《Pranking the Prankster ✔︎》Epilogue



"Damnit, Ace!" I scream as baby powder blows out of my hair drier.

I stare in the mirror with wide eyes. My now shoulder length curly brown hair is covered in white powder.

My clothes included.

I hear Ace cackling behind the closed bathroom door.

"Sorry babe....I couldn't resist."

I throw the door open to our apartment, making sure to hit him on the head.

His lips turn into a adorable pout as he rubs his forehead.

I stand on my tippy toes and peck his lips. He happily deepens our lips, tugging my bottom lip with his teeth.

"Go away, I need to get ready." My serious tone is cut off by laughter leaving my lips.

After the struggle of pushing his firm body out the door, I start doing my makeup.

My appearance has not changed since two years ago, when I was in high school.

I'm a sophomore in college and am still in love with Ace King.

I add cherry lip gloss on my red lips and apply liner on the bottom of my brown eyes.

A shaky breath leaves my lips.

Today is the day I am telling Ace the news.

My eyes travel down to my loose pink blouse, lifting it up and reviling my swollen belly.

Today is the day I tell him I am two weeks pregnant.

I fix my pink blouse and walk out the bathroom door.

Breakfast was waiting for me on the table like usual.

Ace got up earlier than me every morning and made me breakfast.

"It looks so good, pretty boy." My mouth waters looking at French toast covered in strawberries, bacon, eggs and juice.

"Of course it looks good, but it tastes even better, Princess."

I take a seat and scarf my food down.

I look up to see Ace staring blankly at me. I gulp, my cheeks hotter than the Sahara.

Does he know?

"Princess?" His voice holding a tone I can not dispatcher.

I pick up my glass of orange juice and take a nervous swig.



He scoots his chair more towards me and leans in. His alluring and captivating emerald green eyes meet my brown ones.

"You have syrup on the corner of your lip." He brings his hand up to wipe my lip with his napkin.

I let out a shaky breath I didn't know I was holding.

I watch him, deep in the back of my mind.

He got a few tattoos when we entered college.

My favorite was the small 'H' on his forearm.

I remember when he came home to our penthouse. When he showed me his tattoo I almost cried as love erupted through me.

"An H for Harlow." He said.

As he finishes eating I start washing my plate, looking over my shoulder every two minutes.

What if he got mad?

I was only nineteen!

He was only twenty!

What if he doesn't want it?

Of course he would want the baby....He loves you.

But this might break our love!

Doubt it.

I go back and forth with a stupid argument in my head.

Was I ready to have a child?

I not, but I better get ready!

Arms circle around my waist making me jump out my skin.

"What's wrong, love?" Ace whispers in my ear. His minty scent immediately calming me down.

Hopefully he just thinks I'm getting fat in my midsection, instead of being preggo.


"You have been just standing here for five minutes." His deep voice is full of nothing but concern.

His hand rubs my hip, comfortably.

"I'm fine, Ace." I turn around in his arm, pecking his lips. "We need to go to school or will end up being late again."

He nods giving one last kiss.

I can do this! We're going on a date tonight and that is when I'll give him the good news.

Hopefully good news.


"Did you tell him?" Kaia immediately asks as we sit inside a café.

"No Kaia." I roll my eyes and take a bite of my scone.


One thing that sucks about being pregnant is no caffeine.

Oh how I miss a double shot espresso's from Starbucks.

"You need to tell him, Harlow. Ace will be happy, I promise you."

"You don't know that. Besides I'm getting bigger each day....He'll know soon." I retort.

"I should get Brody to knock me up so our children will be the same age." Kaia jokes, taking a sip of her mint leaf tea.

"So you two are dating again?"

Brody and Kaia were an on and off relationship.

I knew for a fact the Brody loved Kai with all he's got!

Kaia and his relationship just wasn't all rainbows and sunshine.

More like rain clouds and hurricanes.

"Yup. We talked out our differences and are going to do couples therapy." She claps her brown hands together, happily.

"Oh!" She adds on. "And Brody is paying for the therapy so I can save up for new shoes!"

Laughter leaves my lips.

Kaia is from a whole 'nother planet. I loved her but damn she could be cray-cray.

"Up for another blueberry scone?"

I shake my head sadly. "I need to meet Ace at a restaurant. I don't want to fill up."

She nods, hooking our arms, walking me out the cafe.

I grab my phone as soon as Kai left. I dial Ace's number and immediately he answers.


"I'm going to be a little late to our date. I went out with Kaia for girl time." I bite my bottom lip hoping he does not get mad.

"That's okay. I'll see you soon. Love you."

I grin ear to ear because of this sweet man.

"I love you too, Ace."


After our big fancy dinner I was stuffed.

So we decided to burn some of those earned calories.

It is about 9:00 pm and the sky was lit up by little stars.

We sat on a empty wooden bench where no one was in sight.

Right in front of us was a grand water fountain.

This was a perfect time to tell him.

Anxiety started to spark inside me but I pushed it back.

I need to get this over with.

"Ace?" My voice comes out small. I rub my sweaty palms on my black skirt.

"Yes, love?" His green eyes hold calmness.

Something tells me he won't be calm after he hears me speak.

"I-I...." I trail off, not able to get the words out of my mouth.

Concern crosses his features. His knitted eyebrows and scrunched up nose just made me even more nervous.

"What is it, Harlow?" His voice was soft as he reaches for my hand.

I meet his eyes, taking a deep breath.

"I'm pregnant."

He blinks.

Then blinks again.

"W-What?" He stutters. Something he doesn't do often.

"I am pregnant, Ace." I give him a little smile and rub my swollen stomach.

His hand joins mine, as if feeling my stomach for the first time.

"No way!" He grins, standing up.

I nod keeping the smile on my face.

"I'm going to be a father?"

"Yes, pretty boy!" I joyously cheer.

He drops to his knees and hugs my torso. His cheek resting on my belly.

"This is the best day of my life-Wait no!" He thinks for a moment then goes back to grinning. "The day the baby is born will be the best day of my life."

He kisses my stomach and stands up, pulling me in his arms.

"I love you so much, Harlow." His lips land on mine. He pulls back and gives me my favorite boyish grin he's ever made. "And I love this baby too!"

I kiss him back, trying to put all my love into that one kiss.

"I love you too, Ace." I push his hair back and kiss his cheek.

"I will love you forever."

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