《HUNGRY EYES || J.JK × Reader ✔》chapter 6 | Low voices
"Hey," my voice does not crack, and she turns her head. She must probably not have recognized me. "Hey," a smile forms on her face in no time at all, and she straightens her back, fixing her attention on me. "Uhm...I'm sorry for bothering you, but I'm looking for a book called 'The Fragrance of Ink', but I think that I saw you with it the other day, so...I was wondering if you still have it?"
"Oh, I did have it, but I just put it back on its spot when I came here," her small and gentle voice flutters my heart, but I keep my cool. "Oh, that's....What a perfect timing," I chuckle, realizing how awkward I am. "Yeah," she laughs too and licks her lips. "Do you want me to give it to you? I know where it is," she offers to do, and I accept right away, not letting this lucky occasion slip away from me. "Yeah, that would help."
"Okay," she leaves her stuff on the table and stands up, and she leads the way, so I follow without saying a word and breathe in her delicate fragrance that teases my brain and senses. Her steps bringing us to the book shelves, she walks in one narrow passageways, and she makes a beeline for one part of it. Once she stops, I stand by her side, my eyes not glancing away from her.
I cannot believe we are close and talking to each other.
"Here," she gets hold of the book and hands it to me. "Is it the one you want?"
I take a look at it, even though I do not know anything more than the title, and I nod, thoughtlessly. "Yes, thank you," I grab it and turn it around to check the back, not wanting to go to my seat and already leave her when I had the balls to finally walk up to her.
"Do you know how to borrow it with your card?" she asks, kindly helping me but sounding nervous. I set my eyes on her gorgeous ones, and I smile. "I think I do. I just have to scan it with the book as well, right?" I make sure I am not wrong, and she confirms with a movement of her head.
"All right," I lower my focus to her glossy lips, holding the book with both hands, I clear my mind and stare into her eyes to show some confidence to her. "Do you often come here?" I remain as quiet as I can to not bother anyone here but still make this moment between us linger. "Not often but sometimes, but since I don't have a computer anymore, I have to come here all the time now."
"Ah yeah...true," I get reminded of this issue. "Has the teacher not given you a new one or something?" I fiddle with the book in my hands, her steady stare having more power on me than expected. "Not yet. He said he would try to get one, so I'm waiting."
"Hm, I hope he will get you one soon then. Working without a computer is hard here," I mean my words, still hating the fact that I am the cause of this. "Yes, that's really hard," she agrees, her hand passing through her hair in a nervous manner. I swallow, trying to find something else to say.
"For how long are you going to study here?" I stop toying with the book to not damage it but notice her hands hide behind her back, exposing the curve of her breasts even more under my teenage eyes. "Probably until it closes, I don't know."
"Okay. If my friends leave before you do, I'll stay with you so that we can study together if you want and don't mind," I try to make a move, and the positive expression that drew some delight upon her face relaxes me. "Sure. I'd love to study with you."
"I'd love to do it now, but I have to finish some work with them, so...yeah..." I comb my hair back. "Don't worry, focus on that work. I hope it's not too exhausting," she slides one hand up her arm as my presence seems to provoke some anxiousness to her body, and I shake my head. "Not too much. It's just annoying."
"Ah, well, I hope it will be over soon then," she chuckles, and the softness in the sound of it puts a smile on my face. "Yeah, same," the awkwardness of this first conversation forces my brain to ask my body to move and leave it, so I look into her eyes for the last time and enjoy their deepness. "I should...probably go back there and finish it."
"Fine, join me whenever you want," she reminds me as if she wanted to make sure I will not forget it, and I peek down at her lips. "I will, see you later," I step back. "And," my hand lifts the book I am not letting go of. "Thanks for this," I smile in a flirty way, and she gazes down at my lips. "You're welcome," she bows to me, and we both go our separate ways.
Damn. She is even cuter from this close. When she speaks, when she smiles and giggles because of some nervousness. She makes me feel so vulnerable, I hate this.
My thoughts still going all over the place, I make my way to a self-service machine and quickly scan my student card, then the book to be permitted to borrow it for my roommate. As soon as this is done, I step back towards my best friends but get caught by Kimoon, who is the only that can see me. "What took you so long, bro?"
I sit down and show him the book I have, before dropping it on the table. "Chiwon asked me to get this," I pray for them both to not know about what happened, but they both stare at me, and I understand that they saw me with y/n.
"Uh. Did you have a good talk with your book?" Hojun chews on his pencil, and I do not deny it, that is worthless. "I asked for y/n's help because I knew that she had it."
"You asked for her help?" he sneers, knowing exactly why I went up to her. "I hope she gave you a hand then," he gives a double meaning to his sentence, and I cannot even hold back from grinning. "You fucking dumbass."
"Ugh..." Hojun stretches after doing this, at least, ten times since we came here. "I'm done with this shit, guys. You can stop, I gotta go to my room and take a nap," he gathers up all his stuff. "Are you sure?" Kimoon waits before doing the same, but I do not say anything since I have been waiting for this moment to happen. "Yeah, I'm tired, I'll finish it tonight," he puts all his belongings in his bag. "Let me do it. I don't have a lot of homework to do today," he grabs all the papers and the book to take the task for himself and give us some time to study.
"I can do it, you know," Hojun stays on his seat, holding his bag on his shoulder while I am already tidying up and getting ready to join y/n, who is still here. "Let me do it. My wrist's faster than yours," this stupid guy makes sure that our dirty minds get what he means by this sentence, and we both laugh without any shame. "You don't know that," he rises as I did, and Kimoon does so.
He does not say anything back but smirks and walks away to head to the doors, but I do not follow them. "I'm staying here for a little longer, so don't wait for me," I warn them both, and as if they knew the reason for this with no doubt, their eyes glance at y/n, and they both smile. "All right, see you tomorrow," they both leave together, and I can finally join the girl I have been thinking about this whole time.
In short seconds only, I get to her table but see that she is wearing some earphones, so I sit down next to her without saying anything, but she feels me and quickly takes her earphones out. "Hey, are you done with the work?" she smiles and stops the music that was playing in her ears. "Not entirely, but Kimoon will do the rest. If you don't know who it is, it's the guy who makes you take his seat all the time," I tell her since she might not know my friends, but she nods. "I do know him, obviously."
"Great then," I put my bag over my lap to open it but take a look at what she is working on. "Is it the homework for art history?" I recognize it since I have to do it but have not started yet. "Yes. Have you worked on it yet?"
"No, I haven't worked on anything yet," I shake my head and get this out of my bag. "So that's perfect for me that you're doing this because I'm always bad at it, and I find it so hard to focus when I work on art history," I put my bag down on my left but take my laptop too, and I enter the password to put it between us and allow her to have it at reach too. "Really? You don't like it?"
"I do, but it's a bit too annoying sometimes," I tell her the truth since I do not want to be that guy who pretends to love everything the girl loves just to get along right away. "Ah, yeah. I agree."
"You can use it if you need," I open the file that we will need for this work to be done, and I get hold of my pencil to be ready to work. "Thank you," she expresses her gratification but looks down at my hand, then my book that I am ashamed to show. "I...yeah... something happened...Don't look at it, please," my embarrassment gets my facial expression to expose me, and she giggles in the cutest manner but does me a favor. "Fine, I won't look."
"I just feel asleep...and I spilled my coffee on it so this gave this amazing color and texture," I toy with my tongue piercing in my mouth, attempting to get rid of my shame, but she mocks me. "Stop drinking so much coffee, at least that won't happen."
"I can't, it keeps me awake," I graze my teeth with the metallic ball, bouncing my leg under the table. "Uh uh. So much that you fall asleep on your books," she states facts, and I grin out of evident roast. "Well. It has its limits...okay?"
"Okay, let's say that," she acts more playful than I would have thought, and I flee away from this matter. "Anyway, you're distracting me. Let's get to work," I tease her to release the tension that was tight enough to be cut. "I— Me? You're the one who interrupted my work."
I gape at her and pretend to be offended. "Does that mean I'm bothering?" I joke with her, not being serious, and she instantly corrects her sentence to not let it sound rude anymore. "Don't say that. That's not what I meant, but you're the one distracting me."
"I'm not doing anything," I mumble and look at her from the corner of my eye, but she smiles, broadly. "You're here next to me. It distracts me."
"Do you want me to be far away?" I press the top of my pencil against my lips, and she stares down at them. "No," she shakes her head, suddenly changing her mind. "Good," I feign confidence, and I try to give attention to my work again. "Because I would have been distracted if you were starting at me like you always do."
"Stop lying, you're the one always staring," she puts the blame on me when we are both at the same level for this. "Not true. I'm the one who always catches you staring," I do not fear to talk about it, loving this topic and feeling like it is not something we should ignore since we both know we like it.
She does not say anything but giggles, so I leave her alone, and I allow her to work since I know how important it is.
I land my eyes on the pages and read what is written, burying my head in my books like I should do all the time. For some reason, having her next to me complicates this. I find it difficult to work and not want to talk to her, not try to tease her.
Feeling the lack of sleep weigh on me, the heaviness of my eyelids slowly pulls them down to not make it easy for me to remain studious. I clear my throat and move back on my chair to stretch my body but let out a moan of satisfaction that was not supposed to leave my mouth so loudly.
Y/n shoots her eyes towards me right away, and I open my eyes wide, surprised by my own voice. I cover my mouth with my fist, but we both laugh, and I avoid looking at the people around us to not be even more ashamed.
"That stretch felt a bit too good," I give an excuse that does not sound even better, and the smile I caused to her reveals the type of mind she has. "I heard that."
"I feel tired all of a sudden..." I rub my eyes, a yawn catching me off guard. I pull my hoodie up to hide my mouth and nose and let the air out heavily. "Do you want to go to your room? You shouldn't work if you're sleepy."
"I wanna stay here and work..." I do not keep half of my sentence as an answer to not be obvious, and my teary eyes raise up to her. "I'm pretty sure you're going to fall asleep."
"I won't," I tell a falsehood, knowing my body enough to know I will not stay awake for much longer. "We'll see that."
"Hm. Watch me finish this before you do," I challenge myself now that it left my mouth. "I finished this ten minutes ago," she replies, and I turn my head to look at her. I fix my eyes on her, feeling dumb, she smiles like a baby, and I peek down at her book to check if she just tried to humiliate me. She did not. She did finish.
"Well..." I regret being cocky. "Watch me finish it without dozing off..." I change my sentence since the first one did not work, and a chuckle escapes under her breath.
Not seeing Jungkook move anymore, I take a look at him but see what I expected to come across. He is sleeping with his head on his fist, his lips slightly parting. He is so cute.
I smile but do not wake him up, knowing how much he needs this nap. I let him sleep and just focus on my work to be done with it as soon as possible, feeling a bit tired too.
I knew he would not hold on for too long, but that was quicker than I thought.
I fight against myself to not smile and feel weak for his adorable face, but I scrutinize his features that I am usually unable to look at properly. He always stares back at me, or is already staring when I have my eyes on him, so that is like, impossible to not lose my head and be too overwhelmed by his attention.
Out of all the girls he could focus on or stare at, he always decides to be fixated on me only, and that is something crazy to me. Why am I that special one he gives exclusive attention to?
"Ugh..." a small, breathy sound runs out of his mouth, and his eyes slowly open, so I glance away to not get caught, but he clears his throat and sits properly again.
He stretches his body again, lifting his arms up and cracking his back. "Go to your room and sleep," I tell him to do, not liking the way he forces himself to stay here when he can barely keep an eye open. "I need to finish this with you."
"But you can't," I close my book and gaze at him. "We'll do it tomorrow if you want, but you need to rest right now."
His charming smile hits my heart with attractiveness, and he brushes his fluffy hair back, his sleepy eyes gazing into mine. "Okay...Let's do this tomorrow then. Don't stand me up, all right?" he counts on me to be there as if this was important, so I give him my word. "I won't. I'll be there. Text me when you're ready."
"I will, I trust you," he closes his laptop and puts his books and pencil case back in his bag, and I do the same.
I wait for him since we are both going in the same direction, and once he is done, he puts the chair against the table like I did, and he walks up to me. "What are you gonna do now?" he hangs a strap of his bag on his shoulder, and I hold my books against my chest. "Take a shower, eat something, and continue to study until I go to sleep."
"When do you usually go to sleep?" he asks me with curiosity but steps ahead to open the door for me. "Around eleven p.m., what about you?" I get out of the library, and he lets the door close behind us. "When I can't keep my eyes open anymore," his honest answer gets me to laugh, and we both reach the outside to walk through the yard and head towards the dorms.
"This is going to be a random question, but do you like Starbucks coffee?" he comes with from out of nowhere, holding the strap of his bag while keeping the other hand in a pocket of his trousers. "I do."
"And which ones your favorite?" he shows some interest, and I think about all the flavors I already tried. "Well...It's hard to pick just one, but I really have a thing for creamy ones. They're the best to me."
"Oh, same," he bites his lips. "I hate black coffee, espresso, and all that are with no milk or cream. I can't drink them, it's disgusting."
"I feel the same way," I chuckle, liking the fact that we both have the same taste for this. "It's too strong in flavor, it makes me nauseous if I try just a sip."
"I know right, I don't understand people who drink a whole damn cup of black coffee in the morning and say 'oh, I'm ready to start my day now' like, no, I'm ready to puke if I do that, and my stomach is gonna make me regret what I gave it," he uses the right words to explain how I feel about it too, my laughter always escaping me for some reason. "Those people are crazy."
"Exactly," he slows the pace down, both reaching the buildings we have to enter. "Well," he stops us, and we both look at each other. "Text me before going to bed, okay?" he does not show any shyness that my body language constantly display against my will, and I gladly agree to this. "Okay. Rest well and don't overwork," I say, meaning it. "And eat something too."
"I will, don't worry. Don't overwork either and sleep tight, I hope you'll have a good and long night," he returns the care. "Long, certainly not, but good, maybe," I mention but step aside, and he chuckles, in an attractive manner. "Well then, have a good night, see you tomorrow," he creates some distance between us as well, and we both leave each other to go to our room that are in different buildings.
I grab the handle of the door once I get to its level, but out of lack of control, I check if the boy is still there. Lucky me, I catch him already looking, and we both smile but leave one another's sight to get inside.
This was the best feeling ever to spend some time with him, to hear his voice, to actually be able to have a conversation with him and not just stare at each other. I hope tomorrow will be even better.
— Next day —
[ Hey, are you already awake? >
I text y/n and leave my room, sipping on the coffee that I need every morning, but already feel the vibration of my phone in my hand while walking down the stairs. I hurry to check it but realize this is not from the one I wanted it to.
I do not even bother reading the dm, I lock my phone and get outside, but I put my hood on and look for my best friends.
Only Kimoon is here. "Hey," I take the straw away from my lips, and he instantly brings his eyes up and stops focusing on his phone. "Hey, how was your night?"
"It was fine," I sip on my warm drink that keeps the cold away from my body, but he smiles, hinting something behind this. "How was it yesterday?"
My lips curve up at the thought of it, but my phone vibrates again, so I take a look at my screen. "It was great, but I fell asleep while studying, so she made us go back to our rooms."
This is from her.
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