《The Void Spirit ( Date a Live ) [ ZETA ]》Chapter 15_Tenka


Why does it have to happen now... I expected things to go smoothly after i left but it seems fate has other plans for me.

Inverse spirits are very different from normal spirits and one of them is their power.

Inverse spirits have more destructive and dark power than normal spirits and pure spirits who goes inverse have a different persona.

They also have names of their own and has control over themselves.

Spirits who are not pure born are different because once they turn inverse.

They would lose their ability to think carefully and become a living catastrophe that only attacks and one can't even negotiate with them.

Yin:" So~~ Whatever should i do? "

I look to Kurumi who is right beside me watching Tohka attacking Ellen violently.

Kurumi:" So what is your plan now? Surely you won't abandon them after coming this far in helping them."

Yin:" I'm.... Going to try and fight her. Wanna watch? "

She shook her head and refuses to get close to the fight between Tohka and Ellen.

Yin:" Alright then, I'm going now. See ya! "

I then teleported back to where i left them before and saw how the floor was heavily damaged.

Tohka slowly descends from the sky and stares at them.

Tohka's tone when talking seems very different than her usual tone and she seemed to have forgotten who Shido is.

Miku on the otherhand is complaining to Shido about them.

Miku:" Hey, i thought you knew each other. Anyway, she looks like she's super strong and didn't need you to come save her. What the heck is going on?"

Shido:" Don't ask me. I have no idea what's going on..."

Miku:" besides didn't you get stabbed in the chest? Why are you still alive?"

Shido:" It's, uh... An idiosyncrasy..."

Just then Tohka swung her sword that created a dark purple attack and its coming straight at them both

I moved in front of them and counter attacked her by swinging my sword that made a lightning bolt and shot straight ro her attack.

It stopped her attack but my lightning is still moving forward and hits Tohka head on without her notice.

Yin:" I may have strengthen my attack without realizing it."

Shido:" Yin! Where were you?!"

Yin:" Hm? Oh i was with Kurumi for a little while ago."

Shido:" I see. Is Tohka... okay? Can you turn her back to normal?"

I took a glance behind me to see Shido looking at my back as if expecting that i would reverse this change.

Yin:"...No, you do it"

Shido:" Huh? How can i do it"

Yin:(*sigh)" Isn't that your specialty? Sweet talking and other stuff."

Shido:" Wha... I can't even get close to her!"

Yin:" Then i will give you time to get close to her. I will fight her and after that. Go and get her"

Shido nodded and took a step back so that he won't get caught up in the fight.


Miku on the other hand was complaining about uneccesary things to which i ignored completely.

The smoke died down a bit after my supposedly weak attack.

Inverse Tohka can be seen, still standing with a sword on her hand.

She had a bruise on her left arm which is probably from my attack earlier.

Not gonna lie though, she looks quite charming right now with her serious vibe.

I start walking towards her with my sword in my hand, still emiiting sparks of lightning.

Yin:" Before we start, i want to know your name"

???:" There is no point in giving my name to you. But since you're going to die anyway i will tell you."

Since when did Tohka become arrogant.

Tenka:" Tenka, that's my name. I suppose you should state your name as well"

Yin:(*grins)"Yin, remember it well for it will be the last name you will never forget."

I dashed straight to her and surprised her with a slash on the front.

She quickly backed away and came back to attack me with her sword

Yin:(mind)" She's fast"

I teleported behind her and tried hitting her back but she parried it smoothly and sent me a few meters away.

I crashed into a wall but i didn't really feel any pain because my body is very durable.

She dashed towards me and swung her sword but i simply caught it which shocked her.

Tenka:" You bastard... Why won't you just die!?"

Yin:" If it was that easy to kill me i would've been dead a long time ago"

I raised her sword with her still holding unto it and threw it to the side.

Yin:" Heh, i wonder for how long you're going to entertain me"

Tenka:" Tch, you're arrogance is getting on my nerves and that arrogance of yours is going to be my victory."

Yin:" Then defeat, command me to step aside and show me how my arrogance is going to be my downfall"

I smirked and i can feel my aura leaking a bit.

The power that i once locked away is slowly returning back to me.

Just like the day i almost ended humanity's existence.

Yin(mind)" I mustn't let my power take control of my actions."

While i was thinking about myself i saw Tohka on the sky raising her hand and felt that her power is increasing rapidly.

I look to where Shido and Miku were at and they were staring at her with concerned looks on their faces.

Tenka:" Very well! Then i will pulverize you until there is not even a speck left..."

She said and something appeared right above her that looks like a throne but its dark.

After it has completely revealed itself, it shattered into pieces and goes straight into Tenka's sword making it bigger and more powerful.

Tenka:"... With my []!

Yin:"Are you trying to intimidate me with that? Hah! Is that all you can do"

She clicked her tongue and gathered dark energy into her sword.

Her power is growing rapidly with every second that she does it to which i responded by increasing my own power.


Yin:" Ramiel. You should return to your realm for now. I'm not sure if you can withstand the amount of power that I'm about to use."

Ramiel understood my intention and quickly disappears from my hand.

After Ramiel returned, I took a position and started increasing my power.

The rubbles surrounding me is starting to float and the atmosphere is starting to change.

Earthquake can be felt by almost everyone but i controled the magnitude to only be below 7.

Shido and Miku are okay since i put a small barrier so that they won't get hurt from what i am doing.

Just as i was about to fight her again some people started to attack Tenka.

I stopped increasing my power and slowly ascend to see who it was and i was quite surprised that they have the guts to attack her .

Yoshino:" Tohka! What's wrong with you?"

Tenka:" You impudent little..."

Yoshino, or more like, Yoshinon is still attacking her but she doesn't seem to be effected by its attack.

Yoshinon:" What amazing power..."

Yoshino:" Please, Tohka! Please wake up!"

Tenka got annoyed and send them flying away and it also stopped them from attacking.

She looked at me after sending Yoshino flying in mid air.

Yin:" This place is small for a battle."

I used my power to created an orb and let it fall from my grasp and after it touches the floor it instantly wiped out the surrounding area and the whole floor was destroyed.

Just then someone else came and went towards Shido.

It was the Yamai sisters and they were staring at me for some reason.

I glanced back to Tenka and the look on her face right now it that of getting annoyed.

Yin:(*sigh)" Whatever i'm not continuing this fight anymore."

I then teleported to Shido and grabbed him by the shirt.

This alerted the twins but after they realized that it was me they lowered their guard.

Yin:" It's you're turn now"

Shido:" Wait! What are y-"

I didn't let him finish and teleported above Tenka and dropped him off.

Yin:" Just kiss her and be done with it already!"

Shido glanced back and smiled probably thanking me but i ignored that.

Tenka was spacing out, probably remembering something that happened similar to this.

While she was spacing out Shido was already in front of her.

Shido:" Hey, Tohka! I'm here to save you!"

Tenka saw Shido holding Sandalphon and put her guard up.

After Shido realized that she was looking at his weapon he dropped it off and kissed her.

Tenka looked shock and confuse as to why her supposed enemy is kissing her on the battlefield.

But after a while her sword starts to disappear and her clothes went back to normal.

Yin:" I guess I'm done here"

I was about leave when I suddenly felt someone tugging my clothes.

I look back to see who it was and it was Miku looking down while still holding unto me.

Yin:" Do you need something from me?"




Yin:" I can't read your mind you know"

Miku:" I want you to seal me"

Yin:" Why? "

Miku:" Please..."

Hm~ that's strange, why would she come to me if she wants to be sealed.

Yin:" If you want to be sealed go to Shido over there"

Miku:" But i want you to do it"

She looksd straight into my eyes probably saying something that only i have the previlege to do it.

Yin:(*sigh)" Fine, just stand there and close your eyes"

She obeyed and closed her eyes.

I touched her forehead and start sealing her powers or more accurately saying that i took her power from her and put it to a newly created realm.

I then proceeded to modify the conditions so that if she wants to use it, it will only be if her life is in danger or she desired it herself.

I also put a limit on how much power she can use.

After a while of modifying her clothes starts to disappear but i used my powers to create clothes that appeared right before all of her own clothes disappears.

While i was altering her power i sometimes felt like someone or something is preventing me from doing so.

I ignored it since i can endure the shock but it's quite annoying being struck by something i don't even know.

After i finished sealing Miku i took my hand away from her forehead and told her to open her eyes.

Yin:" You can go now, you can still use your voice but you can't use your powers freely."

Miku:" I see. Thank you Yin, no, darling!"

... Huh? Did i just hear that right?.

Yin:" What did you just call me?"

Miku:" Darling!"

She said joyfully and to try and kiss me but i stepped aside to avoid her.

Yin:" haah, didn't you hate men just a while ago?"

Miku:" Of course i do but you're different than those men"

Yin:" Oh?! How so?"

Miku:" Well, you don't look at me with lustful eyes, you saved me multiple times and i feel safe when I'm around you"

Yin:" You think I'm not acting just to get your attention?"

Miku:" Nope, i know you're not acting good just to get my attention"

Yin:" I see... Anyway, you should probably get going now. You still have a performance to perform tomorrow right?!"

She smiled and left with Tohka and the others while Shido went towards me.

He thanked me for helping him save Tohka and the others and asked me to join them but i refused his invitation and teleported back home.

When i got home i saw Miyuki still playing games on her computer and her room is full of unopened snacks.

I sigh and decided to leave her be for the time being and went to my own room to rest for the day.

Yin:" I hope tomorrow won't become a disasterous day"

I said to myself, hoping that there won't be another spirit thag goes berserk like today.

Yin:" Farewell, my peaceful life"

I don't even know why i said that but whatever.


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