of ..... floating coffins?

"Where am I?..." I asked, even if there was no one else.

There were a few windows lining the room, the curtains and heavy iron gating looked difficult enough to move from an angle. A beautiful chandelier hung above as light poured down in a straight line. A small fountain of green poured the tinted water into the three tiers below.

But what caught my eye was the ornate mirror standing in front of me. The glass lit up with a blazing green fire.

Without thinking, I walked forward.

"Ah...my beloved lord. My glorious, beautiful flower of evil."

Who was that voice.....?

I don't think I recognize it....

"You are the fairest in all the land."

My feet seemed to have a mind of their own, the further I keep walking toward the mirror.

"Mirror, Mirror, pray tell. Who is the most....?"

The room had gone black.

My mind went fuzzy. I choked on my breath as I fell to my knees. Clenching then shut, I braved the pain as images flashed before my eyes.

A horse-drawn carriage....carrying a coffin??? Towards....a castle of sorts???

And the lettering on the gate....

Night Raven.....

The scene had melted back into the room I had been in before....

But now, I was right in front of the mirror.

"You, who have been summoned by the Mirror of Darkness; Listen to your heart's desire and take the hand of the one reflected in the mirror."

From behind the glass emerged a hand of sorts.


I froze. How did it know my name?? And why was it calling for me?!

But....it seemed that the voice was desperate. Much like the hand in the mirror, it was beckoning me. To jump through and find what's on the other side.

Hesitantly, I lifted a hand, moving it ever so painfully slow towards the glass surface. But before I could let my fingertips graze the glass-

There was ringing in my ears. I recoiled are the sound, covering my ears, clenching my eyes to block out the noises. But the more I resist, the louder it got. The room was fading, drifting off like dust. I lunged for the hand-

I sat up abruptly, looking around wildly.

I was in my bedroom.

I look at the mess. The blankets were ruffled, my hair was a mess, and there were zero coffins or floating mirrors around.

And that damn ringing was my alarm clock.

Rubbing my eyes, I grab my phone and snooze it immediately, throwing it back onto my nightstand. I let out a yarn as I look out the windows. Sunlight poured in through the glass and drawn back curtains. My guess is that it was around nine.

"Charlotte! Vieni qui! I've got breakfast on the table!"

At that, I lunged for the dresser.

"Gimme ten minutes, Auntie!" I call back. I scramble for my clothes: A beige knitted off shoulder blouse, dark jeans and my favorite black boots. Scrubbed my face, my teeth, combed my hair, and I threw on a quick slip of eyeliner and mascara.

I doubled down the stairs just as I tied my hair up, the white bandana slipping in and out of my hold.


I managed to tie it just as I stepped foot into the dining room. The smell of strawberry waffles, poached eggs and hand squeezed orange juice hit me.

"Ah, the sleeping beauty finally awakens!" My aunt comes in with two plates stacked of everything. I didn't even realize my stomach was growling.

"Auntie..." I whine playfully. She laughs as she sets the plate down in front of me and the other for her. A talk pitcher of OJ with two glasses is in the middle.

I reach for my fork and knife and start cutting into my waffles just as my aunt speaks.

"So, Charlotte. What do you feel like doing? Movies? A walk around town? It's your day, so you can decide for yourself!"

Chewing on my waffle, I think.

"Maybe....walk around town? Window shopping?" I suggest.

"Perfetto! And maybe a bit of actually shopping too." She remarks, sipping from her glass.

I smile as I bite into my eggs. Aunt Sam is always up for shopping when she gets the chance.


Nearly three hours later, my aunt and I had done so much around town. We got to watch a band perform in the plaza, we got some food, and like she promised, shopping of our own. I mostly stuck with new clothes, a pair of shoes and some jewelry. Aunt Sam snagged a new purse, some high-end tailored jackets, and scented candles.

We were just about to head home, until we were stopped by a woman around her age.


"Corinna! It's been so long!" The two started to chat while I stood by a pillar, looking at my phone now and then.

"Charlotte!" I looked up at her. "I need to go help Corinna with something at her cafe for a minute. Would you mind waiting here?" I shook my head.

"No, I'll be okay!" I smiled, as she nodded and sped off with her friend leading.

I stared around the square. It was so lively. Young couples here and there with families enjoying their day out. And the weather was nice and breezy.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]


I froze. It was that same voice I heard in my dream. Looking around, I couldn't find where it came from, until I saw-

A small antique shop with a wooden sign with the words, "Madame Mim's Mysterique Shoppe."

"Sounds pretty old school...night check it out!" I gathered my bags, and strode to the glass my door.

Upon opening it, the smell of herbs and old books mingled in the air. I scrunched my nose up at the smell. Too overpowering, but who am I to complain?

I eye the place. It looked like a cross between a pawn shop, a mini library and an antiques store. Cluttered piles at random places, few dust bunnies lining the counter, and one of those ladders at the library for reaching books on high shelves.

"Wow....it looks like no ones used this place in months..." I murmur, watching where I step.

"Well I've been too busy is all, my dear!" I turn at the voice. From out of the shadows, a woman in her thirties approached me. She wore the standard gypsy gear, dark locks concealed under a bright red bandana, gold jewelry clinked and white blouse swayed as she moved.


"Well, well, whom do we have here?" She leaned close to my face, as I resisted moving back at the close proximity. "Hmmm....ah! You're not from around these parts are you?" She mused. I nodded mutely.

"Oh, don't be shy, dearie! Madame Mim is always here to help travelers in need! Now, what is it you seek? Let me hear your hearts desires." She clasped her hands, looking at me.

"Well..." I stare around the shop carefully. What exactly WAS there?


"Ah, I see. Anything to surprise you! Understood! Come, come! Let me read your palm!" Before I knew it, I sat at a small table, her hands holding both of mine and staring at them carefully from different angles.

"Hmmmm....I see that you are a woman of courage. You....do many things that you set your mind to. And you do them without caring of anyone's thoughts! While that may seem good....it can also be bad. For if you don't take others advice for your own benefit, bad things may happen that befall you or the ones around you!" She explained. Back to my hands, she continues, "I see that....you've endured the darkness from many. They've inflicted you with harsh criticism and negative remarks that dampened you. And you rose from the ashes, like a Phoenix! But....there is something that is destroying you inside. Something....devastating. Something...." she seemed to sense my distress for she closed her lips before sayin another word.

"Tell me, my dear....do you feel...lost?" She clasped my hands with her own. Sighing, I look down.

"To be honest....a bit. I feel...like a piece of my life is gone....after what happened. So...I thought about getting away for a while and try to clear my head. It seemed to work, but will it do it's job over time? And with what's been going on lately....am I meant for something great?" I explain hesitantly. The feel of tears in eyes was hard to let go.

Mim nodded. "These things do take time, my dear. But just remember: you may doubt yourself, but others will have faith in you. It's when you see through their eyes what they mean that you'll really feel like you can conquer what's in front of you." She stared at me as she said that. "Wait right here!" She skipped over to a bookshelf, scurrying to find something. After a few seconds she found it.

"Here it is! A book that just might help you find what you're looking for!" She came back and handed me the book. It was a largely thick book with no words on the cover, just a few gold stripes lining the top and bottom of the spine.

"I wouldn't open that just yet. Wait until the right moment to find what you need an answer too." She instructed. I nodded, listening carefully.

"I've also a few more things that may help you. Come with me." I stood as she began walking to the counter. She grabbed a wide tray full of something sorted and a small velvet pouch. Placing them on the countertop, she rummaged through and plucked out several gems and stones.

"Here are a few stones that may help you with your problem, dear.

"Some Aquamarine and Beryl for peace and tranquility. Moonstones for balance and power. Quartz for an open heart. A Morganite for compassion and a Fire Opal for energy and emotion." One by one, the stones dropped into the bag, she cinched it shut and plopped it into my hand.

"H-how much do I owe you?" I ask a bit scared.

"Well the price for the book would normally be thirty five, and the gems...somewhere between fifteen to

Twenty. But since I haven't had a customer in so long, I'll cut you a deal! Since you were the first to walk into my shop, I'll let you have the book and stones for ten dollars! Plus, choose anything from the counter as a free gift! How about that?"

A little sketchy, but might as well make her happy since I'm here. I look through the glass case and see various trinkets and such. I was about to move on with payment until I saw it. A group of three hair clips with Ranunculus.

I felt my breath caught in my throat. They were so fragile, so beautiful....and they reminded me of-

"Ah, I see you've an eye for the Ranunculus hair decor. You like them, yes?" I nod desperately.

"May I have them?" I ask, referring to the deal.

"Ah, go ahead! Besides, I've others in my shop anyways." She reaches for the keys in her bra, and after fishing them out, she unlocks the backing of the cabinet. She grabs each clip delicately, and carefully wraps them up in tissue paper, and places them in a small paper bag along with the book and gems.

I fish out the ten in my pocket and hand it to her. She rings up the cash and the deal was set.

"Have a good day my dear! And keep in mind what I've told you! It may help you in the future!" I nod, waving goodbye, smiling lightly as I walk out the door.


"Charlotte! I'm so sorry! It took a lot longer than I expected!" I had only taken ten steps away from the shop, and I was suddenly bombarded by apologies from Sam.

"No, it's okay! I was fine anyways!" I chuckled. "Why don't we get some gelato?" I offer.

"Oh, you need to control that sweet tooth of yours!" She chided playfully.

"I can't help it!" I laugh as we walked off with our treasures.


We got back around six and we prepped for dinner. I decided to put my things away while aunt Sam started dinner.

Just as I headed to my room, I felt....something was off.

There was something strange from down the hall.

Putting my bags by the bedroom door, I crept down the hall slowly, inspecting every inch of the place carefully. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary, just a few photos lined along the walls. But when I got to the end of the hall, I turned the corner, preparing for the worst.

There was a door. A plain white door.

But I felt as though something behind that door was giving off a bad vibe. With caution, I approached the door. My fingers lifted and I grabbed for the knob. I twist.

It didn't budge.

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