《Pranking the Prankster ✔︎》27- Just a crush


"Damnit, Harlow. Did you forget to pack a phone charger?"

"Yes....." I say sheepishly.

Kaia, Cal, Brody, me and Ace are going on a road trip. We were going to camp in Yosemite National Park.

It is a three hour drive with normal San Francisco traffic.

"It's not my fault you forgot your iPhone charger too. I'm not your mom, Kai." I retort and get a huff as a reply.

We're we're going to take Ace's dad's Range Rover as our ride.

My poor Mercedes was being used to teach Asher how to drive. I was totally against it, but mom said she's not letting him drive her car.

I strap my pink backpack on my back, filled with clothes, food and bug spray.

A car honking pulls makes me look up. Ace sits in the driver side and gives me a wink.

I laugh and run to the black Range Rover. "I call shot gun!"

Kaia lets out a childish whine.

I get in, immediately smelling the leather seats. The radio is turned on to R&B music.

"Okay first will pick up Brody and Cal, then will stop at a corner store for snacks and bathroom." I nod, taking in Ace's little grin.

The way the sun hits his tan skin and beautiful face can make a gal swoon.

Ace meets my gaze and raises his prefect eyebrow. I'm captivated by his emerald green eyes.

So pretty.....

"Oh my lord! Would you two just fuck already!" Kaia groans and leans back in her seat. "I'm getting old just waiting for you two to get together."

I clear my throat, feeling my cheeks get hot. My eyes shift to Ace only to see him smirking to himself.

I turn to the back to shoot Kaia a rude glare. She only shrugs and makes a kissy faces.

I can't help but feel my heart tug every time I look at Ace. It started feeling things when Ace and I skipped school and hung out at the ice cream shop.

Biting my lip, my mind tells me the feeling is nothing. And it probably is nothing.

It's probably just a tiny crush. I steal another peek at Ace while he's driving. I notice his right hand's knuckles are turning white as he grips the steering wheel.

Before thinking I reach out and and put my hand over his left hand. He only drives with one hand which takes skills.


Seriously. I find it hard to drive with one hand.

His hands are warm to the touch. He flinches a little making me retreat, but before I can fully pull away he intertwines are fingers.

I bite my lip holding back a grin.

He doesn't spare me a glance but keeps his hand in mine.

Our hands rest on his lap and they stay there even when we pick up Cal and Brody.

"Let's get this adventure started, bitches!" Cal sings in a off-key pitch.

Brody gives Kaia a peck on the lips making her smile like the Cheshire Cat.

I internally grin too because it's nice seeing my cousin happy.


"I want gummy worms!" Ace calls out as he pumps gas in the Range Rover.

I nod mumbling 'I got you.'

I stroll in the corner store and break out in a little dance when I see a slushee machine. I grab and little red basket cart that the store provided and start shopping.

I grab two packs of gummy worms, one sour and one regular. That Ace can eat gummy worms for the rest of his life without getting tired of them.

I get a Twix bar and vanilla sugar wafers for me. Filling up a styrofoam cup with red slushee, I also quickly grab a blue Gatorade for Ace.

Kaia and Brody were shopping themselves and Cal was using the restroom. As I'm checking out I see cell phone chargers that make me want to kneel and pray Amen to God.

I grab two, one for Kaia and I and pay the store clerk.

Walking out with a bag, I get in the car with Ace and hand him his stuff. The others were still shopping leaving Ace and I alone.

The silence wasn't very comforting. It was awkward. My brain just can't help itself and brings me back to when we were holding hands.

My traitor cheeks turn red just thinking about what Kaia said earlier.

Do we really look like we like each other?

I tilt my head up to see Ace's face expressionless, like most of the time.

I wonder what's going on in his head?


Throwing my black Adidas' bag in the trunk of the Range Rover, I cant help but think of the road trip.

Cal has been bugging me non-stop. It was something Brody, Cal and I did each year. I was going to blow it off but Cal and Brody threatened to beat my ass.


I was more than thrilled to invite Kaia and Harlow on this trip.

Maybe this trip will be civil unlike the other times.

I remember last year Brody and I got arrested from vandalism on private property. Cal had to bail us out.

And the year before last we accidentally pissed off a gang near LA.

Brody surprised us all when he pulled out a pistol from his pocket. To this day I look at him with respect.

I pull up to Harlow's house and see her and Kaia chatting in the driveway.

Har looked so pretty as always. Her brown hair was pulled up into a pony tail and she was wearing jeans and a red crop top.

It was still winter time but today the weather is on the warmer side.

I honk the car horn, getting the girl's attention. A grinning Harlow waves at me with a cute blush spreading across her cheeks.

I can't help but tease her and wink causing her pink cheeks to darken.

"I CALL SHOTGUN!" Harlow screams, pulling open the passenger door. Immediately her sweet scent of vanilla and strawberry perfume enters my nose.

She always smells good.

Eww, I sound like a fucking creep.

"Okay first will pick up Brody and Cal, the will stop at a corner store for snacks and bathroom." I inform the girls and they give me a simple nod.

Even though Harlow nodded she kept staring at me. I looked into her chocolate brown eyes trying to figure her out.

She bit her lip like she was deep in thought. That made me lose it!

My eyes wander down to her naturally red plump lips.

I wonder what they would feel like on mine.

Soft probably.

"Oh my lord! Would you two just fuck already!" Kaia interrupts my sinful thoughts with a groan. "I'm getting old just waiting for you two to get together."

Harlow gasps at Kaia's statement making me smirk.

She is beautiful. And even more beautiful with her blushing cheeks.

I start to drive with Harlow in my mind. Does she even feel the same about me?

Sure I'm hot as hell but I'm know as a playboy. Someone who breaks girl's heart.

Humper and dumper as people say.

My hand grips the steering wheel tightly. I never felt this way about a person. I always thought I would keep to myself and be alone.

Even though being alone sounded sad and lonely, to me it's not. It's comforting, not having to worry about someone causing you pain.

I jump out of my skin when a cold hand touches mine. I look down to see Harlow's hand on top of mine, resting on my lap.

She starts to pull away but I quickly intertwine our fingers. She has such soft skin. Just a bit of her touch made me less tense.

Fuck, I'm whipped.

I don't bother looking her way. I'm too scared that I'm going to blush or make things awkward.

Me blushing was rare. And I intend for it to stay that way.


We were stopped at a corner store about one hour away from Yosemite National Park. The other's went to get snacks while I pumped gas.

Someone clears their throat behind me making me turn. I see and pretty lady about my age.

She had long blonde hair framing her squared jaw. It had streaks of pink in it. Her body had curves for days.

"Hi there." She gives me a wink and her voice drips with flirtation. She was hot, I'll give her that.

But she's not Harlow.

"I'm Alice Croft. Do you to hang out some time-" Alice speaks while I finish pumping gas. To be honest I wasn't really listening.

"Here's my number...." She hand me a folded piece of paper. She trails off obviously wanting my name.

I ignore her hints and just nod. I look to see her grey eyes sad but she gives me a flirty smile before walking to her blue Toyota.

Right when she drives off I toss her number in the trash. I get back in the car waiting for the others to arrive.

Harlow is the fist to arrive back, tossing me two packs of gummy worms.

I mumble a thanks before opening them. The silence in the car was comforting until Harlow looked over at me, blushing.

Damnit she's cute.

I turn up the music trying to fill the uncomfortable silence. The others come back and we start driving to Yosemite.


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