《The Void Spirit ( Date a Live ) [ ZETA ]》Chapter 16_A Place...


After the events that occured a few days ago where Miku calling out to him using the nickname darling.

News spread quickly in finding out who the mysterious man who was able to charm Miku's heart.

Even Shido was surprised after he got a report from Ratatoskr that Miku's spirit power is sealed.

Only one person come to Shido and Kotori's mind after knowing that Miku was sealed and it was Yin.

They never expected him to seal Miku after the fight.

Kotori:" Aah~ Shido i think you need to step up your game."

Shido:" Huh? What does that mean!?"

Kotori:" What i mean is that you should learn a little more about how a women's heart work"

Shido:" How am i supposed to do that? I'm not Yin you know"

Kotori:" Then maybe you could learn something from him. He did take {} and even that Miyuki too"

Shido wondered why Miyuki wasn't in the fight that night and can only think that Yin must've said something to her so that she won't interfere to him.

But unbeknownst to him, reality is very different from what he was imagining.

Shido:" Yeah, by the way Kotori do you think Kai knows that Sato-san is a spirit?"

Kotori:" mhm... I don't know, it would be better to ask the person himself though i doubt he would tell us anything useful"

She was right, Yin already warned Shido about not interfering in their internal affairs though his curiosity about them still stands

Shido:" I will talk to him"

He said with a determined look and Kotori smiled seeing her big brother acting like this.

Kotori:" Okay, I'll count on you...onii-chan!"

She said as she teleported to Fraxinus and do her daily routine on the ship.

Meanwhile Yin went to the city to hang out for a while.

He wandered from place to place and sometimes bumps into his classmates though he didn't really interact with them.

There were even some people with bad intentions that followed him, Yin noticed this and went to an alley to deal with them.

After leading them to the alley, they put on an evil grin and took out their knives and slowly closes the distance between them.

Once close enough, one of them tried stabbing him in the back but that only backfired when the knife was redirected at him causing him to scream in pain because of his eye injury.

The others looked at each other and rushed to attack Yin but all of a sudden a portal appeared in front of them causing them to be transported to a different realm which Yin calls it [] the realm of torture, pain and suffering.

Yin:" I already warned you and yet you still attack me. Fools."

He said to the man on the ground who was looking at him with fear and breathing heavily as he covers his injured eye with his hand.

Yin sighed and materialized a short sword and pointed it at the man's neck.

Yin:" Tell me something, Do you want to live? If you don't answer then i will take it as a no."


The man was too scared that he can't even think straight and can only curse his own self.

He doesn't really care about his allies nor friends, he cares more about himself and saying things like " as long as I'm alive its fine".

The man found his hope when Yin mentions if he wants to live but unbeknownst to him.

Yin saw through all of this and killed him on the spot without the man being able to respond.

???:" Ara ara~ fancy meeting you here Yin"

A girl in a gothic red dress, red eye on her right and a golden clock eye on the left.

Yin instantly knew who it was the moment he heard the voice but he didn't face her and only stared at the corpse beneath him.

Yin:" What a coincidence. What are you doing here Kurumi?"

Kurumi:" It's nothing really. I was just curious about the sudden fluctuations of spirit energy in this area. I never suspected it to be you"

Yin:" is that so...? "

Kurumi:" well i was also curious on what you did to those other men."

Yin faced Kurumi and sigh knowing that even if he tries to avoid the topic she would pursue this matter repeatedly which is very troublesome for him.

So, he took a deep breath and started explaining what happened to the other men who was sent to the portal.

Yin:" I sent them to a realm where they will not die and keep on living however their mentality is a different matter. Their body won't deteriorate but their mind might break due to extreme stress, pain or suffering."

Kurumi:" So basically, it's like hell in there"

Yin:" Well, you could say that. The time spent here is different from the time spent there. One second in this world is a 100 years in there meaning every second we spend here. They continue to suffer based on their own sin"

Kurumi was shock, she knew that Yin was strong but she didn't think that he was this strong to the point that he might even be called the gate keeper of hell.

However, one thing lingers on her mind.

Kurumi:(mind)" He is acting strange,he normally acts more stealthy but now he's not even using his invisibility. Something doesn't feel right"

Yes, Yin behaves more aggressive after the fight with inverse Tohka.

She doesn't know the reason why he is acting like this but one thing for sure is that she was afraid.

Afraid that something is going to happen that even she would not be able to escape.

Suddenly, a portal appeared in front of Yin and some people are starting to come out from it.

They were the 3 men who tried to kill Yin and take everything he owns but what was more surprising was that their eyes looks like they have given up on life.

Kurumi was surprised to see them, after all, not much of the time was spent and yet they all looked like they never wanted to live again.

Yin:" If you want you can take their time. I don't need them after all"


She could only smile wryly and devoured them into the shadows.

After a quick exchange of looks, Kurumi left and assimilate into the shadows.

Yin on the other hand, starts walking out of the alley and act like nothing happened.


I'm currently wandering the city because I'm bored being inside the house.

Some guys tried attacking me earlier but i dealt with them.

Though i think i went a bit too far with the way i killed them but that's what they get for trying to harm me.

I walked around the city to see what happened after the event and it looks like no one even cares about all that.

I guess they rely on the AST too much for protection even though other organizations are doing most of the work.

I was watching people have fun with their friends, family or lover is kinda hard to watch.

Especially, lovers. Why the heck would they flirt in a public area i mean isn't it embarrassing being watched by other stranger.

I kept walking around the city and saw some stores that caught my interest especially on the accessory stores.

I walked into one of the stores and looked around to see many different designs which I actually like.

After i entered the store, their attention landed on ne and it kinda made me a bit uncomfortable being stared at by some strangers.

Come to think of it, last time i was with Miyuki, we also got lots of people staring at us.

I wonder why they're staring like I am some kind of prey.

Well... It's better to just ignore them and start looking around for anything that might pique my interest.

I looked around from one accessory to another and some of its designs are great not gonna lie.

I keep looking around and spotted something that i find quite interesting.

It was a ring but it's only for fashion not for engagement nor marriage rings.

The ring had black outside layer with red designs and red on the inside.

I tried it on and it fits perfectly on my finger.

I bought the ring and put it on my pocket for now.

Letting other stranger see it might try and approach me and make up excuses just to get it from me or worse, force their way to get it.

Well, even if they did try to take it by force they won't be able to obtain it from me.

I walked out of the store and starts heading to a park.

While I was walking, I remembered someone who I hadn't met for 15 years and the promise I made to them that I almost forgot.



???:" If you have time, please do come and visit me again."

Yin:" Sure, I'll keep that in mind."

???:" Promise?"

Yin:" Promise"

???:" Alright, you better not forget this promise!"

Yin:" Hahaha sure, sure"


Meanwhile in a forest

There was a girl with white hair and a pair of blue eyes, wearing a red dress.

She is currently sitting on a rocking chair on the balcony and she is also feeling lonely because a certain someone is not there with her for years.

She love him even though it's a one sided love.

He doesn't know this woman's feelings for him and he only treats her as his best friend.

???:" Yin... How much longer do i have to wait....?"

She said, looking up in the clear blue sky with a single tear rolling down her cheek before closing her eyes.


Back to Yin

For 15 years, the promise that he was suppose to keep was for him to visit her every 5 years however he was only able to visit her once and that was 10 years ago.

After realizing that he messed up, he starts to panic and think of excuses to tell her.

Though even if he did try and make excuses it would be futile because she can clearly detect when someone is lying.

Just like Yin, that girl was a pure born spirit however, no one knows of her existence because she never caused any destruction nor have any interaction with anyone.

With the exception of Yin of course.

Yin:" I'll have to visit her tomorrow morning... (*Sigh) i hope i don't get lost like last time"

He said with a smile on his face.

Then suddenly, he felt dizzy for only a few seconds .

Yin:" Tsk... I'm starting to lose control again."

He said, looking at his right hand with markings that's slowly fading.

The markings on his right arm is what's helping him prevent his immense power from emerging .

He did try to meditate inside his realm of consciousness and calm his love for battle but it was very difficult because his body and mind acts differently.

His body craves for battle while his mind wants nothing to do with battle.

This only happened because he increased his power fighting Tenka, completely ignoring the consequence of his actions.

After feeling that he can't contain his power much longer.

He teleported to a place where only he knows the location and didn't tell anyone about it because he thinks that if he told someone about it they might destroy the only place that can ease himself.

The place he teleported to was outside the city where probably no one has ever come to.

It was a beautiful sight where the light is shining on a single sakura tree in the middle of a cavern, surrounded by water with a trail of stone path leading to the tree.

The place was quite peaceful with birds chirping above the opening cavern.

Yin:" It's been 18 years since i first came here and it's still the best place that i can think of..."

He sai,d, walking close to the tree and lays down beside the sakura tree before closing his eyes to enjoy the peace and quiet of the place.

He feels himself relaxing and the marking on his right hand starts to come back and slowly conceals itself for others not to see.

After an hour, he falls asleep and dreams of how he first met the girl that he promised to visit.


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