《The Void Spirit ( Date a Live ) [ ZETA ]》Chapter 20_ A Suspicious Individual


Sigh, why am i not surprised.

I knew this was going to happen but why did i not stop it if one may ask?

Well, to see how strong Miyuki is in combat.

I did see her fight before however, she wasn't even going all out because she was protecting someone back then(i think).

Miyuki:" I told you to not interfere with them yet you still want to proceed"

Tohka:" Give Shido back! "

Miyuki:" Hey! I didn't steal him from you okay... He was supposed to come here alone and talk and nothing more"

Kotori:" Like hell we're gonna believe you!"

Ahh, this girl is so stubborn.

Can't she just believe us for once? I mean, even Shido here had started to see me in a new light.

Shido:" So Yin, can you stop them?"

Yin:" Hmm? Why should i? It's their problem not mine"

Shido:" Well i know what you mean by that but still..."

He looked at them with concern but didn't move because of the pressure that Miyuki is releasing.

He gazes at me again with pleading eyes.


Meanwhile, Tohka and Miyuki are having a sword fight although Tohka mostly uses her spirit power to empower her every strike.

She was able to corner Miyuki because she is using her spirit power however, just as she was about to hit her. Miyuki clicks her tongue and disappear making Tohka hit the ground hard while also creating a dust of smoke.

She looked left and right only to hear someone whisper something to her ear.

Miyuki:" Looking for me?"

Tohka:" Wha-!"

She turned around and saw Miyuki totally unhurt and was smirking.

Tohka:" When did you -"

Miyuki:" What are you talking about? I've been here this entire time"

Tohka looked at her in disbelief, without knowing that the one she was fighting was actually just an illusion made up of spirit energy.


Back to Yin and Shido

Yin:"Fine, just this once"

I sighed and went in between the two as they were about to clash swords.

I grabbed both of their weapon and disarmed them by force.

Miyuki:" Hey Yin! Why did you stop us?"

She stared at me after stating her statement

Yin:" Can you just calm down and wait for a few minutes?"

Miyuki:" Hmpf! Fine, after this we're going home right?"

Yin:" Nope. You can go now since we're practically done here"

Miyuki:" Oh! You should've said so sooner! I left the game on my room open so i have to hurry"

I teleported with her back to the house and once there, she immediately dash to her room.

I went back to meet Shido and the rest and tell them about something that I'm curious about.

Yin:" Kotori, Can you tell me the real reason why Ratatoskr is helping us spirits?"

Kotori was taken aback by the sudden question but she denied about not knowing anything about it much to my disappointment.

I told them that they can go home now since the reason we came here was for Shido to get Miku's power from me.

The others were shocked to learn that i transferred her power to Shido but still think that it's normal for me.


I teleported them all to their house and also went to Miku's house to meet with her.

To be honest, i don't like the idea of altering or harming spirits so i guess i have to go and talk to her.

I went around the mansion (w/ invisibility) and didn't see Miku anywhere so i went inside and go to her room.

When i arrived there, i saw her sleeping on the bed.

I deactivated my invisibility and went to get a chair to sit on as i looked outside the window.

A few hours of waiting and she finally woke up.

She yawned and rubbed her eyes as she looked around her room.

When she saw me, her eyes widen and rushed to tackle me into a hug.

Miku:" Darling! I missed you!"

I smiled and caress her hair as she nuzzles into my chest.

Yin:" Yeah, me too."

We continued to embrace each other and separated after a couple minutes.

Yin:" Actually i came here to tell you something"

Miku:" Yes!? What is it?"

Yin:" I gave your powers to Shido and now he has access to your power"

Miku:" ... Is that so... Well, if that is your decision then i won't object.

Yin:" Yes and also, because of that i need to alter or erase my existence in your memo—"

I was quickly interrupted when she yelled.

Miku:" NO!"

Yin:" At least let me finish."

Miku:" I already what you're going to say but why?..."

She looked at me with a confused expression.

Miku:" It's okay to just give him access to my power but... Please don't make me forget about you darling"

She starts sobbing and looked down

Yin:" Please don't be so down. You're making it harder for me to endure"

I thought while looking at Miku who was sobbing because of what i might do to her memory.

Miku:" Please darling, don't... Alter my memory.... Am i not good enough for you? "

She said in a pleading tone as she start grabbing unto my shirt and grips my clothes hard.

I felt my chest tighten seeing her act like this in front of me.

I took a deep breath and told her why she needs to forget about me but she won't even allow me continue speaking as she kept telling me to not do it.

Miku:" Please don't make me forget about you darling... I don't have anyone anymore .... I'm scared of losing you"

She said as she stared into my eyes with tears running down her cheeks.

Seeing her like this I can't help but feel hurt and bad about it so i took back my words.

Yin:" Okay fine, I won't alter your memories."

Miku:" R-really?"

She said, doubtful about what i said.

Yin:" Yeah or do you want me to take it back?"

She quickly shook her head in denial

She smiled and hugged me tightly, after a few seconds we separated and she was about to kiss me but i stopped her by putting my index finger on her lips.

Yin:" Don't get too carried away there Miku."

Miku:" Eh?! But it's just one kiss. I promise it won't hurt"


Yin:" That's not what i meant idiot"

Miku:" Ow! That hurts!"

Yin:" No it doesn't"

She pouted cutely as i chuckled at her pouting.

She asked me why i was chuckling and i told her that she looked cute when she does that and she blushed.

She tried covering her embarrassment by putting both of her hands on her face but it was useless because i can still see her ears which are slightly red.

I stood up and told her that i'm going home for today but she insisted that i stay with her for a bit since it's been a long time since we haven't met so i did.

"Not like I'm doing anything important if i came back home so soon."

I thought as i followed Miku to the kitchen of her house.


Somewhere on a forest near where Shizu lives, some people were walking trying to find their said target.

Man 1:" Hey! Are you sure sir Westcott said that this is the place?"

Man 2:" Of course i am, I'm not deaf you know! "

Man 1:" But we've been walking for hours and all we've seen thus far are trees"

Man 3:" Are you doubting Sir Westcott's intel? "

He glared at him.

Man 1:" N-No of course not"

Man 2:" If so then stop complaining and keep walking"

The man 1 stopped complaining and obeyed his superiors order.

While they were walking they found a house.

The 3 men looked at each other and nodded in agreement on investigating the place.

Though unbeknownst to them, someone is already looking down on them as if they are nothing but disposable tools.

She glared at them which sent shivers down the 3 men's spines.

They all looked behind them but they didn't see anyone so they proceeded in entering the house

Shizu:" No one gave you permission to enter here"

The 3 men looked at the women at the door in shock because they didn't even hear or sense her presence.

All 3 of them tried attacking her but to their surprise, the roots of the trees defended her and then hastily disarmed them.

They are now held up in the air as the roots held them up on their wrist.

When they looked at her they saw her glaring at them with extreme bloodlust.

This scared them and fear slowly entered their minds.

Man 1:" I shouldn't have accepted his request!"

Shouts the man whom was complaining earlier.

His body was pierced by sharp spikes made of wood and after being pierced by it, he was dropped to the ground while the others could only look at their companion helplessly.

Shizu:" One down, two to go"

She said as she glances to the two making both of them tremble in fear.

Shizu:" Now then, any last words?"

Both of them remained silent and Shizu finished both of them off with a single strike each.

Shizu:(*sigh)" Strange... This is the first time humans have ever entered this place...."

She thought about why they would go here and how they found this place.

Just then, she remembered one of the intruders that she killed yelled something useful.

Shizu:" Accepted.... Request.... How did they even find this place?"

Not knowing anything about the outside world, she can only rely on one person to know who it might be that attacked her.

Shizu:" If i remember correctly he should be in Tengu city......(*sigh) i'm definitely going to have a hard time finding him"

She said and left the place to inform him about the intruders that attacked her.


Yin, Miyuki and Kurumi are currently strolling the city together and felt like they were being watched.

Miku didn't come with them because she said she had rehearsals to do today but said that she's free tomorrow.

She made a promise to Yin to have a date with him tomorrow so they made a plan to meet at her house.

Yin feels uncomfortable knowing that he is being watched by someone so he tried acting normal.

Kurumi knows who it is while Miyuki is clueless about it and Yin already made a guess of who it might be.

While walking together they saw Shido with Yoshino having fun.

They didn't bother them and kept on strolling the city but they come to a stop when Yin suddenly said something.

Yin:" I can feel a spirit following Shido these past few days and just now that spirit is also here watching Shido "

Kurumi:" Oh! So you noticed it too?"

Yin:" Yes, but something tells me that this one is just like us. By us i mean a pure spirit"

Kurumi:" Oh! Is she strong?"

Yin:" Hmm, i can sense familiar energy from her"

Kurumi:" Well this is interesting. Should i go and do a little investigation?"

Yin:" Suit yourself. Even if i said no you would still go and do it yourself wouldn't you"

Kurumi:" Ara ara~ you know me so well don't you Yin"

Yin:" Well what can i say? Once something catches your eye, something is bound to happen"

Miyuki:" Yeah! That's right! Just like those cats that ran away from you"

Kurumi hid her face with her hands to hide the embarrassed face that she's making.

Seeing this, Yin chuckled and let her go because she looks to embarrassed to look at him.

She slightly lifted up her chin to look at him with one eye and nod then walks away.

After she left, Yin and Miyuki continued strolling and went to the mall then entered a book store.

They looked around to see if any of the books interested them, unfortunately none of the books aligned with their interest.

However, Yin saw a book that he is very familiar with.

He took it and read a page of the book.

Yin:(*low voice)" The one within.......isn't this...."

He took the book and bought it much to Miyuki's confusion.

Once they were outside the bookstore Miyuki asks Yin what kind of book did he buy.

Yin:" It's too soon for you to know"

Miyuki:" Ehh!? Come on please let me read it"

Yin:" No, you can't and you mustn't read this"

Miyuki:" Then how come you're okay reading it and not me?"

Yin:" Because i said so"

Miyuki pouted and decided not to pursue the topic any longer however she made a plan to sneak into his room at night to see the title of the book.

And with that, they continued to enjoy the day without anyone interrupting their quality time.


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