《You Can Do It Chongyun! [School AU]》Chapter 2: That's it! Valentine's Day!


The school day passed at it's normal slow pace, and Chongyun was not having it. This was his only class period without Xingqiu in it, it was also his least favorite subject, it just so happened to be the period before lunch, and he found his teacher rather odd. Ms. Lisa was definitely the weirdest English teacher he'd ever had. He couldn't help but think how nice it would be with his best friend in it, and he couldn't wait for lunch to see him again.

The bell rang and Chongyun basically ran out of the classroom and to his locker to put his stuff away. He closed it quickly and tried to walk as "cool" as possible to Xingqiu's locker, he tried to lean against it but totally missed it and fell down on the ground beside Xingqiu's locker. Xingqiu was putting his stuff away when he heard a thud as he closed his locker. He looked down to see his best friend on the floor.

Xingqiu began to laugh with Chongyun. He smiled at him as he helped him up. "Are you okay you dork" He smiled we Chongyun nodded, his face growing more and more noticeably red.

"Yeah...I am thanks Xingqiu" He smiled, as Xingqiu started walking to lunch, holding Chongyun's hand.

"Of course! Also I finished my book last period. Do you think we could go to the book store before we walk home?" He asked softly.

"Yeah if you wanna, how was your book?" He asked as they got into the lunch line, Xingqiu letting go of Chongyun's hand to grab a tray, Chongyun missed the touch but brushed it off.

Xingqiu began to talk about his book as he grabbed his lunch, his face brightening with every detail. The whole sight made his heart skip a beat as he nodded along trying to pay attention because he loved seeing Xingqiu when he was passionate about something. Everything in his body wanted Xingqiu to talk about him like he talks about the books he reads.


"The villain ended up being him all along! And he and his arch nemesis fell in love and ended up dancing together! They're so cute together! I'm jealous" He smiled, looking at Chongyun.

"It sounds like a great book I'm glad you liked it" Chongyun smiled back as he paid for his lunch, going to their usual table, already filled with their classmates.

"Kaeya stop messing with your potatoes they're made for eating not making them into whatever that is" Albedo looked at him.

Kaeya smirked "it's a mountain, use that big brain of yours baby" He kissed his boyfriends cheek, causing Albedo to blush.

"St-stupid" He muttered, rolling his eyes before kissing him softly.

"Oh my god get a rooom!!! Paimon doesn't want her lunch ruined!" Paimon whined, looking away before noticing Chongyun and Xingqiu walking their way.

Aether was sitting beside Diluc who was drinking his apple juice as Aether spoke about adventures he and his sister went on before they moved here. Lumine and Amber sat across from them, Lumine hugging Ambers arm. They were eating and listening to Aether. Chongyun amd Xingqiu found their way in between everyone, sitting across from Xiangling and Paimon who were bonding over food.

Everyone noticed the blooming couple who had sat down at their table. Their personal conversations coming to a close. "Wait a minute.." Paimon hummed.

"Xingqiu doesn't have a book?" Everyone gasped in shock, causing Xingqiu to blush.

"Uhm yeah I finished my book so Chongyun is taking me to the book store after school" He smiled as Kaeya smirked.

"Ahhh I see~ book store date, I see you know how to play favourites" He teased.

"It's not th-that....he just wanted to go" Chongyun blushed as Xingqiu laughed it off eating his rice.

The lunch period was going smoothly until Kaeya came up with the bright idea of truth or dare. Of course he wanted to start so he asked his boyfriend "Hey Albedo~ dare or dare"

"You know for the person that suggested the game you'd think he'd play it properly. But dare I suppose"


"I dare you~ to kiss me~ for 2 minutes" He smirked leaning in to a very annoyed Albedo.

"I can't believe I love you" He laughed before leading up to kiss Kaeya.

The two minutes went by and just after everyone felt throughly single the two minutes ended. In the two minutes Albedo's hair went from a very neat hair-do to messy and all in his face. "You know you look good like that" Kaeya smiled "you should do it more often"

Albedo blushed and nodded "o-okay...uhm Diluc, truth or dare"

"Dare" Diluc answered quickly.

"I dare you to hug Kaeya." Albedo stated, much to both of the brothers disgust.

"Fine, I suppose I must follow through" He stood up along with Kaeya, hugging him for a bit before quickly breaking apart and sitting down.

"Aether, truth or dare" Diluc turned to him

"Uhm Truth!" He smiled as Lumine muttered a quick 'ahem weak' which Aether definitely heard. "Dare then.." His smile faltered a bit as he made eye contact with Diluc.

"Don't worry, I don't plan on doing anything too bad. I dare you to ask out your crush. Simple enough, no?"

Aether froze looking down. "Diluc I can't" He messed with his hands.

"Why not? Is she not in the cafeteria?" He asked obviously.

"It's not that. It's the fact that I don't know his sexual orientation and I don't want to push his boundaries or embarrass him"

"Oh. Understandable. Why don't you ask him and then ask him out if he's not straight" He suggested as Aether sighed.



"What's your sexual orientation" He blushed, looking away.

"Oh." He dead panned with the sudden realization. "I'm gay, Aether"

Aether blushed redder looking back. "T-then will you go out with m-me?"

"Nothing would make me happier" He gave Aether a rare smile which was greeted by a tight hug from Aether.

"It's your turn Aetherrrr!" Paimon hummed.

"Oh right! Lumine Truth or Dare?" He smirked.

"Truth." She said skeptically.

"Is it true that you have a crush on Amber" He smirked.

"You dirty little— yes YES fine I do" She huffed

Amber blushed "you do?" She looked at her "I do too!"

"Wair really" She also blushed, turning toward Amber. "Do you wanna go on a date on Friday?" She asked, Amber eagerly nodding.

Aether smiled at his sister and back up at Diluc before the lunch bell rang with a grumbling Chongyun. They had done it. They both asked out their crushes. And it was his turn. But they had it easy, their crushes weren't perfection like Xingqiu was.

"So many new couples" Xingqiu smiled sadly, "maybe one day we'll get dates" He chuckled, standing up and dumping his tray. "To Mr. Xiao's class. I really hope Mr. Venti is there today, I don't think I could handle a mean Mr. Xiao today" Xingqiu sighed walking up the stairs and to his locker.

They both grabbed their books and walked into Mr. Xiao's class. Being the first ones there they most definitely weren't expecting to find their teachers kissing. Both boys blushed out of embarrassment, walking out of the class and waiting outside.

"Everyone is so in love today" Xingqiu laughed softly. "Maybe it's because Valentine's day is soon. Next Friday!"

"Oh I forgot about that...wait! That's it! Valentine's Day! I'll do it then!" He smiled.

"What? Ask your crush out?" Xingqiu asked softly

"Yes! It's the perfect day for it!" Chongyun smiled as Xingqiu nodded, his chest hurting for some odd reason. Like a wave of sad passed over his body.

It wasn't exactly new considering it happened to him whenever one of his favorite book characters died. But why was it happening now? And at the mention of Chongyun's crush?

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