《Friendly Sex {{ GeorgeNotFound }}》THIRTY-TWO: irl


George tried not to think about it.

He made dinner, had a shower and was now sitting on his couch with his leg shaking.

The show he was watching long forgotten, just background sound for now. He hated that, he'd have to rewatch the episode and he'd get bored in the first few minutes just because they were the only bits he could remember then abandon it altogether.

He reached for his phone, at least seven times in the last ten minutes.

No messages.

He put it back, stirring the bowl in his lap. He wasn't even hungry, had already eaten dinner but he just needed to take his mind off of it. The cereal had turned the milk chocolatey, usually his favourite part but he couldn't bring himself to slurp it. He placed the bowl down.

Checking his phone again.

No messages.

It was strange, out of schedule.

Usually, Astrid or himself would message one another and within twenty minutes she'd be in an uber, knocking on his door and under him.

But this time was different.

He'd sent the message half an hour ago, and she hadn't even read it.

It didn't worry him, she was obviously busy, but this was the girl that would end a stream to come to meet him, the girl who would shower at his flat just to stay there a few more hours.

They'd spent a lot of time together recently, so the last few days of being suddenly separated had him on edge.

Images of her with another man, or woman, floated through his head how they'd touch her skin just like he did; fearing that they did it better. Maybe she'd moved on and didn't know how to tell him.

He stood suddenly, shaking his head. He was making it all up in his mind he knew that, but there was still that picky part, the little nattering voice that wouldn't shut up. That was banging against frail glass to get out and George was afraid for when the glass finally cracked, knowing it would be big enough to smash its way through.


His room was cold, like always, he pried his eyes away from the grey blanket on his bed, only reminding him of somebody he didn't want to think of.

The computer was just what he needed, it had always been a safe space for him, somewhere he could go to escape real life for a while. To feel like he was with his friends, under the hot sun where he should have always been.

Where he could have been years ago had covid not hit, but then he never would have met Astrid. So maybe some things are just meant to be.

He leaned back, mouse lazily scanning across the screen, discord opening.

His hand stopped, heart dropped.

The discord call was ongoing, and he guessed it had been for a while.

Just the two of them.

His best friend, and the girl he couldn't get out of his head


Written: 26th September 2022

Published: 5th October 2022

This is all annies fault :)

Dream face revealed! I am so parasocial en you have no idea.

Also my readers at like 44% american so ill try to update more to your guy's time when im publishing hehe

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