《80s/90s Imagines[DISCONTINUED]》The rainy football game (Sodapop)



Me and my mom were pulling up to this gas station, because she got really thirsty apparently, and couldn't wait until we got home.

"Could you get me a coke?"

"Yeah sure." I say as she hands me 75 cents.

I get out and feel the hot sun on my face and arms. I loved this weather.

I opened the door and went to the back and accidentally bumped into someone who was carrying a crate that had cans of coke in it.

"Oh my god, I am so sorry!" I say bending down and beginning to pick up all the cans.

"Oh no, I got it! Don't worry about it!" I look up and so does the boy. Oh my lord he was gorgeous. He had brown hair that was slicked back with grease. Ocean blue eyes. Rosy red cheeks. And his bright pink lips. I wondered why I've never seen him before. We both slowly stood up at the same time.

"Hi. Umm- I- I'm Sodapop Curtis..."

"Oh hi. I'm y/n y/l/n."

"Can I just say that umm- your the most beautiful girl I've ever seen.." he says scratching the back of his neck.

I get really nervous and look down at my feet and fidget with my fingers.

"Well uh. Is there anything you need help finding?"

"Well actually, my mom just wants coke..."

"Oh well here, have this one..."

I tried giving him the 75 cents, but he just nodded his head.

"So umm, I was wondering if maybe you'd wanna maybe come and meet me and my friends at the field, and play some football? It's okay if you don't play, you can just sit on the side if you want. But I would love if you'd come!"


He says as we walk to the front of the gas station.

"Umm yeah, that would be great! What time should I be there?"

"Uh, well me and my friend Steve, we don't get out of work until about 4, so maybe be there by like 4:30."

"Okay, I'll see you later then." I say giving him a smile, and going home.

It was 12, so I thought I had plenty of time. I took a shower, and did my hair. I cant believe he called me beautiful. He was so hot.

I looked at my clock which read '3:46' WHAT.

Oh my god I have to be there in less than an hour.

I quickly put on my black jean shorts, with a white t-shirt tucked into my jeans, a Jean jacket, and my black high top converse, which had holes on the sides, and they were just really dirty. It was now 4, I quickly said bye to everyone and ran out the door.

It only took me 20 minutes to get there, so I was a bit early so I just decided to wait by the gate.

*about 15 minutes later*

I began hearing this cheering, and loud screaming, which sounded like a group of boys. I was scared to meet all of them though.

I saw soda coming around the corner of the gate with a tall brown haired boy, his hair wasn't greased though. He looked at me and ran over to me.

"Heyyy! I'm so glad you did come, do you plan on playing, or no?"

"Uhhh, I'll play for a few...."


I then saw another man which looked a lot older than the other ones, and taller.

"Alright, alright, the teams are Dallas, Johnny, Two, and Pony. Then the other team is Me, Soda, Steve and y/n right?"


"Oh ya that's me." I say nervously.

"Alright, let's get this game goin!"

I run out with Soda and we began playing.

Our team was winning by 5 points, and the first game was over. It started pouring out.

Soda took my hand and the boys followed us, we all laid down on the grass. Soda held my hand as we looked up at the sky.

I looked over to see soda looking at me. He placed his hand on my cheek and gave it a light stroke. And we both leaned in. This feeling was going through my body. I've kissed a few boys before, but for some reason this kiss was, special.

We pulled away.

"Would you wanna be my girl y/n?"

"Yes soda!" I say giggling and kissing him again....


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