《Wait For You》Chapter 14



It was day two of being in Tulum. Today we was suppose to go atv riding then Key told me tonight that he has an surprise for me. Me and Alani had just got done cooking breakfast.

"We did that sis" I told Lani as I looked over everything we made. "As always" she said while laughing. We called Key and Dre to come it. We had to rush and eat since our appointment for atv riding was scheduled at one and it currently was The place was thirty minutes away.

We made it to the place at 12:55 p.m. "Damn we barley made it" Dre said. "No shit sherlock" Key said. "Don't y'all start" I told them as we walked inside the place. We let Key handle everything since he was the one too book it.

He walked back over to us saying "they said they gotta go over a couple instructions but we can come ahead and pick out our helmets". "Fuck them instructions nigga, i'm bout to be popping them damn wheelys" Dre said getting hyped. "No the fuck you ain't. Not while i'm on there." Lani said while mugging him.

I laughed sticking out my tongue at him. We picked out our helmets before walking over to the instructor. Ten minutes later we was on. "Don't be doing all that extra shit" I said to Key while wrapping my arms around his waist tight. "I can't promise yo ass dat" he said while pulling off fast causing me to jerk back.

"Uhhh uhhh see this why I shouldn't have rode with yo ass" I told him. Lani and Dre was in front of us. I could hear her cussing him out causing me to laugh.

"Watch out for them damn branches" I told Key. "Mann let me drive" he said while smacking his lips.

"I just told yo ass to watch out for them" I said to him while catching an attitude as the branches hit his head causing stuff to fall out the tree on us.

Ten minutes passed by until we was almost back at the place. "AHHHHH" yelled Lani as Dre was turning the corner at a fast speed causing them to go sideways.

Once we pulled up outside the place Lani hopped off and started swinging at Dre. "These niggas crazy" Key said while laughing as Dre tried to hold her back from hitting him. She finally stopped before walking up to me. "Why you did my brother like that" I asked her while laughing. "I told his bigheaded ass what was going to happen if he tried me" she said while mugging Dre.

I laughed before saying "yeahh y'all ass was going sideways". "Bitch my damn life flashed before my eyes" she said as we walked into the place. "Bitch you crazy" I said to her laughing as we took our helmets off.

"It's hot ass fuck we need to go back to the beach" Lani said. "Let's do it I had fun yesterday out there" I told her as Dre and Key approached us. "Right and them drinks was good too" she said. I nodded my head at her agreeing with her. "Ain't nun but a bunch of alcoholics" Dre said while mugging us.

"Don't make me get my bestie to beat that ass again" I told him. He rolled his eyes at me. We went back to the hut at We all took a nap before going to the beach. Lani came waking us up around

"Babe let's match"I said as I pulled out my lavender two piece set bathing suit and holographic cropped jacket. "You gone get it out my suitcase for me" he asked me. I nodded my head at him before I started walking over to his suitcase. "Wait nevermind I got it" he said jumping up.


I scrunched my face up looking at him crazy. "What" he asked while chuckling once he felt me staring at him. "You acting weird" I told him while I crossed my arms. "Mamas you trippin" he said while licking over his lips.

"It's just weird how you ask me to do it then you jump up rushing over to the suitcase" I said while squinting my eyes at him. "It ain't even like that ma" he said while walking over to me. "Ohh I know because you don't want me to beat yo ass" I told him while starting to undress so I could change into my bathing suit.

Me and Lani was sitting under the same umbrella from yesterday. "So Key got some type of surprise for me to night" I told her after sipping from drink. "Ouuu do you have any hints of what it is" she asked me. "No. This is all so new I never received this type of treatment from anyone before." I told her.

"Have you told him you loved him yet" she asked me before sipping from her drink. "No bitch i'm too scared" I said laughing. She smacked her lips before saying "trust me best you going to be fine". "I hear you" I said while trying to convince myself that I can tell him.

"So what age are you planning on having kids" she asked me. "Girlll I don't know, I mean right now wouldn't be bad but me and Key are still figuring things out as we go." I told her. "I get your point. It's like I want that feeling of being a mom but I have shit I have to work on within myself before bringing a kid into this world." she said.

I was shocked to hear Lani say she'll eventually want kids. Ever since we was teens she swore up and down that she wouldn't be having any. "That's totally understandable." I told her as Dre and Key started walking towards us. "Watch them be on some bullshit" Lani said.

"And you know it" I said laughing. "Let me steal my lady for a minute" Key said to Lani as he grabbed my hand to pull me up out of the pool lounger. "Where we going" I asked him. "Over here" he said while nodding his head at empty pool lounger that sat under an umbrella. "Damn a nigga can't have no alone time with ya" he asked me looking fake hurt.

"I had to ask because you and Dre be playing too much" I told him. He started laughing before sitting down on the pool lounger. He pulled me down into his lap. "I miss my toot" I said to him pouting. "Her bad ass been texting me since we got here" he said while rubbing his hand up and down my arm.

"That's not fair, imma tell her about herself" I said. He laughed before saying "She been asking bout you so chill on my fat". "Mhmm" I mumbled. "It's so peaceful here" I said as the wind breeze brushed against my skin. "It is, marry me and let's run away to our own private island" he told me seriously.

"Let's do it" I said while laughing. "Yo ass playing but i'm deadass" he said. "Where my ring at then papa" I asked him. "You gone get it soon" he said smirking. "I bet" I told him as I snuggled into him more. "Mamas" he called out to me. "What" I said looking up at him. "Your so beautiful" he said in a low deep voice licking over his lips while staring at me.


I blushed before turning my head away from him. He grabbed my chin to turn my face to look back at him. "I make you shy ma" he asked me while staring into my eyes. A bitch deadass have butterflies. He leaned down pecking my lips. He nibbled on my bottom lip asking for entrance.

I slipped my tongue into his mouth while taking the lead of dominance. Catching Key by surprise since he was always taking charge. He pulled back saying "Ight don't get fucked on dis beach". I started laughing before giving him three quick pecks on his lips. "I want a drink babe" I said to him.

"Come on then but you gotta walk in front of me" he said as I stood up from his lap. "Why" I asked him. He pointed down at his shorts I could see his print bulging through. "Yo ass wanna do too much" he said while mugging me. "Nigga all I did was kiss you" I told him as we started walking towards the bar.

"If yo ass breath on my neck, i'm ready to fuck" he said bluntly. I laughed saying "You play too much". "Nahhh I can't help that I bagged the most beautiful girl ever" he said while smacking my ass. "Stoppp" I said to him blushing as we approached the bar.

"What you want papa" I asked him. "Let's try those right there" he said nodding at the coconut drinks that the bartender was giving to the people next to us. "Okay" I told him as I ordered two of them. Once we got them we sat down at the table instead of at the bar.

"Let's make a toast" I said to him smiling. "To what" he asked as he raised his drink up. "New beginnings" I told him smiling. "To new beginnings mamas" he said as we clinked our drinks together.

We took a sip after toasting. "This shit nasty" I said frowning up my face. "Yo you trippin this shit hittin" he said as he continued to drink his. "Hell no" I said pushing the drink away. "This the first time I seen yo ass not like something" he said laughing.

"Babe go get me an mojito" I told him frowning. "Hell nall ma the bar right there" he said smacking his lips. I folded my arms together while placing a sad look on my face. He got up mumbling something under his breath causing me to smile seeing him walk to the bar. But little did Lyric know Key had mumbled "You lucky I love yo ass".

"Thank you baby" I said to him as he walked up with my drink. I took a video of myself before posting it to my story.


We made it back to the hut around I had just got out the shower so I could get ready for tonight. Key told me to dress up and I had no idea what i'm going to wear. I decided to go with this navy green two piece set. "What shoes could I wear" I said talking to myself as I put on my anklet. I decided to go with these diamond slides I had.

"Lani" I yelled as I cracked the door open so she could walk in. "Holy shit" she said while looking at me in shock. "Bitch yo ass gone get pregnant tonight" she said making me bust out laughing. "I look good best" I asked her as I did a 360. "Key ain't going to know how to act when he see you sis" she said. I smiled before doing a lil twerk.

She laughed at me before walking out the room. I followed behind her. I walk in the living room area seeing Key and Dre smoking. "Babe i'm ready" I said to Key. He stood up turning around to look at me. "Mamas" he said stuttering over his words. He went quite and just stared at me causing me to wrap my arms around myself.

"I knew it was too much. I'll just go change." I said starting to walk away. "Hell nall, you look good ass hell ma" he said while walking up to me. "I was just admiring yo beautiful ass. And stop talking down on yo self." he said. I nodded my head at him while clenching my legs together as I took in his outfit. He was wearing a Dolce & Gabbana shirt and jacket with some black Amiri jeans while paired with some Jordans.

And you couldn't forget the Cartier glasses he was wearing.

Now I was the one that was speechless. "Come on ma" Key said grabbing ahold of my hand snapping me out of my daze. "Wait I got to grab my shoes" I told him while running to grab my slides. I came back to see Key talking to Dre.

"Can you take my pics please" I said asking Lani. She got up going outside the hut I followed her.





"So you really not going to tell me where we going" I asked Key for the fifth time. "Babe just vibe out" he said. "Okay but you act like I can't get one hint" I told him. "We bout close to the place, I gotta blindfold you ma" he said to me while pulling out a blindfold from his pocket.

"Babe don't mess up my makeup" I told him as he started to tie it around my head. "I'll wipe all dat shit off right now, I don't know why you wear dat shit" he said. "We gone be hittin too because it took me too long to do it" I told him.

"Is that too tight" he asked ignoring me. "No" I told him. "Ight we here mamas" he said as the car came to an stop. I could hear him open the door and close it. I heard my door open causing me to jump. "Yo scary ass" he said while grabbing my hand to help me out the car. "Shutup, and you better not make me fall" I told him.

"Imma lead yo ass into a pole" he said laughing. "You an asshole" I said. "KEYYYY" I yelled as I tripped over an step. "My bad ma" he said laughing. "That shit ain't funny i'm about to take it off" I said as I started reaching for the blindfold causing him to smack my hand down.

"Step up" he said. "Damn bae we ain't there yet" I said to him. "Got to go down one more flight of stairs ma" he told me. "Step down" he told me as we approached the stairs. Once I stepped down I could feel the sand underneath my feet. "Wait what you doing" I asked him while he picked me up bridal style in his arms.

"So you don't have to walk in the sand" he told me. I could hear the sound of the of waves coming from the beach. "You better not be pranking me" I told him as he started walking. "Dat be yo childish ass" he said smacking his lips while putting me down. He walked behind me saying "You ready ma".

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