《Genshin Impact - Boyfriend Headcannons-》Tartaglia ( Part 3 )



That same night, he played with your hair while watching you fall asleep. He made sure you drank water and gave you the most loving aftercare.

You opened your eyes and looked at him. "Why are you staring so hard..?" He laughed softly and he gave you the warmest smile but the most sad eyes. "I'm just making sure you get your rest y/n, can't I worry about the one I care about?" You shook your head and closed your eyes. "Does this mean you will finally tell me what you do? I mean we are close now- a little to close." he looked at your face carefully. " And this means that we are together right-? Or maybe we are just one of those type of friends? "

Childe looked at you and smiles faintly. " No..We cant Y/N. I can't." You felt your world stop. You felt everything going cold and the atmosphere getting thicker. " What do you mean no- you can't just..just have sex with me and just say that..-" You told him feeling betrayed, feeling like you gave your body away. To someone who wasn't available or maybe didn't want to be.

" I- I don't understand- Why would you have continued to do all of what we did then? If you knew that you weren't going to let me understand you?! I know damn well you know how vulnerable I get because of how sick and tired I get of being alone all the damn time Ajax! " you tears up feeling like as if you were choking up on them. He stared at you with discomfort, not because of you because of himself. "I do trust you-! I just don't trust YOU with ME Y/N!" He went up to grab you but you pushed away and got back. " Don't you dare fucking touch me! You were my FIRST, MY FIRST AJAX!" You cried as you got up and shook your head in disbelief.


It was supposed to be special wasn't it? Yet why does it feel like it's all been taken away? Childe looked at you like his world was falling apart. " Y/n, calm down.." You looked at him while sobbing " W-Wha-t are you-..you talking a-about? I'm c-calm! " You sniffled while looking at him with sensitive yet glaring eyes. " I cant- have you love me. We cant- do this. You can't be with me." He said softly while looking away from you. " You're just scared Ajax...you cant even look at me and tell me that! "

He looked at you sharply. " Well of course I can't when I-!" He stopped and looked at you noticing you biting your lip softly to prevent you from crying more than you already were. "When I-...know I'll be losing my best friend." He grabbed his things and before he left he took one last look at you, and very long one, a very good one. Before he shut the door and left.

(Yup, and that's how it all ended 🥲)

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