《Genshin Impact - Boyfriend Headcannons-》Xingqiu Catchup


When he takes you on adventures with him

- Will always be careful when you tag along

- Makes sure you never end up hurt

- Will quickly stop reading

when he knows your in danger

- Will shyly and blushingly

hold you hand the whole time

with his face buried in his book

If you get injured badly

- Looks get calm but inside he

is freaking out a little bit

- Makes sure to take you to a professional

- Stays with you the whole time

- Will bring you snacks

- Will bring books so you don't get bored

- He acts as if he was you maid

How he treats you as his sibling

- Will always take care of you

- Let's you accompany him

when he is reading🥺

- Isn't to fond of letting people get to close

but let's you have your space with them

- If someone hurts you he will

politely get ride of them

- Will show you tricks using his vision

When you tell him you love him out of nowhere

- He would be VERY quiet

- Would stick his head in his book

and pretends you didn't say it

- His whole face is RED

- He will just stutter a lot and

tries to tell you he loves you


- When you looks at you

he will smile as sweetly and as

softly telling you he loves

you very much 😔💗

If he yells at you out of stress

- He would never do that

he is always calm 🥰

- Not only that but he would be

very hurt if he ever did

- At times he will always

tell you if he ever does hurt you

in any way he is sorry

- Never ever would he


want to yell at you

thinking it'll make you not want him

When he makes you cry

- Will be very hurt 😭

- Will apologize many times

- He will say he will change for

the better or never do it again

- Goes and gets you everything and

anything he has ever heard you

tell him you've wanted

When you pepper his face with kisses


- Don't get him wrong

he absolutely ADORES it

- He will try to get them from you

whenever he cans

- He is just to shy 🥺

- He also doesn't quite know how to ask for them

- Will try to give you some back

- They will be Soft and gentle kisses ✨

When a jealous girl claims to be his first

- Will get a bit serious

- " I'm sorry I don't know you or have ever met you ... plus I already have a s/o and I'd love them to much "

- Will grab your hand and walk away

- Tells you not to mind them and...

- Shyly....

- give you a soft delicate smooch

On your cheek

- Chu~💗


I'm going to add a lot of characters before they get long catch ups 🧑‍🦯

I don't think ppl like to read a lot ó-ò

List For upcoming characters in order











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