《The Void Spirit ( Date a Live ) [ ZETA ]》Chapter 17_The Reunion


~~Flashback 16 years ago~~

While Yin was still exploring the world out of curiosity he stumbled upon a thick forest and entered carelessly that led to him being stranded and stuck in the middle of it.

It was in the afternoon that he got lost and he still haven't made any progress of moving forward.

Now it was night time and Yin was having a hard time getting out of the forest since the night is not as bright as the other nights he had seen.

Everywhere he look is full of trees, leaves and grass.

He wants to explore more but it is too dark and he can't even see the ground properly.

He kept walking and walking until he found a house,

The paved road indicates that someone lives in this house and his actions have been very careful after seeing that house.

There were multiple lights visible on the house window and there was a shadow of someone writing inside the house.

His first thought was that, this person seemed strange because of how far they are from the city.

He didn't get close to the house but instead climbed to a nearby tree and observe them for a while.

He kept on watching them until the lights went out and he thought that they probably went to sleep.

He slept on the tree alone and didn't bother the person inside the house because he thinks that if he did, they will be alerted and probably fight him.

Morning arrived and he stretched out his arms and legs, after waking up he looked down to see if they have come out of the house.

His curiosity about the unknown is very strong so he waited for them to come out.

After a while of waiting, there came out a beautiful girl with white hair, blue eyes, wears a red dress and she looks 16 to 17 years of age.

Yin:" Why is someone like her living in fhis forest?" Is what he was thinking while he was staring at her.

The girl didn't notice him and continued on doing her usual work which intrigued Yin because of how amazing she does her work.

Yin:" Is she living here alone? I don't sense any living being here except her." He asked himself because of how strange it is.

While he was observing her, he noticed a very interesting trick that made him think that she is not normal.

The girl crouched down and dug a tiny hole then put some flower seeds in it.

After she was done planting she covered it up with the used up dirt and streched out her right hand.

The girl then closed her eyes and begins to concentrate.

After a while her hand glowed a deep bright blue and some particles starts to envelop her body.

Yin sensed a strong surge of energy coming from her and this put him on guard against her.

Once the bright light die down, Yin saw the newly planted seed bloom into a beautiful blue flower

His eyes widen in surprise when he saw the flower and stared at her for a few more minutes.

Yin:" She has to be a spirit but why can't I sense any spirit power from her? Does she have the power to conceal it?" Questions popped into his mind after witnessing her doing stuff that normal humans would never have achieved.


The girl walked away from the flower with a smile on her face and went to the river.

Yin followed her, still concealing his presence and power.

When they arrived on the river, Yin thought that the place was very peaceful and serene.

The girl was looking around, finding a good place to sit and when she did she sat there and summoned a violin

She then took the violin, closes her eyes and starts playing a song which sounded good and meaningful that would make the listeners feel as if the one playing it has experience sadness.

Soon after, birds came and listened to the song being played by a beautiful girl alone, right beside the river.

Everytime she changes the melody of the song, her expression changes to that of someone that is sad and lonely.

Yin:" I wonder what she's thinking when playing this song" he thought to himself.

Even if he is powerful, he is not omnipotent to the point that he would call himself an incarceration of god.

He cannot read other people's minds but what he can do is look into their memories to get what he wanted to know.

After the girl finished playing the violin she let out a sigh and looked up in the sky.

???:" If only I have a true friend that truly cares" She mutters to herself, still not noticing that Yin was staring at her full of curiosity.

Yin's eyes widened when he heard her mutter something about friendship.

Even though he heard it clearly he still didn't come out and reveal himself to her.

Afraid of scaring her, he thinks of possible ways so that she can approach him without being hostile.

He thought of so many ways but everytime he thought of the end result, it wasn't good.

While still in his own little world, the girl starts heading back to the house without him noticing it.

It was now noon and Yin is still in deep thought about what to do but after realizing that she was gone he looked around to see if there are any signs of her but to no avail.

He quickly went back to the house where she lives and saw her sleeping peacefully with her head on the table.

He places his hand on her forehead to see her memories and know what she has been through and why she was alone in this forest.

While he was looking into her memories, sudden rustling can be heard around them and he quickly detected some animals or more specifically bears that are hostile to them.

He let out some of his killing intent but they didn't seem to notice it so they attacked them.

Yin let out a sigh and teleported them far away so that he won't create too much noise.

After dealing with those bears he shift his focus on the girl and scanned her memories.

He closed his eyes and concentrates on her.

He was quite surprised to know that she is not human and that she has been in this forest her whole life.

Feeling sad for her situation he decides to stop scanning her memories.

After he was done, his eyes widen when the said girl was staring at him with a confused look.


He was about to run away when she suddenly grabbed his hand,stopping him from leaving her alone.

???:" Who are you?" She asked, staring right into his eyes with the look of curiosity.

Yin on the otherhand was panicking because he had not been touched by anyone.

Yin:"Y-Yin" he said in a low voice while trying to avoid eye contact.

???:" Yin, mhm... What were you doing to me just now?" She asks while trying to analyze his intentions.

Yin:" Nothing..."

???:" You lied." She said and looked at him with a serious expression and grips his hand tight.

Yin:" Like i told you it was nothing"

???:" I can tell that you're lying. Just tell me the truth" she said, demanding for a satisfying answer.

Yin thought about it and in the end complied to her demanding tone.

Yin:(*sigh)" Fine, you win... I was looking into your memories"

???:" Why?"

Yin:" Because I'm interested in you"

???:"...... Eh?.... W-w-what, huh, wait, this is so sudden" she said, letting go of his hand and covering her flustered face.

Yin:" O-Oi! You okay? Your face looks red"

???:" I-I'm f-fine, uhm, Yin. Why is it that your interested in me? I'm not that interesting you know"

Yin:" Well~ you live here, deep in the forest and living here alone. You're not human and i find it quite amazing that the first spirit that i saw is you. I didn't even detect any spirit powet from you and i still don't know why after i scanned through your memory i didn't see anything odd that may have been the reason for me not detecting you."

???:" Scanned through my memories..."

She mutters and looks back on the things that she did and rralized that he may have seen something unsightly so she tries to cover herself up with her hands.

???:" Pervert..."

Yin was confused as to why he was being called a pervert, he tried tracing back to know exactly why he is being called this but he doesn't know what it is so he brushed it off.

Yin:" So, what's your name?"

???:" Name?

Yin:" Yeah"

???:" Hmm.... I forgot"

Yin:"... Huh?"

???:" I forgot"

Yin:" What?"

???:" I forgot"

Yin:" How?"

???:" I forgot"

She kept replying in a monotone voice and Yin just stared at her blankly.

Yin:(*sigh)" Do you...want me to give you a name?"

Her eyes widen in surprise and started to sparkle brightly which made Yin feel pressured.

Giving someone a name is more difficult than it seems and Yin is not good in thinking up names that may be suitable for them.

Yin starts thinking of a name that suits her best.

Yin:" Shizuka... Shizu..."


Yin:" How about it? Shizu!?"

Shizuka:" Shizu...mhm yes, i like it"

She said and went to hug him for reasons unknown.

After she hugged him, he hugged her back and they stayed like this for a few minutes before separating from each other.

Shizu:" So... What are doing here? It should nearly be impossible to find this place."

Yin:" Well, I was just exploring this forest and got lost in the process. "

Shizu looked at him and laughed knowing that someone like him was actually able to get there.

Shizu:" I guess we are destined to meet each other Yin"

Yin:" So it seems."

They spent their day, talking to each other with mostly Yin telling her stories about his travels.

Yin's arrival actually made her happy and she got too comfortable living with him.

Their interactions were very intimate and entertaining because Yin tried making her feel happy.

They would get closer to each other as days passes by and Shizu's feelings for him grew while Yin didn't even notice this because he is being oblivious.

And just like that, 8 months passed and it was time for Yin to continue his exploration

Yin and Shizu were became close to each other that one would mistake them as a married couple.

Before Yin left, they both made a promise that he would visit her every five years.

And with that, he started flying away and left Shizu on her own.

Flashback end~~


It was morning next day and we can see a man starting to open his eyes and this man is Yin.

Yin woke up and starts to look around him but he can only see rocks, water and the sakura tree.

He felt relaxed after taking a rest underneath the sakura tree because the tree prevents any corruption or curse to break out.

He stretched his arms and legs then he started getting up, preparing himself to get ready to depart.

He concentrated his power to locate Shizu's location and he was having a hard time because the forest in which Shizu resides has a barrier that conceals her presence.

A few minutes later, he finally found a trace and quickly flew to the said location.

Yin:"Why do i feel like i forgot something"

He thought to himself while he is still flying up in the air.


Meanwhile in his house

Miyuki is still playing games and the game she mostly plays are fighting games.

While she was playing, she suddenly sneezed.

Miyuki:" Is someone talking about me?!"

She said to herself while rubbing her nose but she shrugged it off and continued playing the game.


Back to Yin

Yin:" Nah, it's probably nothing"

He accelerated his speed and continued going towards his destination.

When he arrived inside the forest, he instantly senses someone approaching him at high speed.

When he looked to see who it was he immediately recognizes the hair of the girl and the aura that she is leaking.

She hugged him tightly with her head in my chest.

Shizu:" You finally came..."

She said in a low voice while still hugging him tightly.

Yin:" Yeah... Sorry it took so long to see you again"

He said, returning the hug with one of his hand patting her head.

They stayed like this for a while and then they separated from each other's embrace.

Shizu:" Welcome back Yin!"

She said joyfully and giving him a wide smile.

Yin:" Thanks..."

He said with a soft smile on his face and Shizu blushed seeing that she was able to talk to him again.


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