《The Assassin's Mate》Chapter 23


I am really tired of staying in this hell hole. Nothing fun to do. I got up from my bed and took a quick shower. I wrapped a towel around my body and went to my closet to look for an outfit to wear for the day.

"Hey princess. I was wo-" Raiden said as he entered my room but was cut short when he saw me in nothing but a towel. His eyes darkened immediately. I quickly entered my closet to shield myself.

"Don't you knock?!" I yelled at him.

"If this is what I get for not knocking then I won't ever knock again." He smirked and his eyes were still dark with lust. "The things I would do to you." He said in a husky voice that sent shivers down my spine.

"Get out!!!" I screamed and he laughed and ran away. I quickly got dressed and went downstairs to meet him. I burned holes on his back with my lazer eyes (a/n: she doesn't have lazer eyes) as I saw him preparing breakfast. He probably sensed me because as soon as I came downstairs, he turned around and smirked.

"Damn, the dirty thoughts going through my head right now." He smirked. I ran to him, climbed on one of the stools, dragged him closer to me and smacked his head.

"Stop being nasty!" I kept smacking his head and all he did was laugh.

"I" smack "would" smack "have" smack "you" smack "in" smack "the" smack "shower" smack "with" smack "me" he said and I smacked him harder.

"Stop being nasty! Stop being nasty!" I kept smacking him and he laughed and carried me and dropped me on the floor, a good two feet away from him.

"Calm down catwoman." He kept laughing. His laughter was so beautiful that I could hear him laugh all through the day.

"Why did you come into my room?" I asked him.

"Oh! I was wondering if you would want to go to campfire with me, Brian, Winter, Jacob, Ryan, Ryker, Mara and Olivia." He said as he fiddled with his fingers and looked down.

"Nope." His head snapped up to look at me.

"Why? It would be really great for all of us. It's like a bonding exercise. Please princess." I can't go to a campfire. That's my biggest fear.

"I'm not going. I hate campfires." I said plainly to him.

"Please please. I promise you it would be fun." He begged.

"You might as well get over your fear now." My subconscious mind told me.

"Okay. I guess I could come." I said indecisively.

"Yes! I'll get your campfire stuffs and we would leave at 6pm." He said with so much excitement.

"Whatever." I took my breakfast and washed the plate. I went back to my room and decided to take a quick nap before we left for my death. I tossed and turned but couldn't fall asleep.

"Ugh!" I groaned and sat up. I might as well take a walk around the house. I walked out through the back door because I've never been there before since I came to this house. I stood there in awe because what was in front of me was breathtaking. It was a whole garden of colorful and different flowers. I love flowers and with this here, I felt like I was in heaven. I walked further into the the garden and sat on the ground. I made a cute flower crown and placed it on my head. I looked ahead and saw a swing. I ran to it and started swinging. I love swinging too if you haven't noticed but I stopped a very long time ago. I really don't want to go to that campfire. I can just stay here all day. I continued swinging back and forth.


"I know today is your birthday and I'm going to give you my gift." Jack said. After a year of staying in this cell, I lost all hope of anyone coming to save me.

"Aren't you going to answer me?" Jack said and I kept quiet.

"Okay. You want it that way huh? Just wait." A minute later, a guy named Cole came in. I knew they were rogues because they told me themselves. I just wished mummy and daddy were still alive. I wish they hadn't killed them.

"Yes boss." Cole said as he entered.

"Bring her out. Let's give her a birthday present." They looked at each other and smiled slyly. Cole dragged me away and took me to what seems like their living room. They placed both my hands on a table that had a whip sitting on it.

"You know what a whip is used for right? Did mummy and daddy teach you?" Jack sneered at me and I still kept silent.

"I will hear your screams today!" Jack said and Cole held my hands tightly on the table. I realized what they were about to do and I thrashed around. Jack removed my top and whipped my bare back. Tears were running down my face because the pain was indescribable. He whipped me harder and I heard my flesh tear. I screamed so hard.

"That's right. Scream harder." He laughed like a deranged person. He whipped me continuously and I screamed and cried. I felt something warm flow down my back and I knew it was my blood. Why did my parents have to die! Why me! He kept smashing my fingers and my vision was now blurry.

"Please stop." I whispered in pain and they all cheered because I talked. Darkness overtook me.

"Princess! Stop daydreaming!" I was snapped out of my thoughts and saw Raiden standing in front of me.

"I was looking for you everywhere and shouting your name. I found you here and kept calling your name but you didn't answer." Raiden said and I shrugged him off.

"Sorry" I said nonchalantly.

"It's okay. Let's go now. Time is 6:58pm." He said and started walking to the house. Wow. I zoned out for hours. I trailed behind him and we entered back into the house. Raiden picked up our camping gears and we headed out the front door. He walked into the woods and I was taking in my surroundings. The area where we would be camping wasn't far. It was just five minutes away from Raiden's house. We saw them already gathered around the fire.

"Darshy! You made it!" Winter cheered.

"Yeah. I thought you weren't gonna come." Jacob said and I walked over to seat close to him. Raiden followed and sat near me so I was in between Raiden and Jacob.

"At least I made it didn't I?" They cheered except Brian bitch of course. They started talking and laughing and sharing stories.

"Hurry up honey!" Dad yelled for mum to hurry up.

"Just give me a minute and I'll be there with you!" Mum yelled from upstairs. I walked up to my dad and he picked me up.


"Yes pumpkin?"

"Are we going for a campfire?" I asked while resting my head on the crook of his neck.


"Yes sweetie." He said and kissed my cheek. Mum came down a few minutes later and we were on our way.

We finally arrived to our favorite spot for campfire and we set up our things. Our family friends came too. Mum was roasting beef while dad and I were gathering sticks for our fire.

"You are so strong pumpkin." Dad said and smiled showing off my broken front teeth.

"When I grow up, I wanna be exactly like you." He smiled at what I said. We set up our fire and mum served us dinner. We were talking and laughing and dad was singing my favorite song to me. Then we heard a twig snap. My parents looked at each other then surrounded me in a protective stance. We heard a growl and a brown wolf emerged from the woods. More came out and my parents stepped in front of me.

"Baby, I need you to run no matter what. We will come back for you." Mum said with teary eyes.

"What's happening mummy?" I whispered with tears in my eyes too. I heard my dad scream.

"Baby go! Run and don't look back!" Mum kissed my cheek and I ran with all my strength into the woods. I heard a piercing scream and knew it belonged to my mother. I kept running with tears running down my face. I heard the sound of paws pounding on the floor. I looked back and saw wolves chasing me. I screamed and kept running. I tripped on a tree root and fell on the ground. I tried crawling away but large hands picked me up and I screamed and thrashed around.

"Let me go!" I continued thrashing around.

"Say bye to mummy and daddy." The man said and darkness overtook me.

I took in a deep breath and stood up from the log I was sitting on.

"I have to go." I said as I was walking away.

"Stop!" Raiden said and I turned around.

"Why can't you just have fun for once in your life?" Raiden said with anger crossing his face.

"Why do you always have to be so closed up!" It was Jacob who yelled and I kept silent.

"You act like you own the world. Newsflash, you don't own shit!" Mara yelled at me.

"Shut up all of you!" I yelled at them.

"You should shut up and take a seat!" Brian yelled back at me. They were all yelling profanities at me on why I can't have fun, why I'm so closed up, why I'm such a bitch but only Winter kept quiet. I was so disappointed in Raiden because he joined too.

"So this is why you brought me here huh? To gang up against me?! This is your bonding exercise huh?!" I yelled at Raiden.

"It's your fault! You brought this upon yourself! You never let anyone in!" Raiden yelled at me again.

"Mara is right, you act like you own the world. You own nothing! You are a stuck up bitch! You act like you are so perfect!" Ryan yelled at me. Anger and sadness surged through me.

"I'm a stuck up bitch? You don't know me so don't act like you do!"

I turned to Brian.

"You know I didn't know you were this stupid. It's quite unfortunate that an angel was paired up with a monster like you. I swear if I had a chance, I'd kill you without mercy. I don't know what I ever did to you that made you hate me so much."

I turned to Ryan.

"And to think I thought you were my friend."

I turned to Mara.

"And you bitch! You are lucky I didn't end your life the minute I had the chance to."

I turned to Raiden.

"I thought as a mate you would support me and have my back in anything but I was wrong and to think I was actually considering giving you a chance. You don't know anything about me. You don't know how my life was. You don't know how I was taken away from my parents at the age of seven." My voice broke. I looked at them and their faces held pain especially that of Raiden's.

"You don't know how I heard my parents' screams before they died and I still hear those screams till today and wished I could have done something to help them. They died trying to protect me. You don't know how I was tortured, abused, flogged, starved, almost drowned, almost raped. I have so many scars on my body that remind me of my ugly past. You don't know how I survived when I was in that cell for 6 good years with no hope of salvation. I found the courage to escape and met Derek. He has been my rock ever since. He helped me but still felt like a big part of me was missing. I felt dead, I felt alone and miserable. For multiple times, I tried to take my life and join my parents in a world without pain but unfortunately, Derek always stopped me and gave me talks of hope and courage. He trained me to become strong and overcome anything in life. Then I decided to join an agency because I wanted some justice in this world. I wanted to help people. The first time I killed, I cried for weeks! I was trained the hard way and I thought I would leave my past behind but i couldn't. Every single night, I-I have terrible nightmares. You don't know shit about me so think twice before you judge me." I was crying so hard. This was the first time in ages since I've cried.

I looked at them and they all had a look of regret, pain and sadness. I turned and ran back to the house.

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