《Rose Thorn| Niklaus Mikaelson[1]》5. Roses



Rosalie's Outfit


Rosalie walked downstairs to get something to eat when she sees Elena and Elijah

"What the fuck is happening here and can I come?" She asks in a whisper

"Fine." Elena says and then they go to walk out the house when Rosalie stops them

"Wait!" She says and then takes the dagger from Elena and gives it to Elijah

"Now we can go." She says and they walk out the house.


They're in the car and Elijah is drinking a blood bag and looking much better and Elena's phone rings and before she can answer Rosalie grabs the phone and answers for her

"Hello this is your favourite sibling Rosalie here how may I assist you?" She speaks

"Where are you two? Are you guys okay?" He asks

"We're fine." Rosalie says

"Where's Elijah and Elena?" Stefan asks

"They are right here." Rosalie says

"Where? I'm on my way." He asks

"I'm afraid I can't tell you, Steffie see they need to talk to each other and so do I." Rosalie says wanting to know about why she is important to him

"Listen he can't be trusted, he'll use you two to get to Klaus." Stefan says

"We can trust him. Also he likes me better because I haven't killed him or daggered him so that's better than what you can say." A small smile appears on Elijah's face as she says that

"You guys can't do this alone." Stefan says

"We're not alone we have each other." She says and fake gags because what she said was cringey and hangs up the phone,

"That was the most disgusting thing I've ever said I'm going to throw up." She says giving the phone to Elena who gives it to Elijah and they turn to Rosalie

"You will never touch my phone." And he nods.

"He's here." Elena says

"Klaus is here?" Elijah asks and Elena nods

"He's taken over Alaric's body."

"Of course he has. One of his favourite tricks."

"What. When was I going to know about this?" Rosalie says from the back seat

"What is he going to next? You're the only one who knows him." Elena says

"Yes. I do.'' Elijah says


The doorbell rings at the Lockwood Mansion and Carol Lockwood opens the door,

"Elijah, Elena, Rosalie. What are you doing here? What happened." She asks

"I've had a bit of an incident, Carol, I'm hoping you could help." Elijah replies

"Well, I'm on my way to a meeting..." She trails off

"I won't take but a minute of you're time." He compels and she smiles brightly

"Of course, anything you need." She says letting them into the house


"Thank you. Well first things first, I'm going to need a change of clothing." Elijah says

"Well, we could try one of my husband's suits, I haven't boxed them up yet." Carol suggests

"Wonderful." And then Carol leaves.

"How do you know she's not on vervain?" Elena asks

"Because I'm the one who got her off it. Right before you and you're friends killed me. Twice. If you'll excuse me, I'll be down in a moment." He says following Carol.

"So I assume the Martin witches are no longer with us?" Elijah says

"No. I'm sorry." Elena says

"And Katerina? She would have been released from my compulsion when I died." Elijah asks

"Klaus took her, we think that she may be dead." Elena says.

"I doubt that. Not Klaus's style, death would be too easy for her after what she did." Elijah says

"I don't understand, you say you want Klaus dead but you still made Kathrine pay for betraying him." Elena says confused.

"I have my own reasons for wanting Katerina to pay. There was a time where I would have done anything for Klaus." Elijah says.


"Yes. Klaus is my brother."

"I heard that, I'm still processing."

"I'm a little behind on the times but I believe the term you're searching for is OMG."

"How about what the fuck." Rosalie says laughs.

"There's a whole family of Originals?" Elena asks

"My father was a wealthy landowner in a village in Eastern Europe, our mother bore seven children." Elijah says

"Ouch." Rosalie mumbles wincing at the thought

"So you're parents were human?"

"Our whole family was. Our origin as vampires is a very long story, Elena. Just know we are the oldest vampires in the world we are The Original Family and from us, all vampires were created." Elijah says

"Right but Klaus is your brother and you want him dead?" Rosalie asks

"I need some air, I'm still feeling a tad...dead. Come." Elijah says and they follow him outside.


"So as you've seen, nothing can kill an Original, not sun, not fire, no even a werewolf bite. Only the wood form one tree, a tree that my family made sure burned." Elijah says

"That's where the white ask from the dagger comes from." Elena says.

"Yes, the witches won't allow anything truly immortal to walk the earth, every creature needs to have a weakness in order to maintain balance." Elijah explains.

"So if the sun can't kill an Original why is Klaus so obsessed with breaking the Sun and Moon curse?" Elena asks and Elijah smiles and chuckles

"Right. The Curse of the Sun and the Moon. It's all so biblical sounding, don't you think?" Elijah asks.


"What's so funny?"


"I don't understand. So Klaus drew the Aztec sketches about the curse?" Elena says in confusion

"Roman scrolls, African tribal etchings and any other culture or continent we felt planting it in." Elijah says

"But why?" She asks

"The easiest way to discover the existence of a doppelgänger or to get your hands on some long-lost moonstone is to have every single member of two warring species on the lookout for it." He answers

"So its not Aztec at all?"

"The Curse of the Sun and the Moon... is fake. It doesn't exist." Elijah reveals.


"Klaus and I faked the Sun and Moon curse dating back over a thousand years."

"But if there's no curse-" Elena begins to ask.

"There's a curse, just not that one. The real one's much worse, it's a curse placed on Klaus." Elijah explains

"What are you talking about."

"Klaus has been trying to break it the last thousand years and you are only his hope." And Elena's phone buzzes and Elijah gives it to her and she answers it,

"Klaus went after Jenna, I have to go to her. I'll be back, Rosalie stay here."


"Stay here." She says and Elena leaves.

"So why am I important. Because he asked me to the dance and lots of other stuff and Elena thinks that's it's just to mess with her but you said it yourself I'm important, why?" Rosalie asks

"Klaus is the only one who can tell you."

"Is it virgin blood? It's virgin blood, isn't it." She says and Elijah chuckles and shakes his head.

"No, no it's not."


Elena walks through the door and takes off her jacket,

"So tell me, what's Klaus's curse?"

"Please," He motions to the couch and sits so does she and Rosalie sits in the chair across, "you know my family was quite close but Klaus and my father did not get on too well. When we became vampires we discovered the truth, Klaus was not my father's son, my mother had been unfaithful many years before this was her darkest secret. Klaus is from a different bloodline, of course when my father discovered this he hunted down and killed my mother's lover and his entire family, not realising, of course, that he was igniting a war between species that rages until this day."

"A war between the species?"

"The vampires and the werewolves."

"So Klaus's real father was from a werewolf bloodline? What does that make Klaus? A werewolf or a vampire?''

"Both." Rosalie answers, feeling sorry for him and also knowing how it felt to be hated for something you couldn't control.

"A hybrid would be deadlier than any werewolf or vampire, nature would not stand for such imbalance of power therefore the witches, the servants of nature say to it that my brother's werewolf side would become dormant." Elijah explains further.

"That's the curse Klaus wants to break?" Elena asks

"He wants to trigger that part of him that's werewolf, if allowed Klaus would sire his own bloodline, he'd build his own race endangering not just vampires but everyone." Elijah tells them.

"But you helped him." Elena says

"I helped him because I loved him, that's changed now, he must die." Elijah says

"We have the dagger now, we can stop him." Elena says.

"When a werewolf is wounded by silver it heals, an Original can't be killed by anything but white oak ash on a silver dagger. So you see the conundrum? The dagger does not work." Elijah says.

"What are you saying? Klaus can't be killed?" Elena asks

"There's one way to kill any supernatural species at the hands of the servants of nature themselves." Elijah answers.

"A witch, if they can channel that much power but it would kill them."

"The curse must be broken durning a full moon when Klaus is in transition that's when he'll be his most vulnerable, a witch with enough power can kill Klaus."

"What if I told you that I knew a witch that could channel that much power?"

"Woah there, we are not putting Bonnie in danger." Rosalie says to Elena

"We have to Rosalie and she will be fine." Elena reassures.

"Then I would tell you there's one more thing that you should know." Elijah says moving along.


"You found the way to save the life of the doppelgänger?" Elena asks

"Yes, Elena. I did unfortunately Katerina took matters into her own hands, I believe you already know how that played out." Elijah says moving to the door.

"You cared about her didn't you?" Rosalie asks

"It's a common mistake I'm told. It's one I won't make again." Elijah says and they leave but Rosalie goes somewhere else.


Rosalie stood on the hill where the roses that she planted has started to grow. A gentle breeze blew her hair out of her face as she stood there in silence under the sky of stars. The stresses of the supernatural blew away with the wind and all that was left was a fragile girl who didn't deserve the pain and torture she had been faced at such a young age.

"They are beautiful flowers, aren't they?"A British voice comes from behind Rosalie and she turns around to see a man with curly blonde hair that you could see as the moon acts like the sun so you can see everything clearly.

"Yeah, they're my favourite flower." She says looking back at them and then at him.

"I'm Nik, by the way." He introduces himself as he holds out his hand,

"I'm Rosalie." She smiles shaking his hand.

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