《Genshin Impact - Boyfriend Headcannons-》When A Jealous Girl Claims To Be There First ' Everything '



- Looks at her like 🤡

- "-....So anyways as I was saying"

- Will grab your hand

and walk off continuing why he was saying.

- He will tell you a lot of girls always

spread rumors and not to believe


- " Hoes mad hoes mad " he said


- " and then when slapped the hell out of

Kaeya he- "

- Will glare at the girl for a second

then kisses you

- Will grab your hand and walk away 🥺

- " How can she say that when she

doesn't know me? Anyways as I slapped him-"


- " I don't have the world but

I want to give you this-"

- He stared at the girl.

- He just started at her until she left

- He felt sad that she

ruined the moment

- but felt better when you said it was


- He then tried holding your hand

the whole time to make sure

everyone knows he is yours 🥺


- He looked at her and said

- " Hehe~ No❤️ "

- Used his vision ability's

to glide away with you in one of his arms

- kisses your cheek holding

you tightly in his arm

- " Dont worry I don't even know her

I also don't think I want to"


This is a very random chapter 。゚(゚'ω'゚)゚。

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