《Your The One That I Want | Grease Movie》6


-May 1st 1959-

I am at my house and I am about to change out of my dress when I hear a car outside.I look outside and i see Kenickie.He walks up to the door and knocks.I walk downstairs to see my mom open the door.

Beth:Oh Kenickie hello dear.

Kenickie:Hello Miss Walker.

Mom turns around and see's me.I walk over and go to close the door in Kenickie's face but he puts his hand on mine.

Kenickie:I'm sorry.

Kayra:Yeah well sorry won't fix what you did...Dancing with another girl?.

Kenickie:How can I make it up to you?.

Kayra:Maybe you outta clean up your act for one...Goodnight Kenickie.

Kenickie:A-are you breaking up with me?.

Kayra:No but I'm putting us on hold till you can prove to me your sorry.

I close the door in Kenickie's face and I go upstairs to go to bed.

-May 4th 1959-

McGee:"Intercomm".We have pictures

of you so called mooners.Just because it's not your faces doesn't mean we can't identify you.At this very moment those pictures are on the way to Washington

where the FBI has experts in this type of identification.If you turn yourselves in nowyou may escape a federal charge.


-June 1959-

Leo:You guys think you got a winner?.

Kenickie:That's right.

Leo:Takes more than a coat of paint on Thunder Road.

Kenickie:Oh yeah?.

Leo:You guys aren't thinking of changing your mind are ya?.

Kenickie:No way.

Leo:Good.Cos we're racing for pinks.


Leo:Pinks you punk.Pink slips. Ownership papers.

Danny tries to go and punch Leo but Kenickie holds him back.

Kenickie:Stop.Don't worry.I'll take care of it alright?.

Leo:Hey get the dude man."Laughs".


Jan:What did she give him?.

Marty:A lock of hair.

Kayra:From her chest.

Jan:Poor Kenickie."Looks at the ground".

See a penny,pick it up,all day long."Grabs Penny".you'll have good luck.

Marty:Gimme that."Takes it".

Mrs.Murdoch:If it were in any better condition it would fly.

Marty:Here Kenickie I brought you this for good luck.

Kenickie:Gee thanks.

Marty drops it on the ground.

Marty:I'm so sorry.

Kenickie:Don't worry I'll get it."Bends down to pick it up".

At that moment Putzie opens the passenger side door and hits Kenickie's head.

Doody:You putz!.

We all surround my boyfriend and i tske my jacket off placing it under his head.As our rivals laugh.

Sonny:Zuko he's out cold.

Putzie:What are we gonna do?.

Danny:Kenickie.Talk to me buddy.

Kenickie opens his eyes.

Kayra:You ok?.

Kenickie:What?.Yeah.I'm ok...I'm fine."Groans".

Mrs.Murdoch:You can't drive.

Kenickie:No really I'm alright."To Danny".I'm just seeing two of you man.

Danny:Hey you want me to drive for you?.


Danny:Alright come on let's help him up.

We all begin to help him up off the ground.

Sonny:Marty give me a hand.

Danny goes over and gets into Grease Lightning.Both gangs start their car engines.

Leo:Hey.The rules are there ain't no rules.To the second bridge and back.First one back wins.

Mrs.Murdoch:Haul ass kid.

Leo:You ain't gonna see me for dust Zuko.

ChaCha signals for the boys to race and they do...We chant for Danny and soon Danny comes back winning the race.We all rush over to him congratulating him.

Tbirds:For he's a jolly good fellow,For he's a jolly good fellow,For he's a jolly good fellow,Which nobody can deny.


After celebrating I go home and soon I hear a motorcycle approach my house and I go outside to see Kenickie dressed out of his usual clothes.Kenickie approaches me.

Kenickie:I truly am sorry for my actions Kayra.

Kayra:W-what are you wearing?.

Kenickie:I uh dressed like one of the geeks.

Kayra:You did all that just to say your sorry?.

Kenickie:Uh yeah...I thought it would dhow you how sorry I am.

I begin to laugh at the way he looks.

Kayra:Bit of advice put on the Tbirds jacket.

Kenickie looks at me and smirks.

Kenickie:Very funny."Sighs".

Kayra:Kenickie I want you not a new version if you.I love you for who you are.

Kenickie:"Smiles".I uh also quit smoking...I know you think it's a dirty habit.

Kayra:Y-you quit smoking?,For me?.


I kiss Kenickie.

Kayra:Your apology is accepted...Under one condition.


Kayra:Look like the man i feel in love with."Chuckles".

Kenickie:I can make that work."Smiles".


-June 1959-

Mcgee:Attention seniors.Before the merriment of commencement commences I hope your years with us here at Rydell High have prepared you for the challenges you face.Who knows among you there may be a future Eleanor Roosevelt or a Rosemary Clooney.And among you young men there may be a Joe DiMaggio,a President Eisenhower or even a Vice President Nixon.But always you will have

the glorious memories of Rydell High.

Rydell forever.Bon voyage."Chimes".

The bell rings and we all rush out of the school to the fair grounds outside.Ne and Kenickie go on some rides and then we go get some cotton candy and have fun for a while...Later on Me and Kenickie are in the middle of kissing when we hear whistles and we look over to see Sandy dressed up as a greaser we looked shocked as we go over to the rest of the Thirds.


Sandy:Tell me about it stud.

Danny:"Sings".I got chills,They're multiplying,And I'm losing control,Cause the power you're supplying,It's electrifying!.

Sandy:"Sings".You better shape up,Cause I need a man,And my heart is set on you,You better shape up,You better understand,To my heart I must be true.

Danny:"Sings".Nothing left,Nothing left for me to do.

Sandy,Danny:"Sings".You're the one that I want.Oo-oo-oo honey,The one that I want

Oo-oo-oo honey,The one that I want

Oo-oo-oo the one I need,Oh yes indeed.

Sandy:"Sings".If you're filled with affection

You're too shy to convey,Meditate in my direction,Feel your way.

Danny:Oh!."Sings".I better shape up,Cause you need a man

Sandy:"Sings".I need a man,Who can keep me satisfied.

Danny:"Sings".I better shape up If I'm gonna prove.

Sandy:"Sings".You better prove

That my faith is justified.

Danny:"Sings".Are you sure?.

Sandy,Danny:"Sings".Cause I'm sure down deep inside.(3X)You're the one that I want

Oo-oo-oo honey,The one that I want

Oo-oo-oo honey,The one that I want

Oo-oo-oo the one I need,Oh yes indeed.

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