《Heartstopper agere/regression》I didnt want you to see me like this


@spacetuber Thank you for your request sorry it's taken me fricken forever 🥲🥲 School is a burden and I have no motivation :(( but if you would leave me more requests thats probably the only reason i'll upload this story unless I get some ideas ok on with the story...


I arrived at school and looked through the school gates for Nick and as usual he was standing at them waiting for me. As I walked closer to my boyfriend I noticed he was bitting his nails, I almost stopped in my tracks i've never seen him do something like that before. I walked up to him and he quickly withdrew his hand from his mouth acting like nothing happened I just brushed it off and didn't question him about it he obviously didn't want to talk about it.

We went into form together and sat in our spot beside each other on the board it was stated to be a study block these were the best the teacher never got mad if you talked or went on your phone he just let you do whatever you wanted, I was excited to tell Nick all about Michael's last speed skating race Tori invited me to go see him skate with her he really is AMAZING. When we sat down Nicks eyes were drawn to the window beside our table he was intently watching kids play on the playground beside our school. I tapped his shoulder "Nick omg I need to tell you about this weekend me and tori went to" I told him the story and he just mumbled a few times not really answering me or adding to the conversation he was acting totally weird today. I grabbed his face with my hand and moved it so he was facing me "Nick is everything alright you seem stressed"


Charlie asked me if I was ok and I didn't know how to say no without sounding guilty I have been having a shit week david is in town and keeps talking mine and moms ear off about how much dad love shim and how much time they spend together it just makes me so angry and hurt Dad doesn't even call at christmas or my birthday. He stopped wishing me a happy birthday when I was 7 I think. I feel like i'm going to slip at any moment all I want to do is go home go to my room and watch a film and be regressed and just cry. I realize that I have been staring at him for the past two minutes rehashing why i'm upset in my head. "Yeah i'm fine just tired" I laid my head on Charlie's shoulder and a few tears escaped I squeezed my eyes shut stopping the rest from coming out I crossed my fingers Charlie didn't notice.


After school


"Tori it was so weird he was acting so weird" I said as flopped down on the bed beside her "Well if he was acting weird and you literally felt his tears on your shoulder why don't you maybe go be a good boyfriend and check on him maybe something big happened" I stand up from the bed Tori was right what was I doing I should be at his house cuddling him making sure he's alright.

I raced down the street towards Nicks, I was out of breath as I got to t door I slightly knocked on it trying not to alert Nellie, I never ring the bell at Nicks because if you do Nellie goes crazy. To my surprise Sara Nicks mom answers the door "Hi baby" she says as She opens her arms to hug me "Hi is Nick here i'm just um erm worried about him he was acting really weird today not like himself" I can see she knows what going on but is contemplating wether she should tell me or not. "I trust you completely Charlie and that's why i'm telling your this Nick has kept a secret from you and he's nervous about you knowing so just go to his room let yourself in and keep an open mind" I stood there speechless I didn't know what to say I didn't even know what this mysterious secret was and why I should even be keeping an open mind. I nodded my head and walked up stairs I opened the door to his room as Sara told me to let myself in. I stood in the door way shocked Nick had a pacifier in his mouth? a bottle in his hand and was watching cartoons. I was so confused but that stuff didn't matter what matter was why Nick is so upset. "Nick" I say not able to say anything else my mind has gone blank. I notice his bottom lip trembling and his eyes fill up with tears before sobs breakout I've seen Nick cry but not like this he was completely SOBBING I ran over to him and pulled him into my chest "It's ok Nick tell me what's wrong" Nick sniffs and says in a baby voice "I'm verwy sowey i'm wittle" I didn't understand what he was saying "Sorry for what love" He says again more understandable his time "I'm a.. age rwegressed" I think i've heard of something like that before I kissed him on the head before as I grabbed my phone out of my pocket "Alright searching it up right now"


I scrolled for a few minutes as Nick stared at me I understand now and i'm happy he's found a healthy way of coping and want to support him i'm just not sure how to do that now. I close my phone and put it down Nick is still staring at me I can see the worry on his face "Hey buddy can you tell me how old you are" Nick puts up 2 fingers I pick him up by the pits and place him on my lap "I will support you through anything and I love you no matter what i'm happy to be your care giver if that's what you would want" I can see how excited Nick is he then says "Weally yes pwease" he hugs me tight and I hug him back "So your my little baby now huh" I say rocking him back and forth he nods and nuzzles his head into my chest "I wove you dada" I can't stop myself from smiling ear to ear he is so cute and I feel honoured bring a trust enough person in his life that he's opening up to me. I pat his back trying to grab his attention "Can you promise dada something" I ask he nods "Ywes" "When your big again you need to tell dada more about age regression just so I can take t he best possible care of you" I bop him on the nose as I say that. he giggles "I pwomise" I smile and ruffle his hair making it messy "And i'll give you a promise in return I promise to take the best care of you when I know about age regression more sound fair" "Mhmm" Nick mumbled before Nicks mom came in she smiled nervously at me and before she could get a word out Nick crawled over to her hugging her leg "Guess what" he says so excited she looks down at him "what" he replied "Dada said twhat he would twake the bwest care ofw mwwe" She looked at me and smiled "I knew I could trust you your a special boy Charlie and i'll forever be grateful Nick met you" Nick started mumbling random things to himself they were so quite that you're couldn't understand what he was saying it was all gibberish, Nicks mom grabs his pacifier from the bed and sticks it in his mouth causing the boy to bob it up and down in his mouth "Anytime he's grumbling or making no sense just shove in the pacifier it's much more peaceful that way he can be a handful" I laugh slightly at him all quite and happy "I just don't know how I should.. what I should i'm just not sure how to handle this what if he's upset what do I do" she answers "He has had a few tantrums and gets very emotional. when he's little he's almost always crying just be assertive you need to just tell him No if he needs to be told No he might get upset but he'll listen he's usually a very good boy. "Thanks that's what I needed to know" "Any questions give me a shout" she says before walking down stairs. I picked Nick up off the floor by his arm pits and put him in bed and crawled in beside him pulling him on top of my chest he was so darn cute with his little pacifier in his mouth bobbing up and down as he drifted to sleep.

(Sorry if there's errors english isn't my first language :/ )

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