《Perfect Love ✔️》Chapter 6 - im so sorry


"I swear to God if I didn't love you or your mom didn't love you. I would physically hurt you." My Dad said.

"Why would you say that about Scarlett!!" My dad said.

"I didn't mean it dad. I was just upset. I didn't know he heard me. I didn't know." I said falling on the bed.

"Do you love him?" I shrugged my shoulders.

"Words son."

"Dad I don't know. It scares the hell out of me. I kissed him and it hit me like a ton of bricks. It scared me so much. All these feelings just hit me. I tried not to feel it but I couldn't help to kiss him."

My dad shook his head.

"Why shouldn't I hurt you?" A voice said. I looked up and saw Scarlet's dad at the doorway.

"I'm still debating myself." My dad said standing up.

"Let me talk to him." I said.

"No, he needs to calm down. You too." My dad said.

My dad and Scarlet's dad left.

I laid back on big. Damn I'm jerk.

I feel for him. He is my best friend. Why did I say why we were friends? Why did I say for him to be out of my life?

Why didn't I respond when he ask me? I was just shock he heard me.

We've been arguing so much. I know it's my fault. Ever since I started to realize I was looking at him differently we've been arguing more.

He is such sweetheart. I didn't know he was in love with me. Not until my girlfriend said something.

I thought it was just me. That's why I pushed him away. I don't want to ruin us.

I thought if we got together we would break up. He's my best friend he is my world. I love him. I snuck out my room to go to his.


I went to room and all I heard was sniffles. I felt so bad. I didn't mean it.

I looked down at my phone and saw it was Missy. I promise her I take her to a show they was having at the lodge.

I'll talk to him after it.


"Sorry I'm late. I had to change." I said before kissing her lips. It wasn't the same. I didn't feel anything.

Why am I with her? I don't know. I don't have problem being gay I'm just so confused.

"It's fine. I'm just happy you didn't bring that fag of a loser." She said walking off with my hand in hers.

"What?" I said to her. She turn around and looked at me.

"What?" She said shrugging her shoulders.

"What did you say?"

"I said loser-"

"No, you said fag of loser."

"Yeah. That's what he is a fag." I can't believe she said that. Every time she was around Scar she was so nice to him from what I saw. Now she isn't.

"What? You guys aren't friends anymore. I'm just happy you realized sooner than later." I took my hand from her.

"Me and him are still friends." She rolled her eyes

"Yeah right." She chuckled.

"Yeah me and you are done. I can't believe I defended you against my best friend. He means everything to me and I chose you. I can't believe how stupid I've been. You stupid bitch." Her eyes widen.

"Ashley why are you being so mean?" She cried.

"Because my best friend needs me." I stomp off and went to find Scarlet. I have to apologize. He should always be first. He is every thing to me. If I didn't have him I couldn't live.


I went to his room and door was closed. I knocked on it lightly.

"Scar, I know you are in there. Your mom told me you haven't come out all night." I signed. "I didn't ask your dad he would kill me." I laughed trying lighten the mood.

I knocked again, but nothing. I slowly open door. It was unlock.

I looked up and he wasn't on the bed. The bathroom was closed for some reason. I proceeded to bathroom door and I had knot in my stomach something didn't feel right. I look down and saw a paper on floor.

I pick the paper up and read it:

I'm sorry.

-Love Scarlett.

My heart stopped why is he saying sorry. I tried to open the door but it was locked.

"Scarlett open this door!!! What is going on!" I yelled. I knocked hard. "Scar please answer!"

I yelled.

I started pushing the door hard. I pushed it so hard it open. I open it and it was him on floor not moving. I ran to floor.

"Baby! Please! Please wake up. I'm so sorry!"

Tears was falling down my eyes. "Baby please wake up. I'm so sorry." I felt arm touch me. I felt blood. I looked and it was his filled with blood.

"Babe why would you do this? Oh my god I'm so sorry please don't leave me." He faintly smile.

"I'm so sorry." He mumbled and his body went limp.

I went down and kissed him so hard.

"Please don't leave me baby." I whispered against his lips. I felt him kiss me for one second before his lips were responsive no more. I pulled away and looked at him.

I couldn't feel anymore. I couldn't breathe. I couldn't see.

Everything went black.

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