《The Void Spirit ( Date a Live ) [ ZETA ]》Chapter 24_Curiousity



Miyuki is currently trying to wake Yin up because...well....she doesn't know how to cook properly.

The last time she tried to cook the whole kitchen was a mess with ingredients all over the place and the dish that she cooked was burned.

Miyuki:" Yin~ Yin~ wake up! It's morning"

Yin:" Nghn~"

Miyuki:" Come on! Wake up sleepyhead wake up!"

Miyuki keeps nudging Yin to wake up but Yin covered himself with a blanket.

Yin:" I'm awake now...."

Miyuki:" Then can you get out of bed?"


Miyuki:" Why?"

Yin:" Just no...."

Yin looked at the clock and said...

Yin:" It's five in the morning.....wake me up when its seven"

Miyuki:" What! No!"

Miyuki thought of how to get Yin out of bed and remembered a scene from one of the videos that she has seen which is similar to her situation, so she tried it...

She leaned closer to Yin, who was covering himself with a blanket, and whispered....

Miyuki:" If you don't get out of bed i might do something to you~"

She tried teasing him if it would work but much to her expectations.

It backfired when Yin suddenly grabbed her and dragged her to the bed and covered themselves with a blanket.

This made Miyuki blush really hard and her face is staring to get really hot.

Yin:" You know, you shouldn't be saying that when we're alone here, Miyu~"

He said seductively and immediately starts to get closer and closer to her face.

Miyuki hearing and seeing this became even more flustered with her heart beating faster and faster as she stares into Yin's eyes.

Yin gently bit Miyuki on her neck and she unexpectedly moan softly not from pain but pleasure.

Thinking that she messed up, she tried to get away but with Yin's strengh she wasn't able to escape his tight grip.

She began sweating and her fox tails and ears suddenly sprung out with her tails wagging wildly.

Feeling helpless, she just goes with the flow and also bit Yin's neck leaving a bite mark on it as she blushed from excitement.

She then slowly dozes off into his arms while hugging him from the front.

Unbeknownst to Miyuki, a shadow figure imerges from the wall and looked around.

Seeing Yin sleeping and Miyuki making a happy face, Kurumi decided to tease her a bit just to see her reaction.

Kurumi:" Ara ara~ Miyu-san. You're such a bold and naughty girl. I didn't expect you to make your move so soon"

Hearing this, she quickly used her enhanced strength to get out of the bed with a flustered face.

Miyuki:" I-it's not what it looks like!"

Kurumi:" Ara~ then what does this look like? Hmm?"

Miyuki:" W-Well this is... Uhmm... A misunderstanding!"

Kurumi:" Ara ara~ i'm not sure if you can get out of this one, Miyu-san~"

Kurumi:" Also, you can't hide that mark on your neck so easily, you know.... Even Yin have a bite mark. "

Miyuki quickly ran away with a flustered face while Kurumi let out a cute giggle and followed her to the living room.

Yin, however, didn't follow them and went back to sleep.



(Mini timeskip)

Yin and Mayuri have been getting along for a few days after the event that transpired where Mayuri went out of control.

Currently, Yin is informing Mayuri about the people who are targeting spirits and what they do once they found one.

Kurumi is also with them drinking tea with Miyuki playing a game right beside her.

Mayuri:" What do you mean?"

Yin:" Don't go out or meet Shido on your own"

Mayuri:" But why? I'm just meeting with him and it's not like i'm going to let him seal me"

Yin:" You being sealed is not the problem but it's the ones who are observing his actions"

Mayuri:"..... So a stalker? "

Yin:"...... You could say that but that is not it. Anyway, don't trust anyone else besides us, okay? "

Mayuri:" Okay Onii-sama "

Mayuri went beside Miyuki and took a peek on what she's doing.

Miyuki:" Ahh muu!! Why can't this guy just stay dead!"

She said frustrated because of the enemy that she's fighting in game.

Mayuri:" What's that?"

Miyuki:"Hmm? Oh it's just a fighting game"

Yin:" And she sucks at it. "

Kurumi:"(*hums in agreement) "

Miyuki:" H-Hey! I'll have you know that i have beaten most of the best players in the world! "

Yin:" And yet, you can't seem to beat an npc..."

Miyuki:" I... Well.... It's because the game is unfair! "

Mayuri:" But Miyu-san, i watched someone beat that enemy in less than a minute though"

Miyuki just shuts up after hearing Mayuri telling them that she saw someone beat it.

Kurumi:(*sigh)" As much as i would like to stay here and enjoy the atmosphere, i have to go"

Yin raised his eyebrows and asks...

Yin:" Go where exactly? "

Kurumi:" Hmm.... Wander the city?"

Miyuki:" Why is that a question? "

Yin:" Well if you like i could go with you"

Kurumi smiled and shakes her head.

Kurumi:" No, its fine i can take care of myself."

Yin:" Okay, but if ever you wanted some company just come and talk to me, i'll be there for you"

He closed his eyes before sipping the tea that Kurumi had.

Miyuki:"You know, Kuru-chan just drank from that cup"

Yin:" I know. Is that a problem?"

Kurumi:" Hm~~ not at all"

Mayuri:"Ne, are you really a full fledged spirit? "

Kurumi froze in olace and didn't look at her.

She took glances at Yin signaling that she's leaving and he responds with a nod.

Mayuri:" Eh~ why did she leave? Is it because i asked her that question? "

Miyuki:" Probably, also could you not be so blunt about everything?"

Mayuri:" hm? What do you mean, i'm only telling you my thoughts, is that bad?"

Miyuki:" Well~ it's not bad but it's not good either."

Mayuri:" Eh? Then which one is it? Good or bad?"

Miyuki racked her brain thinking about what to say but nothing comes to mind so she took a glance at Yin who is happily drinking tea while reading a book.

Mayuri noticed her sneaking glances at Yin and looked at him though she didn't see anything strange about him.


Mayuri:" Why are you looking at Onii-sama?"

Miyuki blushed and stuttered giving Mayuri vague answers but it didn't work and she keeps pestering Miyuki to tell her what she means.

Yin:" What are you two doing?"

Mayuri:" Ah! Onii-sama! I wanted to ask you something"

Yin:" As long as i can answer it , sure, go ahead"

Mayuri:" Is it bad when i say things that come to mind? Also is telling the truth good or not."

Yin:" It depends whether the thing you speak of is a supposed secret or a plain insult. As for the telling the truth.... Well, there is good in it but it is rarely pure and never simple"

Miyuki:" Y-Yeah! Just like what he said!"

Miyuki tried to laugh it off thinking that she could get away from Mayuri's curious nature.

Mayuri:" Oh! I see"

Yin:" Well, i gotta wander the city. I'll be back"

Yin gave Mayuri a headpat and she smiled happily and nods saying okay .

Miyuki:" Wait! You're not planning on leaving me with her....right?"

Yin only gave her a gentle smile and walked out the house.

Miyuki was left dumbfounded and swore to herself.

Miyuki:" I will make you guys suffer the same way i did when you come back"

Though she said that, she didn't really get to remember it since after Yin left, Mayuri asks her a lot of questions starting from the simple stuff to the complicated ones.


After Yin went out, he naturally walked on the alleys thinking that something interesting would happen if keeps strolling the alleyway.

When he was about to take a turn, a familiar sensation suddenly entered his mind as he jumped out and saw a person wearing a black hoodjacket with a mask which hides their face completely since their eyes are being covered by their hood.

Yin stayed quiet and observed the person who just stood there without moving.

They like this for a minute until Yin decided to break the silence.

Yin:" ..... You're not human, who are you?"

The hooded person was taken aback by his voice and spoke.

???:" Why should i introduce myself to you. Are you worthy?"

Yin:" For someone who hides their fave you're quite prideful"

???:" For someone who looks so weak,. You're quite confident"

Just their small interaction made Yin remember someone with the same voice as the one he is close with.

???:" It's my lucky day!"

They both looked up and saw someone flying down on them with some sort fo equipment.

The woman readied a battle stance and went to engage the hooded person.

Yin only stood there and watch as the two individuals engage in battle.

The hooded person summoned a bow and shot the woman but she evaded it and moved forward to attack.

Her slash hits the hooded person then does a powerful kick to the gut which sends the hooded person to flying outside the city.

He followed them and saw a big smoke with the woman floating on top of it.

???:" You were pretty good for an unidentified spirit"

The smoke starts to clear and the hood was destroyed leaving the person's identity being revealed.

???:" Hmph! So this is what you look like. I must say your much more different than i had imagined."

???:" I have no time for you"

???:" Oh! But i do and i'll take it slowly"

???:" For a wizard you're strength is admirable "

???:" Aww stop it, you're making me blush"

???:" But your attitude is unbearable "


The wizard flew straight down to where the spirit is and tried blasting her with energy cannons but it got blocked when the spirit used her powers to make sound barrier and defend her.

DEM Wizard:" Tch! So annoying"

Spirit:" I should be saying that to you"

DEM Wizard:" What was that!?"

Spirit:" I said you're a pain!"

The fight continued and was already nearing it's end.

They kept fighting 'til they're both low on stamina.

Wizards and spirits aren't used to long fights so seeing as they kept fighting for hours surprised Yin.

Yin:"..... Who's there?!"

He looked around and saw a drone recording the fight.

The drone looks different from the ones from Ratatoskr so he concluded that it's from DEM.

He destroyed the drone and kept watching the fight.

Though, the fight has already ended and the DEM wizard was beaten with her equipment in pieces.

The spirit was heavily injured and was on her knees so Yin decided to help her.

Yin:" Are you alr-!"

After Yin looked at her closely, he finally recognises the spirit in front of him.

It was Shizu and she also got surprised by Yin's sudden appearance but was able to compose herself and smile at him.

Shizu:" Yes, i'm alright. Thank you, Yin"

Yin:" I didn't expect you to expose yourself like this"

Shizu:" Well, something happened back home so i had no choice but to come find you"

Yin:" Find me? Is it related as to why your fighting DEM wizards?"

Shizu:" DEM? You know them?"

Yin:" I do, but let's talk about that later. First let's deal with the people that are coming towards us"

Shizu looked at Yin confused then turned to where Yin was looking and saw a boy with blue hair and brown eyes.

Yin:" I'll tell you this in advance. He's here to take your powers away so if you ever feel threatened by him. Call my name and i'll come to take you away"

He then disappeared ( turned invisible) and Shizu was on guard against the boy while the boy kept walking to her without stopping.

Shizu felt like she was being watched by someone else.

She looked around but couldn't find anyone except the boy.

Shizu:(*mind)" A spirit? No, this feels different. What is he?"

When the blue haired boy is close, she stopped him from going any further by releasing small amount of killing intent.

The boy stopoed and looked a bit terrified but he still had his composed look then he started mumbling to himself which is unaudible to Shizu.

Shizu, though staring at Shido, felt some people watching her from all direction.

She felt threatened and began using her power.


A purple sphere starts to envelop her body.


She muttered as the purple sphere began to dissipate and then she lost consciousness.

The place where she once was is now empty and only left a small crater.

Shido looked on in shock as he looked around in panic.

Meanwhile, Yin is carrying an unconscious Shizu in his arms.

She fainted because of mental fatigue, the fighting drained her so much that her spirit energy is in a critical state.

Yin:" Take a good nap, Shizu. I'll take care of the rest"


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