《Blood & Honey #1》*Chapter Eleven*
I leave a near-the-breaking-point Kinley to wash up while I steal a shirt from the closet since mine is in unpresentable condition. The solid gray T-shirt fits snugly, to the point it is almost uncomfortable and feels like the sleeves may rip if I were to move in a certain way. The human male who owns this shirt is obviously puny. At least he's tall as the length fits.
I'm sure Maya will enjoy the fact she can see the contours of my muscles through the shirt. Kinley may even appreciate it if she didn't think I was a spawn of the devil. I would be insulted except that is exactly what I am so I'll take it as a compliment, a badge I wear proudly.
Kinley is a child of her god and I am the son of Haysha who feasts upon all of her kind. We are a match made in heaven.
All right, hell is more fitting.
Speaking of feasting, Kinley's friend does just that when she sees me emerge from the bedroom.
That's right, Maya. Take a good, hard, long look, for it will be your last as a free human.
"Kinley's taking a shower. It was a rough night," I say, walking up to the fish tank where Maya had been watching the exotic fish swim in their tiny prison until I gave her something better to look at.
"Rough night..." Maya's voice fades as her gaze skims across my chest as if she is mentally ripping my shirt off to expose the body she saw more of a few minutes ago.
She's succumbing to the extra dose of pheromones Kinley's blood unleashed. Vampires have stronger pheromones than humans. It is part of what makes humans find us so irresistible. Our Maker crafted us well, each part of us designed to entice our prey into putting their own neck in a noose.
"Excruciatingly rough," I reply in a rasped, suggestive husk that causes Maya's mouth to part involuntary.
By the scent of Maya's blood, I can tell she is of the same pure status as Kinley. It's why it is so easy for the sensual aura I am exuding to penetrate her senses. She's longing for the unknown of what it must be like to have flesh against flesh.
I'd be willing to give her a taste, but it won't be the way she's envisioning.
A satisfied smirk graces my features as I watch Maya force herself to swallow to try and break the daze I am putting her under without real effort.
"Kinley has been having a hard time sleeping these past few weeks due to the nightmares. I offered to stay the night with her in hopes she'd be able to get some rest. Last night, she got another nosebleed. Are those something she gets often?"
"Nosebleeds?" Immediate concern snaps Maya out of her trance.
"Yes, they come about suddenly."
Maya's lips turn down. "She didn't use to get them. They started the night after she...I'm sorry, it's just that Kinley has never mentioned you before. It's not really my place to say."
"You can tell me." I step into Maya's space, tearing down that wall she is trying to put up that will deny me the answers I seek.
The hesitation dissipates from Maya's brown eyes as she looks into my blue ones. "They started the night she lost her parents. The doctors have run a bunch of different tests on her but everything comes back negative. They don't know what is causing her nosebleeds. They assume it's a response to stress. That would make sense except there have been a few times Kinley has collapsed and blacked out when she gets one."
She can't be sick. I would taste that in her blood if she were suffering from an illness.
"Has Kinley ever mentioned to you what happened that night?" This time I use compulsion because this question demands the utmost truth.
"You mean has she told me about the demon with the angel's face?" Kinley's friend's weight shifts to the leg furthest from me while she tucks her hands beneath the comfort of her elbows. Her subconscious is becoming aware of the dark atmosphere squeezing around her.
It's always interesting how humans cover their midsections when they start to get nervous or uncomfortable. They look like little toddlers who can't cope and need a self-hug.
"She said the demon tore apart her parents. That their hearts had been ripped out and throats ripped open.
"Yes, but everyone knows he isn't real. Her mind made him up to deal with what she saw. It's awful to come home and find your family dead lying in a pool of blood. It's even worse when you see that the person responsible is someone you know. We grew up with Mr. Carter's son and daughter. Some mornings, his son would take Kinley to school. Once we got into high school, Mr. Carter became our soccer coach. To think Coach Carter is the one who killed her parents because the voices in his head told him to is impossible to comprehend. Kinley may have survived the attack, but her mind didn't. It makes me sad because I don't know how to help her. No one does. She just keeps pulling further away from everything."
Maya blinks rapidly as I release her from compulsion. She shakes her head as her mind tries to get rid of the remnants of my invasion. She looks up at me somewhat unsure where we are at in our conversation.
"I'm sorry. How is it that you know Kinley?" She defaults back to the question that has probably been on her mind since she first saw me.
"We met at a bookstore, and I haven't been able to leave her alone since."
Maya's cheeks tinge pink as I assume her mind is recalling the way I held onto Kinley and kissed her neck.
"I wonder why she's never said anything about you. I've been worried about her being here all by herself. So are you two like...dating?" She asks.
"We aren't dating, but to say I'm only a friend wouldn't be the truth either. I know how it looked earlier. I apologize. I get a little overzealous when pursuing the things that I want, and there is nothing more that I want than to sink a certain part of me into Kinley." I walk over and stand next to Maya.
She has turned her attention back to the fish, striving to conceal the effects my silk-wrapped voice and piercing gaze are causing in her. What she doesn't know is I can hear the elevation in her pulse when my arm brushes against hers and how my last statement caused her breath to hitch when it left my mouth.
It's a statement that can hold many different meanings. I, however, mean it only in one way at this said point in time. I can still taste Kinley's blood, and my fangs are aching to get ahold of her again, whether it's her arm, a wrist, her delicate neck, pouty bottom lip, or slender thigh. The beast in me isn't picky when my thirst is becoming a prevalent need.
I shouldn't be thirsty after how much I drank last night, but I am always hungry when I'm around Kinley. Right now, my cinnamon spiced human is in the shower and all I can think about are all the places I want to sink my teeth into.
My cold blood begins to heat, pooling under my eyes. I know I need to redirect this conversation before Maya becomes a substitute that will not satisfy the craving building in these black veins trying to surface. Only one human will do, which means all others will not survive as I will undoubtedly drink them dry to try and sate what can not be quenched thanks to Kinley Shea Rylan and her mouth-watering cinnamon honey blood.
"How long are you planning on staying?" I glimpse over at the luggage Maya hauled in here by the couch.
"Through the summer. I signed up for all online classes next semester in hopes I can convince Kinley to apply for school down here. She up and quit on me this year. Just stopped showing up to class. I tried to get her to come back as the semester was already halfway over. Next day, she told me she was moving. Then, she was gone."
Kinley is trying to run from the memories of that night, but is there something else she is running from?
Is it possible the reason she has a hard time finding reality is because the vampire who killed her parents has been messing with her head after the fact?
It's a strong probability as it is something I would do. It's not often you find blood like Kinley's. It goes beyond purity and into intoxicating levels that are maddening and alluring all at the same time. Any vampire that tasted her would want to keep her around as long as they could before they give in and greedily devour the last drop she has to offer.
"Have you ever heard of a myru?" I ask Maya as I tap on the glass of the fish tank, causing the fish swimming near it to dart away.
"A my—what?" Maya looks up at me.
"A myru. They are said to be blood slaves during the times of the Dark Prince."
Maya's head tilts. "I'm not much of a history buff. By Dark Prince, you mean like Hitler?"
A burst of laughter catches in my throat. "No. I don't mean like the German commander. I'm talking about a time that pre-dates us by thousands of years."
"Oh." Maya blushes and looks away. She's embarrassed by her lack of knowledge over something her kind don't have written in their history books. She doesn't know that though. She thinks this is common knowledge she learned in school but doesn't remember.
"Myru are humans who have been unclaimed and have no master. They can't refuse any vampire who wishes to feed on them."
Now it is Maya's turn to laugh.
"Oh my gosh, you're talking about a book! You were so serious I thought you were actually talking about history. I see you share the same fascination for reading about demons, vampires, and creatures of the underworld as Kinley."
"Yes, I believe you could say that I do. In this... particular book there is another term for human blood slaves—the meirru. Meirru are blood slaves the same as the myru. However, a meirru is claimed and typically houses pure blood. A claimed blood slave can only be feasted upon with sanctioning from their master."
Maya's eyes glaze over, lost with the unfamiliar words and realm of paranormal beings she believes are fictional monsters. I cut straight to the point.
"I want you to be the house meirru. I can't bring Kinley into a home with other vampires without bringing a warm-blooded offering for them to console their thirst. Their thirst will be much more prevalent with the scent of human always nearby. With another male vampire in the house, I need to take every precaution to protect Kinley. You want to help me protect Kinley, don't you, Maya?"
Nervous cackling rattles my eardrums as Maya steps away from me. "Is this some type of game? Oh, god. I knew you were too hot to be true. You're one of those freaks who thinks he's a vampire! Kin—"
I clamp my hand around Maya's mouth, cutting her off mid-scream.
"This is no game, human. You will become our house meirru and you will do so with a smile on your face if that is what I wish. Now, listen carefully." I lock my gaze with Maya's, pulling her into me so that my commands are the only thing her brain can register. "I am going to take Kinley home with me. You will stay here and pack up her things. When I send for you tomorrow evening, everything will be ready to go and the driver will take you to the new home that awaits your service."
Despite Maya's enlarged eyes and racing pulse, she nods, unable to deny the powers of compulsion.
"Good. Now that it's settled, be a doll and make Kinley some food. She needs to replenish her energy after our extremely rough night. And remember, you are happy about all this. It is exciting—very, very exciting this move. It's a privilege to be the house meirru." I release Maya and smirk as her fear turns from terror-filled to sheer enthusiasm. Her eyes light up and she jumps up and down in celebratory giddiness.
Perhaps I should have left out the "verys".
"Oh my gosh. I can't wait for all of us to move in together. It's going to be so fun!" She bounces around, grabbing my hands only to stop bouncing suddenly. "Oh, first I need to make Kinley something to eat, then I need to start packing. OMG, I needed to start packing like yesterday! Food first then packing. This is going to be so amazing. I'm going to be a house meirru! Kinley's going to flip when I tell her."
I agree. Kinley will most certainly flipwhen she finds out I've made her friend a blood slave. She would be especially upset with me if she knew meirru usually only survive for five years before they completely lose their minds.
Every time we compel someone, we steal a piece of their mind. Meirru usually require a lot of compulsion to keep them subservient. Historically, meirru were responsible for many other tasks, such as the cleaning and the shopping when it would necessitate a trip into town to name a few.
There are vampires today that still use this practice. It's only common among the older of the bloodlines. Having Maya be our blood slave will save me from having to hunt for Kalista as well. The obnoxious princess will be able to fill her golden cup any time she chooses.
How's that for hospitality? My sisters may have taken the princess shopping, but I am bringing the "shopping" home to her.
While Maya is busy pulling out things to make Kinley a turkey sandwich, I decide to check on Kinley. The shower stopped five minutes ago. I would have thought she would rush out here to check on her friend.
When I enter the bathroom, I find Kinley curled in a ball on the floor, rocking back and forth while she mumbles broken and erratic sentences. Her sea-green eyes lift to me when she realizes she's no longer alone. Her eyes fill with unshed tears and her face is flushed with tears that have already fallen.
"I tried to go out there. I did, but I couldn't. All I can think about is my parents. Their torn bodies, the demon's fanged smile as their blood covered his face. You are no different than he is and are probably waiting for me to come see what you have done. I won't. I won't do it." The gathering tears spill down Kinley's face.
Ugh, again with the waterworks.
"Maya is very much alive and well. I told you what happens to her is directly up to you."
Kinley shakes her head and buries her face between her knees. "You're lying. Maya's dead, and it's all because of me."
"Unless corpses can make turkey sandwiches while singing to themselves, I beg to differ. It doesn't matter if you believe me because if you don't get up off the floor and go see for yourself, I will make sure Maya's heart becomes the newest addition to the aquarium."
Kinley chokes on a sob, pushing to her feet on legs that tremble so bad you would think they have no bones in them. Each step sucks her breath away. She still thinks she's going to see Maya slaughtered lying in a pool of blood in the living room.
An exhale of relief washes over Kinley, her hand going over her heart when she sees Maya moving about in the kitchen. Her glimpse of her friend doesn't last long as I pull Kinley back into the room and press her up against the wall.
"As a thank you for allowing your friend's heart to stay in her chest, an offering of blood is expected. Remember that." I let go of Kinley and she scrambles out from the cage my body and the wall fashioned around her.
Kinley doesn't get far.
"Hey, girl! Sandwich is in the fridge."
Kinley follows Maya as she carries a laundry basket full of clothes from the dryer over to the couch and sets it down next to a suitcase.
"What are you doing? Why are you carrying my laundry?"
Maya swirls around and grabs Kinley's arms. "I'm packing your things. I can't wait for us to all live together. Did Tristan tell you I am going to be a house meirru? It sounds totally BA, right? Ek! There is so much to do. Sandwich is in the fridge. I better get busy if I want to have everything packed up by tomorrow." Maya picks up a pair of jeans out of the laundry basket, folds them, and places them in the suitcase.
"What...what did you do to her?" Kinley stays facing a humming Maya as she happily continues folding and placing everything in the laundry basket into the suitcase.
"I compelled her to pack your things. Now, grab your sandwich. The driver is already here."
Kinley doesn't move. "Did she say we are all going to be living together?"
"I will explain everything in the car." I place a hand on Kinley's back and lead her toward the door, her sandwich in my other hand.
"Where are we going?" Kinley's head stays turned, unable to look away from the domination my compulsion has over her friend.
"Home so you can meet the others."
Kinley halts at the first step of the stairwell, her mouth opening in protest. I shove the sandwich into her gaped mouth and pick her up. I'm growing more irritable as my thirst has begun to eat away at my esophagus to remind me of what it is that is making it parched.
"If you wish to survive through the night, I suggest you eat the damn sandwich, Kinley."
I don't need to tell this human I am using her friend as a bargaining chip and she better do as I say. She understands. However, I don't think Kinley understands the implications of my last statement.
I won't be able to wait until tomorrow to drink her sweet, spiced blood. That is a decision that will require me to replenish what her body isn't ready to lose again. If she wouldn't have thrown up my blood so quickly, she would be a lot further along in the healing process than she is now.
I'm going to have to find a way to make her keep my blood down. Something tells me that's going to be a lot harder of a task than it seems.
human blood slave that is unclaimed and can be fed on by any vampire.
human blood slave who is claimed by a vampire and typically houses pure blood. No vampire may feed upon a meirru unless the meirru's master allows it.
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