《The Void Spirit ( Date a Live ) [ ZETA ]》Chapter 18_Return


Three days passed since i returned to Shizu and it has been quite relaxing with nothing major going on.

Though i might get an earful of complaints when i return to Tengu city.

The thing is, i forgot to tell Miyuki that i will be out of the city for about a week.

Well, she can't really get mad at me... At least i hope so.

Living in this peaceful forest with a beautiful girl by my side sounds romantic.

Shizu:" By the way, where have you been this last few years? Why haven't you come and visited me during our promised year visits?"

She said with a rather serious expression while pouring me tea.

Yin:" hm... I'm currently staying on Tengu city and well, a lot of things have happened so i wasn't able to come."

I said in a calm manner, closing my eyes while sipping tea from the cup.

Shizu:" mhm... Is that so? Well, i'm just glad that you finally came back even though you'll only stay here for a week"

She said looking down with a smile on her face but her eyes says otherwise.

I noticed this and thought about something.

Yin:" Then..."

Shizu:" mhm?"

Yin:" Why not come with me to the city?"

She thought about it for a second and i waited for her answer.

After a while of her thinking about it, she refused .

Yin:" You still hate humans huh.."

Shizu:" Of course i do"

Yin:" That was years ago"

Back then, we actually visited a city.

At first it was good that she was enjoying herself however, some idiot just have to ruin her mood and change her view of humanity.


They were both walking side by side on the park and no one was around them.

While taking a walk, some stranger, a few meters away from them, stopped them on their tracks

Stranger:" Hey pretty lady!"

The stranger called out to Shizu with me by her side.

Shizu:" What?"

Stranger:" Why don't you ditch this dull guy and come with me"

Shizu:" Huh? Why should i?"

Stranger:" I'm sure i can make your time worthwhile"

He said, licking his lips in a lustful manner.

Yin:(thoughts)" Aah, this guy is so dead"

Shizu:" Hah! No, why should i even go with the likes of someone like you!?"

She said in a pissed off tone.

Stranger:" Oh come on, i mean look at him, his ugly and he looks weak. He can't protect you but i sure can."

Yin grew a tick mark on his forehead after he heard that this stranger called him a weakling.

Shizu:" You... How dare you!"

She kicked him in the gut making the man fall on his knees while grabbing his stomach.

The man looked at Shizu with hateful eyes while gritting his teeth.

Stranger:" You bitch!"

The man assaulted Shizu and tried to knock her unconscious but luckily, Yin was with her and he punched the man in the face.

Yin:" That should take care of it"

Just as he said that, the man stands up and showed them something like a necklace.


The necklace then started to glow and some sort of armour enveloped his body.

Stranger:" You leave me no choice kid, why don't you run away and get out of here and leave the pretty lady here as well!"

Yin:(*smirk)" What if... No!"

Stranger:" Then DIE!!!"

The man charged at Yin with an abnormal speed and slashed him with an energy sword that he got out of nowhere.

Yin dodge it by moving to the side but the man was relentless.

He kept attacking Yin without giving him enough time to rest however, all of his attacks missed which made him mad.

His eyes landed on Shizu and grinned, dashing towards her in a blink of an eye.

Yin quickly noticed this and teleported in front of her, resulting in him lowering his guard which made the stranger's blade pierce his body.

The man smirked assuming that he had finally gotten rid of him.

Yin looked Shizu and smiled knowing that she was okay.

A few seconds later, Yin fell down and closes his eyes.

Shizu was left frozen in place as she stared at Yin's corpse.

She fell unto her knees, touched his face and put her other arm on the back of his head to support him with tears starting to fall from her eyes.

She embraced him with their face close to each other.

Stranger:" Hah! That's what that brat gets for getting in the way of my fun!"

The man declared arrogantly while walking towards Shizu.

Shizu on the other hand was shaking not because she was afraid of the man but because she was furious about what he did.

All she wanted was someone to be with her and cherish her but all of it was destroyed by some man who she doesn't even know.

The man kept on boasting how great himself was and many other things that only made Shizu's mood worsen.

After a while, she separated herself from Yin and stands up, glaring to the stranger who murdered her precious man.


Her voice full of hatred.

Shizu:" .

Her body starts emitting dark blue particles and her energy has started to increase rapidly.

The man quickly took notice of this and backed away from Shizu knowing fully well how dangerous she had just become.

Stranger:" Just my luck! So you're a spirit hah! Good thing i came prepared"

The man said and readied a fighting stance.

Unbeknownst to them both, Yin was actually just pretending to be dead to see how they would react and sure enough, he was satisfied with the results.

Shizu dashed towards the man stabs him in the gut but a forcefield was erected and it was blocked.

The man smirked and slashed to her side but Shizu was fast enough to avoid it.

Even though Shizu was furious, her mind was calm.

The man fired laser beams straight at her but Shizu ran to the side with multiple beams right behind her.

Some of his attacks hits her but it was not fatal.


He said while still shooting at her without stopping.

She let out an annoyed sigh as she suddenly stopped.


The laser beams were being blocked by Shizu's own barrier.

She prepared an attack big enough to destroy the whole place that they are currently at.

Yin stood up and teleported next to Shizu to stop her from destroying the place.

He hugged her from behind which made her flinch because of the sudden contact.

Yin:" It's fine now... You don't have to release it"

He said in a calm and comforting manner.

Shizu's eyes widen after hearing a familiar voice and when she turned to look at the person she starts to tear up.

Shizu:" Y-Yin! *sob* is that *sob* really *sob* you?"

Yin:" Yes, it's me. If i was dead i wouldn't be able to touch you now, would i?!"

He said in a joking tone which made Shizu broke down to tears and hugged him tight completely ignoring that she was on a fight.

Stranger:" How!? How are you still alive?!"

Yin:" uhm... Because i'm not dead?"

This made the man angry and charged right at them but when he got close, a portal appeared where he completely entered through it and it brought him to a new place.

No, it's like a new world.

What he saw horrified him and made him scared for his life.

The place he was currently in was a dark forest that's crawling with centipedes, worms and other unrecognizable creatures that wiggles around.

Soon after he saw a human skeleton with bugs crawling out of it's eye section which made his skin crawl.

Some bugs approached him and some have bitten his leg causing him to be poisoned by it.

Everytime he dies, he would wake up again and again only to experience the same torture that he felt.

He killed them continuously but it didn't do much because they would only multiply and come to attack him.

At this moment, he felt terror, fear, despair and helplessness.

He was tortured mentally without stop and this continued for a century and he was finally able to get out.

When he got out, he had a blank face, his pupils were lifeless and his arrogant attitude was gone.

Shizu saw him and was about to kill him but Yin stopped her and said that there is no point in doing so.

She was going to ask Yin what happened to him but decided against it knowing that he will probably deny it.

Shizu:" Hey, Yin"

She said still looking at the man who was staring into nothing.

Yin:" Yeah?"

Shizu:" You know, I come to hate humans after all"

Yin:" Is it because of what happened today?"

Shizu:" Yeah, i don't want to associate with them anymore"

Yin:" That so?... I understand. Wanna go back to the forest?"

Shizu nodded and Yin teleported them back to the forest, leaving the stranger behind.


It's not that uncommon that people lost faith in humanity but she could've given them a chance.

Yin:" Well, not all humans are bad. I'm sure you've met some of them before right?!"

Shizu nodded lightly but still wouldn't admit that she wants to converse with them.

Yin:" If you don't want to talk to them that's fine by me, but, at least make one human friend out there. It wouldn't hurt to at least try"

Shizu:" Heeh... Says the one who doesn't even have a human friend"

Yin:" actually i have human friends"

Shizu:" Eh?

Yin:" What? It's not that strange is it?"

Shizu:" No, i mean. You!? Having human friends?"

Yin:" Hey! What does that supposed to mean!?"

Shizu:" Nothing"

Yin:" Anyway, did something happen while i was gone?"

Shizu:" mhm... Well, i felt a spiritual energy on space a few years ago, so i guess that's something."

Yin:" Outside earth huh... Interesting"

Come to think of it, I haven't met any creatures other than this planet have i...

Shizu:" Let me guess, you're gonna check it out by yourself."

Yin:" Yeah but i think i won't bother her for now"

Shizu:" Why? Aren't you interested?"

Yin:" I am, though i have other things to take care of before i meet her"

Shizu:" Is that so"

We continued talking about idle things just to get ourselves out of boredom.

We also played some games that are quite easy to play and the winner would always be me while Shizu would always complain about how unfair the game was.

And just like that, four days passed and it was time for me to go back to the city.

Yin:" I'm going back now, are you sure you're okay staying here?"

Shizu:" Yes, I don't really like crowded places so staying here might be good for me."

Yin:" Well, if that's what you want then i won't force you"

I said to her, giving her a soft smile and i saw her blush a little.


I started levitating and finally took off, heading straight to Tengu city.

Shizu:(*whisper)" stay safe out there Yin"


While flying, i started thinking about what to do with Miku's power.

I did alter her power but some of her it is still in my possession.

I thought about making another spirit like Miyuki but i feel like it wouldn't be a good idea because if i create another spirit with similar strength to Miyuki, i may not be able to keep them well behaved.

As i was flying, a bird hits me in the face pretty hard that even its feathers start to fall off.

I stopped for a moment and grabbed the bird which was on the verge of dying because of how hard it hits my face.

I immediately went and healed the poor bird using my power.

After i healed it, it quickly flew away but not before turning back to look at me.

While gazing at the sky, i remembered something that i should've just done from the start.

Yin:" Why don't i just give Miku's power to Shido? I think it would be beneficial for him since his job is to seal them and besides. It would make him stronger this way"

I made my decision and went back to the city.

After i arrived, i was met with a pouting Miyuki in front of the door.

She didn't give me enough time to explain and straight up scolded me for an hour, telling me that i should've texted her if something happened.

"Women are scary" was what i thought while still sitting on a couch with Miyuki staring at me while pouting.


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