《The Sandlot(BxB)》Chapter 13


"Hey guys, guys, guys, it's all on me tonight!"

Benny gave the ticket person the money and we got our tickets. We ran towards the fair but we were stopped by Bertram's voice.

"Ah crap I almost forgot!"


"What is it?"

He pulled out a white bag from his pocket and showed us what he had

"I've been saving it for a good time"

Chewing tobacco? Why does he have that?

"What is it?"

"Scotty don't take any"

"Come on Y/N loosen up"

"You know what? Fine, do what you want"

"It's big chief, the best!"

"Gee Smalls, I suppose you don't even know who the Babe is either!"

They laughed at him and he shifted uncomfortably. I patted his arm and Benny had his hands on his shoulders for reassurance.

"It's plug! Wad! Chewing tobacco!"

"What do you do with it?"

"... You're killin me, Smalls!"

Ham took out a piece and stuffed it in his mouth. His words sounded muffled when he spoke.

"Chew itch of coursh!"

"You do?"


"Yeah man, all the pros do it!"

"Yeah yeah! Gives ya tons of energy"

"Let's dip! Let's dip!"

They took the cut up pieces of chewing tobacco and placed them in their mouth. I was offered the bag but I didn't want any part in this. I passed it to someone else which happened to be Benny. He took out a piece and started chewing it. I shook my head and walked towards the ride called the 'Trabant'

"Let's ride!"

They all came running toward the ride and gave their tickets to the ticket guy. I had already chosen my seat and put the lap bar down but it got lifted. I saw Benny sit right next to me and smiled. I smiled back and scooted closer to him. The ride started and it was pretty fun… Until I heard someone gag from behind me.


Benny cringed and spit out the tobacco. I looked around and saw puke flying everywhere. There was a puddle of it pooling on the floor of the ride. Luckily for me, Benny didn't puke and we were clean. I couldn't say the same for the other guys and people on the ride as they were all covered in regurgitation. I don't believe in God but if that's not a blessing I don't know what is.

When we got off the ride the guys all wanted to go home but the only thing keeping them here was me

"You guys are not going anywhere. You all decided to chew tobacco so you're dealing with it. I came here to have fun, not to leave immediately just because-"

"Okay Y/N, we get it"

I paused and looked at Ham. His face went from annoyed to scared when I gave him a glare.

"Scott cover your ears"

He covered them without hesitation

"Ham shut the fuck up, I wasn't done talking! I could give less of a fuck if you're sick or tired because whose fucking fault is it? Yours, and I'm not going home because of your dumbass! Estúpido"

Everyone stood there with their mouths open while a quite snicker from behind me made its way through the loud environment

"So if you're getting on another ride, do so. If you're sitting out, go for it. But none of you are going home"

"Got it"

"Sir yes sir"

I sighed and sat down on the bench behind. Or what I thought was the bench which ended up being Benny's lap. I gasped and tried to get up but his arms wrapped around my waist and held me against him.


I sat back down on his lap and his grip tightened

"That's not what I meant but I'll take it"


I realized what he was talking about and blushed. I made no attempt to get up as I would just be pulled back down.

"So what ride do you wanna get on?"

"Mmm… the Ferris wheel"

"Alright let's go"

We got up and walked towards the Ferris wheel. As we walked I glanced around the fair and I saw a few of the guys waiting in line for some rides. Guess I got across to them.


After a while we decided to call it quits on the fair and go home. Benny walked with me to Scott's house. Scotty was holding his stomach and groaning the whole time but Benny seemed somewhat unfazed by the tobacco.



"How are we going to explain the puke on your shirt?"

"Um… We don't have too?"

"I'm sure your mom is waiting for us to get home"

"Oh no! What should we do!"

"We? You buddy"

"You were there too!"

"Don't put this on me. You didn't want to listen to me when I said don't take any"


He walked ahead of us and groaned so more

"How are you feeling Benny?"


I stopped walking and grabbed his arm. He turned around so now we were face to face.

"You sure? You look kind of pale"

I placed my hand on his cheek where a pinkish tint sat. I couldn't tell if it was my doing or the tobacco's.

He pulled my hand away and pecked my lips

"Yeah, I'm fine"

"... Alright"

He slowly pulled away taking my hand with him but dropping it soon after. He continued back up but we stared into each other's eyes. The hazel orbs kept getting further until I grabbed onto his arm and brought him closer again.

We gazed into each other for a while with nothing but silence to fill the air around. His lips hovered over mine, soft and short heated breaths left his nose.

I'm not sure when it happened but he closed the gap. His hands found their way around my waist and my arms circled his neck. He pulled me into him harder and I did the same. Our lips were pressed firmly against each other and I found it hard to break away.

Eventually I tilted backwards to breath. We stood there, breathing heavily in each other's arms.

"Y/n, I lo-"

"I can't see but mom- ew guys!"

"Oh shut up Scotty"

Scott turned away and started walking again. Benny turned towards me again and smiled.

"I love you"

My heart stopped. Then it started again only this time it thumped rapidly in my chest. I guess I took too long to answer because his smile began to falter.

"It's okay if you-"

I kissed him so he would stop talking. I followed that up with a hug.

"I love you too"

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